
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Noël Le Bon Marche

Last night I took the 87 bus to visit French Girl. I couldn't get over the glorious Xmas lights in Bon Marche's windows! The holiday street lights were turned on last night too. More to come.
This morning the lights and windows still looked pretty divine.
Bear was thrilled.
We noticed last night an outdoor cafe at Grand Epicerie serving oysters!
Nothing like that a shot zinc when you eat oysters/huitres for breakfast. Miam. Solli was with us but she was not having any...
Le Bon Marche has a special cabas (15€) out just for the holiday covered both sides with petit point (dots to you). If there's one thing I can't resist it's French polka dots. Nobody does em better.
Le Grand Epicerie has fancy-pants hounds scarfing up their new Christmas desserts.
Unfortunately the Passion fruit-caramel cake on the left and the framboise gateaux on the right will not be available until thursday.
You have been warned. Sniff
The Noël theme this year is dots and lighted trees. Not exactly your traditional pine tree. Hmmm...whose idea was that? Still very pretty. No one is complaining.
On the 2nd floor l'Arbre de Noël shop awaits full of Christmas tree decorations.
This little French miss couldn't decide...
Bear knew right away he would give his left pinkie for a giant fraise (strawberries 8€) tree decoration.
What about cherry jam jars on your Xmas tree? Pas mal..though back in the day when some of us grew up we had to settle for plain ole christmas balls, tinsel and candy canes. Things have definitely spruced up.
Bear has the hots for Bon Marche's new winter beanie with the requisite furry pompom (most likely faux, though be advised this does not effect le prix one bit at Bon Marche).
At Raspail Bio Marche today we saw other very dolled-up dogs, tout en rosé (pink). Bear was smitten.
Whilst market dogs, a bit scruffy,  looked on with deep envy.
We are feeling a bit scruffy ourselves, since I am LATE WITH YOUR NOVEMBER MAP LETTER!! ;((
It is still a WIP (a work in Process).
We hope to be done before the end of November...just around the corner literally. Please be patient with us.
The good news is anyone who subscribes to ANY letters in my Etsy shop during the HOLIDAY through January 1 will get a nice Eiffel Tower Gift Tag.
BON(NE) DIMANCHE PBers as they say over here.


  1. So festive~
    The beige /pink/white/trio..very eye catching indeed.
    I favor that jam jar ornament..would have favored mre if it said CONFITURES:)
    Bear must have been smitten ..he's so cute you know.

    1. The jam jars must be from or made for the US.
      The strawberries looked decidedly FRENCH!

  2. I have a photo of those same two scruffy market dogs taken in 2012! They still look good! Just booked a trip for two weeks in France next September. I was finally able to use my miles, so the airfare cost me $80! Best wishes to you from Dallas (and also from Rose the Rat Terrier, who at seventeen years of age, continues to admire the picture you painted for her several years ago). xxoo

    1. BRAVO for booking a Paris trip Vicki!!

  3. Carol, given any available free hours over the past couple of weeks, I have been busy painting my annual Christmas tea cup cards. There are lots of Dots involved in this year's design. I cannot tell you how happy I was when looking at this post to see that Paris is now also featuring Dots.

    Also happy to see that Bear is out and about .


    1. I hope you don't forget to come to Paris Frances as previously talked about...

  4. Carol, given any available free hours over the past couple of weeks, I have been busy painting my annual Christmas tea cup cards. There are lots of Dots involved in this year's design. I cannot tell you how happy I was when looking at this post to see that Paris is now also featuring Dots.

    Also happy to see that Bear is out and about .


  5. Suzanne in SF11:19 PM

    The maps arrived ~ and Ruth is enjoying them!
    She said you included a nice gift card in there!
    The six pack collection is a good idea!

  6. Huitres pour p'tit dej!
    Une bonne idee

  7. Bonnie L1:50 AM

    We were at the Raspail Market yesterday and saw the very same family all in pink! They certainly caught our attention: very stylish! Sorry to have missed you!

    1. So funny!
      I wonder of they wear other colors? Just Rose...

  8. I like so much this period for all the nice decorations on the shops... So funny the family in rose ! Nice day. Christine

  9. I love the working dogs in their work-day sweater/jackets -- and as always, seeing what you see.

  10. You know, I still haven't ventured to see the windows yet! Need to check them out but with the COP21 looks like it's not quite yet with the traffic. What classy looking dogs and owners in pink!

  11. Bonnie in CA12:00 PM

    There is such JOY in post!!

    Our spirit prevails!

    Loved every word and photo...thank you...

  12. I hope someone knits Bear a sweet beanie with furry pom on top.
    Thank you for the sparkling holiday light photos.
    A real pick me up.

  13. Paris is all aglitter. It would be fun to visit there at Christmas.

    Thank you so much for turning us on to "The Only Street in Paris," Just finished it and enjoyed it so much. Do you know the writer?

  14. The famille en rose is priceless. It makes me pine for a pink Winter coat, and a dog (or a Bear) to accessorize. I'm way-OK about waiting for the Paris map -- anticipation is 75% of the fun.

  15. I'd love to eat oysters for breakfast and I really need a jam jar for my all food & drink Christmas tree. That pink family is so very French - love it! Can't wait for my new map as I so enjoy them and they and your blog have to tide me over until my next trip.

  16. Who could possibly complain when it all looks so lovely! Even the cherry jam looks like a holiday waiting to happen! I see a lot of happy here!

  17. kacharucci9:05 PM

    Good to see Bear is enjoying the festivities as well.

  18. Thank you for this lovely Christmas post. It felt like early Christmas for me as I got my first Paris Breakfasts letter in the mail today!!! Merci beaucoup, it's lovely. Can't wait for the next one! :)

  19. I love the scruffy dog ... glad at least he has a little coat to stay warm! Pink coats ... oooh lala!


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