
Friday, April 29, 2016

May Fleuriste Paris Map

*Please put PRINCE's THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD on repeat while you read this post.
I've been running all over looking for the most beautiful fleuristes in town this week.
There are far too many to draw in just one map. More fleuriste maps to come dear PBers.
Stephane Chapelle is a don't miss surely. Even their workspace is exquisite 29, rue de Richelieu 75001
Just a few streets over stop in La Palais Royal.
Don't sit down in this chaise SVP. It's an artwork FYI. is a charming tiny shop 14, rue des Saint Pères 75007
The shop front and window are filled with plants for your miniscule jardin on your petit balcon.
Inside wildly romantic. Visit their online shop for more dreams
Paris loves green. Paris loves gardens. A wonderful green garden truck I passed while getting lost looking for flower shops.
Moulie is across from the Assemblee Nationale. The Assemblee has a terrific gift shop if you're into blue-white-red tri-color teapots, towels, pencils. I bought a blue-white-red tooth brush FYI.
Around the corner from Mouliepatisserie Pradier is famous for their chocolate eclairs on 6, rue de Bourgogne 75007. You've been warned.
Inside glorious Adriane M. 4, rue Saint-Dominique 75007
Just say you'd like a carte de magazine (biz card)
Pretend you're an events planner with many weddings up your sleeve.
Same thing with prestigious Lachaume 103, rue Faubourg Saint Honore 75008
Be brave. If I can do it so can you. Its worth it. Mona Lisa move over.
May day is coming up Sunday. Les muguet are all over town. And in chocolate at Hugo et Victor.
SPRING has sprung in Paris!!
As I was running to my print shop I spotted this sign. I've no idea what its about, but all my May bouquets for you are in la Poste on their way.Yay.
I was planning Parisians in the rain for the May Fleuriste Map.
The change in the weather turned umbrellas into bluebirds.
R.I.P. Prince.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

19 Secret Signs of Spring in Paris you may not know about

It took me 3 years living in Paris to 'get' Picard frozen food's annual Italian food promotion (April 4-24) is a sure-fire sign Spring has arrived! Everything is 'elaborée' (made) in Italy. I forget the number of products but it's huge. I, myself have partaken of their pistachio ice cream for 21 days religiously. If you're in Paris and see big signs up saying "CIAO ITALIA" you know Spring has arrived no matter the temperatures or the leafless trees. C'est comme ça.

Every shop suddenly is offering tiny watering cans and mini cutting shears for your possible balcon jardin. I once fell victim to the grow-your-own strawberries in a lovely Spring-green tin can. Forgetabout that happening. Never again. And I don't have a real balcony. Just a bit of rooftop, but I had high hopes.

2 sundays ago it was glorious out. It must be official 'GET YOUR 1ST ICE CREAM' of the season. Ile Saint Louis was invaded. The lines were ginormous. I was still working on my pistachio and did not join in.

I partake of a Tai chi class at Jardin des Plantes. All the Parisians not lined up at Berthillon, were here gazing at pansies like it was the 1st time ever.

Last Sunday was lovely too

Parisian kidlets have taken to the streets big time.

Yesterday I saw TWO trench coats = Spring, even though temperatures are in the 40s. Hope springs eternal.

The produce stands are loaded with asperge blanche. I'm embarrassed to say I have never cooked them or even eaten them. I Must do something about this and soon before they disappear.

Strawberries (les fraises) have hit town big. Strawberry juice even! Why didn't I get that?

As window decor too.

Pierre Hermé has them.

So has Lenotre.

Fauchon has big signs outside of strawberries sitting in chairs...I forgot to show you. Pls forgive.

Strawberry-colored Bensimons stacked high in Galeries Lafayette and everywhere else is a sure sign. Do not ask me why they hide the shoelaces. ??? You can not go wrong wearing Bensimons in Paris. Ever.

Luxe department store Printemps brings out their annual Spring flower bunny. It's a tradition.

Bottles of rosé are showing up everywhere.

The 1€ bunches of dafs (jonquils) for sale in the marché show up like clockwork.

Flower baskets of those greens I've been trying to paint are a constant reminder of what's waiting around the corner, even when if it's in the 30s today.
Last but not least, I sent off the Springy May Paris letters yesterday. Hooray!
BIG MERCI PBers for all your kind thoughts and comments!
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
If you like this post please support it by buying my Paris letters and watercolors. Or pass this on someone you think might enjoy it.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Paris Assignment - 10 years later

10 years ago I started on a dare and a prayer. My first blog post ever was on April 20, 2006
I'd just returned from a trip to Paris.
My assignment: Eat a lot of Paris breakfasts (petit déjeuners).
Then paint them. So many breakfasts. So many watercolors of those breakfasts. The blog became my raison d'etre for more watercolors and more wonderful trips to Paris.
If you told me back then I'd be living in Paris I would have laughed myself silly.
And living on the Ile Saint Louis.
Just around the corner from ice cream parlor, Berthillon salon de Thé.
With my Parisian pal, Bear, the best Paris expert.
Bear and I are racing to get out our May Paris map and letters before we take off for the Luberon near next week.
Wouldn't you know the latest PB letter art requires a lot of GREEN!
If you told me when I started Parisbreakfast, April 20, 2006, 2251 posts ago, I would be mailing out thousands of illustrated letters and maps from Paris, I would have been ROTFLOL big time. I guess you could say I'm celebrating between mixing up pots of green paint.
You never know? Life can be one big fabulous adventure if you let it.
THANK YOU PBers for being there.
And for all your support!!
xxx Carolg & BEAR