
Friday, July 17, 2015

Afternoon Tea at the Peninsula Paris

I'm late, I'm late

For a very important date.When am I not late?

We start our grand tour of the newly renovated Peninsula Hotel at the top. Spectacular views.

The bar Le Kleber, was once the site of the signing a treaty - The Paris Peace Accords, negotiated by Henry Kissinger and bringing the Vietnam War to a close, was signed in 1973 in the salon. And in 1928, George Gershwin wrote "An American in Paris' while staying at the hotel. 

Sadly we did not get to dive into the pool pre-tea. Why not?

I used to stay at the Hong Kong Peninsula months at a time when I was in fashion. The white-suited bellhops haven't changed.

Back in the day they'd send a Silver Arrow Rolls to pick you up at the airport. Dream on...
We take tea outside on Le Kleber terrasse. Always Champers to start at a French tea. I don't think it's the same for English cream teas?
One English cream tea and one French please.
The triple decker trays arrive with precise instructions - what to eat 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Why didn't I get Solli's jasmine iced tea?
English tea sandwiches - light and delicate for a hot Summer day..
Are these the French or English desserts? I need a cheat sheet with diagrams included.These are all miniatures by the way. Just 2 bites and they're gone. We had to share too.
Don't miss Solli's far more beautiful post on our afternoon tea together at The Peninsula!!


  1. LOVELY.. your aquarelle especially..:)
    I can hear heels clicking on the gleaming floor..or soft sounds from ballerina shoes.
    Inukshuks are always special..Cairns..they can be called also or vice versa I just learned..from a beautiful site on landart.
    How sweet the tea sanwiches..Solli looks so at home sitting there.
    You should see my phone.Must be 20 yrs old.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you for the introduction to Inukshuks!
      I'd no idea such a thing existed.

  2. Carol, it was fun to see a Peninsula tour. It all looks very sleek and expensive...not a cozy sort of hotel. I love your photograph of the aquamarine pool. Yes, those tea sandwiches are quite dainty.

    I do love the idea of tea on the terrace. Quite elegant. xo

    1. You got it Frances.
      Definitely geared towards the corporate business man, American in fact!

  3. When you dine for free as a guest of a restaurant, do you not feel it appropriate to disclose this fact to your readers?

    1. I don't live in the US so not required Pete.
      Clearly if we're touring the hotel, photographing and posting about it everyone is happy
      Bloggers are valued in France!
      Very Nice indeed..

    2. It's not about geography or legal requirements. It's just the right thing to do. I think we readers are entitled to know when a business provides a hundred euros worth of their product in exchange for promotion on your blog. I'm actually bewildered and disappointed that this is not apparent to you.

    3. She's mentioned it before ... So if you are a regular reader you know.

    4. Pete,
      There are other sandboxes to go kick sand in.
      Be my guest.
      For FREE.

  4. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Thank you for the beautiful photos today. I Am glad you share your art and adventures with us and Pete I don't think it matters who picks up the tab= mundane details. none of our business. Its a blog for the senses. I always enjoy the fabulous art and bits of your travels colorful days and nights. Merci Ms Carol! Cheers! Fan from rural Oregon

    1. 'A blog for the senses'
      Thank you!! I hope so :))

  5. One of my dear friends will be happy to know that I was wrong when I said she was the last person unearth without an iPhone :-)
    Having stayed at a Peninsula in the states over the Christmas holidays(long story), I know just how luxurious that place must be!

    1. I did try to buy an iPhone twice today at Apple Opera.
      They were too busy.

    2. Carol ... I always find weekends to be a zoo in any Apple store ... Bet you'll have better luck on Monday before noon. You will love it.

    3. Of course.
      Thank you. Very sensible advice.
      Will try again. I was ready to go Galaxy6

  6. that bar would certainly be a nice Happy Hour spot!

  7. Kathleen D.12:01 PM

    Beautiful and delicious! Hope this finds you well and enjoying your life. We're sure enjoying your life- thanks for sharing.
    Are you sure you don't need a Maine vacation?

    1. I miss lobster and Maine like crazy Kathleen!

  8. Elaine M.12:03 PM

    We MUST Check out The Peninsula hotel and afternoon tea.!!

  9. Champagne before high tea..?? How decadent (well, really how FRENCH!)

    The hotel is belle!

  10. FANTASTIC !!!!!!!
    WONDERFUL !!!!!
    Yummmmm !!!!

  11. I picture you so enthusiastically running around every minute experiencing so much wonderment and snapping pics and letting all of us getting to see, too! Your comments so often crack me up....I just SO enjoy your sense of humor. And then there are your watercolors! I adore them.
    MERCI Beaucoup!!

    1. Thank you Nan B.
      I try to walk slower these days so I dont trip and fall again
      It ain't easy. I'm a New Yorker. We like to run ;))

  12. Such a lovely post. You really captured the tea with your watercolors. It would be a difficult decision what to have first, second.......

  13. Utterly jealous! as ever!
    much love

  14. Such a beautiful post! Makes me want to grab my Mom and go out for tea!

  15. I loved this post, but, when don't I enjoy your posts! The Peninsula for next trip to Paris. I went to Solli's blog and read her post on your Peninsula adventure. Such a different perspective; both blogs informative, lovely, creative...such a pleasure.

    1. Solli's photos have such atmosphere and lovley light.
      Maybe I'll go back to a camera some day but I doubt it.

    2. Once you get an iPhone and master the fairly easy editing of the Snapseed app, you won't need a camera. The iPhone 6 has a terrific camera.

    3. Skip the camera and go for the iPhone will deliver..big time..I promise! You better go to Apple store on a weekday morning ;-)

  16. Looks marvelous, now will check out Soli's blog.

  17. Carolyn4:04 PM

    What a lovely day!!! I especially like those silver stands fill with such delectable little sandwiches and desserts:). Great watercolor!!

  18. Gorgeous post, the tea looks simply fabulous!

  19. Pretty darned glorious! Looks like a fabulous day!

  20. Beautiful opening watercolor Carol, and then the rest is just one gleaming, polished photo after another!
    Nothing but elegance :) I love the expression on the woman's face as she looks for your approval on the pastry.
    What a way to live!

  21. Leslie in Oregon11:44 PM

    High tea at the Peninsula used to be a mandatory part of Pan Am crew layovers in Hong Kong, and I enjoyed every one of them. You must have had quite a position in fashion to cause you to stay at that hotel for months at a time!

    1. Not at all Leslie,
      Back in the day everyone stayed there and expense accounts were wide open..
      Things have changed a Lot for the business traveler.

    2. PS Wasn't Pan Am wonderful back then...

    3. I flew for Pan Am 1970-78, the first years of the 747. Although that aircraft was a magnificent piece of engineering and exterior design, and Pan Am was the first to fly it, the passenger experience, while a quantum better than today in economy, was in some ways a step down from the glories of the 707. But for me, as a crew member, it was glorious!!

  22. Love, love...these Afternoon Tea posts makes me so hungry! I'm ready to go there now for that Jasmine/Rose iced tea...and also those pretty and delightful mini pastries....its always a pleasure to enjoy these moments with you <3 and EVEN more when you have got your iPhone so we can reach each other whenever ;-)


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