
Friday, February 26, 2016

23 Reasons to visit London

Have you visited Penhaligon's perfumery at 42 Wellington Street. What a delight.
Spring has hit early in London. The magnolias are out!
Buy a bouquet from a street stall like Londoners do.
Or just take a sniff
Buy a proper hat for no reason at all.
I would dress in Cath Kidston from head-to-toe if I could - all polka-dots.
Tiptree classic Little Scarlett strawberry preserves should be in everyone's bucket list.
Did you know you can Not get proper baking potatoes in Paris? I dragged back a bag. If you're coming to visit Paris please bring me an Idaho!!
I did not taste a traditional hot cross bun
London cakes are soooo pretty.
It's true. You can eat breakfast all day in London.
Ride the tube please.
Picadilly station has been completely redone and quite tastefully too (probably for Olympic visitors?).
Occasionally you might see a London information guide on a street corner. "Where's Harrods please?"
Everywhere you'll find Very helpful Street Maps. Most useful indeed.
English spoken, plain and simple. A nice chain just called EAT. Very good cheap eats in London for a quick snack. Even organic if you're so inclined.
Buy a tin of tea at Fortnum and Mason and get a free afternoon tea thrown in! WOW
Gorgeous Easter doings at Fortnum and Mason. A must-visit hands down.
Gorge architecture of course especially at night.
What's not to love?
Most Brits are quite polite in case you were wondering.
Bring home the Queen's Corgi.
London, I love you. ;))


  1. Loved your visit to London, did you not see a 'Bobby' with the old style helmet, directing the traffic or maybe on duty standing with his hands behind his back ? and still prefer the old double deck red bus, not that sleek modern one. This is where I show my age. How about bear, did he see 'Paddington Bear' ?

    1. Everything sleek and new cos of the Olympics I think...they hadda clean up their act.
      Bear stayed in the room...fear-of-bearnapping!

  2. I have been thinking about returning to London (my last time was in 1979!) and your post has certainly helped me resolve to do so, perhaps in October. I do miss F&M and I want the Queen's corgi!

  3. You missed out - dine in Brasserie Zedel, attend a Gresham College lecture, visit Sir John Soane's Museum...!

    1. Been many Xs to Sir John museum
      2 1/2 days is not nearly enough time...

  4. How did you not eat a hot cross bun?! More things to do next time I visit, thanks for the lovely photos and tips. Lovely flowers too.

  5. Maureen9:18 AM

    My favorite city! I have not been back since February 2014, two whole years. I can just about stay away for two years and that is as long as I can stand it. Your post just made me even more anxious to return, Carol. So much to do and see and enjoy. Free tea at F&M? Are you kidding? How much do you have to spend on the tea tin itself. I have several but the afternoon tea was NOT free - ha, ha. I usually grab a light meal at Pret A Manger but am interested in EAT. Thank you for letting us know.

  6. Dear Carol, as you might guess, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing these pictures of a place I do love. It looks like the weather gods favored your visit, too. My own visits seem to also get the sunny treatment.

    It's also difficult to find real hot cross buns here in NYC. Citarella's is the only place near me that I can count on.


  7. WenStec9:57 AM

    Thanks for showing us many of the things you saw in London.
    In the middle of dull, rainy days over here, it's is so refreshing
    to see colorful flowers, gorgeous foods, and lovely buildings.

  8. Does Bear have a new Corigiesque roomie? I love London, probably as much as Paris though I don't know it so well as I did 40 years ago! I do, however, remember my first step into Fortnums for Tea. I wish I had pictures! It looks like a lovely holiday and fabulous photos! (Really, potato problems in Paris? Fascinating!)

    1. Wish I had bot the Corgi for me!
      Just 14£ Westminster Abbey of all places!?

  9. Wooo la la ! I love love love London ! More than Paris, although I am French ! lol
    Thank you Carol for all your posts and photos. I like your wonderful blog.
    Nice afternoon

  10. London! I could spend a year or two there! I completely approve of the chocolate bunnies!

    1. Very trad Easter stuff unlike creative-crazy Paris chocolatiers...

  11. Looks so fun!
    I enjoy posts from England.You never disappoint!Limited power since Tuesday night..came on this morning but internet is hungover.

  12. Bear would love Corgie! Adorbs. And you need to return for hot cross buns, you know. Although get them at M&S in Paris now that you're back. Toast them and spread them with butter like the most amazing spicy teacake. That information guide on the street corner?! Is that new? Wonderful. Must get back to London one of these days. You're good!

  13. Stunning photos, Carol; they get better with every post.
    The magnolias in bloom, the Breakfast sign, the buses at night, the Piccadilly tube sign - all wonderful.

    1. Thanks Nikon!

      More LONDON photos here:

  14. Awesome resume of the trip Carol! Three days was not enough for me...gosh...I'll be returning very soon, that's for sure :-) Porridge is calling!! Lol...

    1. U and yr porridge!
      Sorry but EW... ;))

  15. Carol! Are you considering a move to London? It sure sounds like you are.

    And I'm surprised.

    1. NO WAY
      Bridges are too long
      City is too big
      Girls dont dress as stylish as Paris and eat too many hot cross buns
      Man are def cuter its true but then they hang out at pups and soccer games all the time.
      Very green though...loved all the hedges and flower bouquets.
      Will visit again to stock up on bakers potatoes

  16. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Thank you so much for yours beautiful pictures. I really love this city. WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Kate from Oregon4:56 PM

    Carol: What a delicious treat you gave us today. Such fun to see a city I love in your fine photos. And must thank you for my monthly sketch letters from Paris...pure delights.

  18. Did you eat in the NoodleRama or some name like that? Those restaurants are all undergroundnd. We also had heard of Prete-a-Manger and ate there twice. Wonderful!

    1. I ate at Prete A Manger maybe 5-6 X
      So easy to grab a quick bite and cheeep for London!

  19. Violette11:30 PM

    If you're still there, try to visit Liberty of London. I really like that store, though I liked it even better 20 or so years ago.

  20. I really tried to get to Libertys but not enough time!!

    1. Too many alluring choices at Liberty esp. in the fabric department!
      Masala Zone is really good.

  21. a terrific ode to London. You have beautifully captured some of my best memories there.

  22. The Hot Cross Buns are such a lovely reminder of childhood too!

  23. Anonymous4:02 AM

    I know London as my pocket and sorry but its not tge real town i can see in the pic ..London is dirty very expensive dangerous nobody care about what happens around bus driver often does not stop if you are distract and do not give him a sign ...its funny for a week end but to live in a town like London is not so funny and cool

    1. is Very expensive and I did see a bus driver not stop.
      I don't know about the rest A.
      Their transport system is Very costly. You put 20€ on a 3-day card nd pay for every trip.
      Paris weekly card is a much better deal. Flat rate and use as many Xs as you want. NYC too.
      I felt robbed.

    2. FYI 20£ = $27 plus I had to put on another 10£

      21,25€ for central Paris and all Zones 1-5

  24. I'll have a Corgi, please! On second thought, I understand they shed hair quite badly. Brusha, brusha, brusha!

  25. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Yes, you're right, what's not to love?! And the weather was great for you considering the time of year. The afternoon tea at Fortnum + Masons must be delish if the tea is priced so high!! lol. I wouldn't mind their serviette, to hang on my wall. Lovely post, Carol, and lovely photos too. Memories from long ago...

  26. Connie1:11 AM

    You are amazing! You have captured everything that I love about London! I will be in Paris for a couple of days on March 10th, are you serious about the potatoes?

    1. Thanks but I think I found proper baking potatoes at the Agriculture Salon.

  27. You need to get an Oyster card! It makes the cost of transport that little bit more affordable, and you can buy tourist Oyster cards at the major stations. I also go on my bike which is a bit hair raising if you are used to driving on the other side of the road but is still fun if you have a cycle map (and a bike helmet of course). Thank you for your lovely photos, I enjoyed them almost as much as your paris photos. You have an incredible eye for beauty!

  28. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I want that stuffed Corgi! Wonder if they sell them in the US? Thanks for a marvelous post, Carol and indeed, it brought back many happy memories of a long-ago trip to the UK. I had my son bring back a full-size Underground map a few years ago and display it happily here at home in sunny, warm Denver CO. Love your Blog & look for it regularly. Merci tant! Diane in Denver

  29. Youve captured the essence of London. Beautiful place


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