
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bastille Day!

Bisou Bisou XXXX
Love all the tri-color flags around town
'Specially in a Champagne cooler
I meant to buy this one

What to eat on Bastille Day?
A red-yellow-blue panache of berries
Or berry gateaux
On yr nails berry red polish
Colette has a line of pretty frocks for today
Or this Frenchie got her red white and blue tights in LA but I found them on
The pools are all open on national holidays. i went this morning. Lovely
10:00 am the jets were zooming outside my window this morning.
“Le 14 Juillet" PBers!


  1. The chess game and polka dot cakes♥
    Not everyone can get away with wearing the star spangled banner leggings:) She can!
    I love leggings..but need a long top on top;)Live in flip flops..not now.. trying to wear in new cowboy boots:)

  2. A very happy Bastille Day to you, dear Carol. I always had a double reason to celebrate the 14th, as it was my late Dad's birthday.


  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    One can call a little basket for fruit a "punnet." But that's English, yes.
    Juicy post! Must be rather exciting there on Bastille Day. Hope we see the
    first exciting photos of Pluto today, too. What a day!

    1. In the shop they call it a 'panache'...who knows why?

  4. Panaché - a mixture of things (like limonade and biere). That fruit basket is so cute! Love the Dalloyeau window, miam miam.

    Do try to watch the parade on TV sometime--we did once when it rained, and it was a real education. You learn the most fascinating things about the military's historic and still-pervasive role in French society. The students from the elite schools (like St.-Cyr--the women wear skirts), the elite fire brigades...and the French Foreign Legion, in their long leather aprons, their required beards, and their dramatically slow marching tempo! And if it's raining, you pity the fellows in their heavy wool uniforms with the extra water weight.

    Best of all, no jostling to see, no sunburn, no sore legs. Even if you miss a certain esprit de fête.

    1. A la prochaine!
      Must plug in the TV but bet it was in my ipad too...
      Thnks for the heads up Chan

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I love the view from your window and what a pretty sunny day. How is your swimming since your accident? Has it slowed you down at all, I imagine swimming would be good to strengthen the break, AnyHoo- what I'm trying to express is I hope you are all better and enjoying your swimming again.

    1. Thanks so much for asking!
      I now swim almost everyday and almost for an hour so tout va bien.
      I am looking for an MP3 music thing to play in the water.

  6. cyndi from SD11:09 AM

    Oh,Bastille Day... I made a point a few years ago to be in Paris for the wonderful July 14th events,a party with the pompiers,and of course sitting in the Champs de Mars to watch the magnificent fireworks exploding in the background of the Eiffel Tower.Definitely a bucket list moment.
    Thank you Carol

    1. Oh dear I missed that.
      Going on next year's to-do list Cyndi!

  7. Il fallait le faire ! Vive la France !



  8. Oh Bastille Day à Paris. Marvellous post, marvellous day. Funny the piscines are open- but they are decked out in red white and blue too. Those berries and berry gateaux look fabulous.

  9. I love that opening photo, and then all of the colorful ones that follow! The red, white, and blue tights look good, and the flowing finger-nail polish shots are gorgeous.
    I hope that the planes created a good roar for your perfectly placed viewing spot!

  10. Wow! What a country! All the pols open on a holiday? Fantastic!

  11. I always enjoy the way you find color themes in various places: like the fruit and the pool! View from your window, do you just stop in wonder whenever you pass by it? Did you wear white and blue to go with your red lunnettes?


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