
Monday, December 14, 2015

Paris Holiday Facades

Chocolate browsing
At La Mere de Famille on rue Rambuteau
People browsing their smart phones and missing the Christmas decorations..
On rue de Rennes a traditional boulangerie
Place Saint Sulpice, G. Thuillier always has a lovely facade for Noël.
Peering into the new Christophe Michelak patisserie on 16, rue de la Verrierie 75003
Inside spectacular religieouse at spectacular prices (9€)...Ouch.
A sneak shot into fleurist Patrick Allain 51 rue St.-Louis en l'Ile.
A favorite papeterie on Ile Saint Louis, Marie Tournelle rue des deux Ponts
Berthillon toujour en lavandre
If you are headed to the excellent weekend Alsacien Christmas market at Gare de l'Este
Grab an almost-like-Nathan's hot dog first at Schmid (5,50€) on a pretzel bun.
Top producteurs from Alsace here every year and the most authentic Christmas marché in Paris IMHO.
Last night passing Notre Dame at 6:30 pm
The doors were flung open so you could hear/see the benediction!
Across the street the Prefacteur looked much more elegant than when I go to renew my visa annually.
NYTimes author Elaine Sciolino of THE ONLY STREET IN PARIS: RUE DES MARTRYS was signing books at Pain Quotidienne. Elaine will be signing books and talking about 'terror' at the American Library Wednesday night (7:30 but better get there at 7 if you want a seat). I did not know Elaine was head of terror at the NYTimes since 1996. She will be talking about her book as well and if you show up you'll get a Parisbreakfast map.
Speaking of maps...the DECEMBER PARIS MAP is still a WIP (work in progress). I hope to send it out this week! It is still December at least...Bear will be in it FYI.
Christmas music on the Metro. Some are not best pleased.
Holiday shenanigans/hooligans on Boulevarde Henri IV.
And around the corner from me, the first lighted tree sighted in a window.


  1. Love the night shots Carol!So pretty the facades and all the lights~

  2. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Carol, such lovely glimpses of Paris during the Holidays.
    A very Merry Christmas to you and BEAR! Desiree

  3. That is quite a holiday spectacle.

  4. Carol, your photos and commentary on Christmas time in Paris is a special gift to us all! Thank you and have very beautiful and peace-filled Christmas and a wonderful 2016! xoxo

  5. Carol, thank you for letting us grasp some of the Parisian Christmas glow. The city looks absolutely...fabulous! xo

  6. Love seeing the Christmas decorations; the first time I saw Paris was the week before Christmas in 1968 and it was beautiful but nothing like now. Will be anxiously awaiting my Dec map - excited that Bear will be a part of it.

  7. Magnifique! Simplement, vraiment joyeux et magnifique. Merci tant pour cette post.

    Joyeux Noel!
    Diane in Denver

  8. Love your beautiful photos; looks very magical and sparkly. Have a very Merry Christmas (hope Bear has been good) and a very Happy Healthy New Year. Debbie in Hamilton, Ontario

  9. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Your posts are so lovely, Carol!
    I was curious when you noted the first lighted Christmas tree in a window; is that not common in Paris? How do most people decorate inside their homes for the holidays? I learn so much from you! Thanks! Ho Ho Ho to you and Bear!

    1. No idea...not easy to get invited in for inspection of Xmas decor ;))

  10. So fun to see the little shops decorated for Christmas! Wish I could be there for it😀. Cute Santa bikers!

  11. Hope this entices many tourists to return to our lovely Paris. It's so magical - and not even that cold to enjoy it all!

  12. You make Paris so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Wondrous photos, Carol - and your sketch.
    I especially like the shop fronts with their decorations, but the Hotdog looks good, too :)
    Love the Metro photo with the little boy!

  14. Love these glimpses and your phrasing about the phone browsing is spot on ... So much gets missed! Paris just does everything perfectly😊


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