Thursday, June 11, 2015

Your Bag in Paris

Blake Lively, Dakota Johnson, and Jennifer Lawrence revive the Classic Parisian IT bag.
According to Vogue</a>:  'There’s a certain type of cool girl look Parisians have down pat. From the perfect Breton stripe shirt to the classic cropped cigarette trouser, French girls lay claim to some of the chicest staples in a working wardrobe. 
It seems French girls haven't heard about it. Most are quite content to sling a signature cotton bag over their shoulders bearing some company's logo. This Frenchie has 3 bags.
On the other hand the Vanessa Bruno bag is forever.
So is Longchamp classic weekend bag. I’ve gone through 4 of the smaller version.
From a distance I thought this bag had a MAP OF PARIS on it. Just a Jackson Pollock splash when I got up close at Zadig and Voltaire. Big disappointment.
Le Bon Marche has a whole stack of graphic message cloth shopping bags. I saw a French girl carrying a bag that said, "I Forgot Whatever You Wanted" 😂
A NY Rizzoli book bag on the Metro. Trés chic.
For Fashion Week the 'IT' bag you had to have from Bon Marche (11€). I had one…long gone.
Sephora's black and white striped shopping bag always looks chic.
Black and white striped anything looks good in Paris.
Every company has some sort of shopping bag on offer whether free or maybe 5€
You can't go wrong with a cross-over bag.
Especially in bright orange + matching beret.
Louis Vuitton mini duffle works fine if you want to go upscale.
This matching boho couple are not wearing IT bags.
Hers is a simple plain black rectangular cloth bag.
A plastic bag from the super-marché is pas bon 😑 
No IT bag but 3 kiddies in tow is fine.
The 'Doggie Bag' in Paris means something else 🐶 
French dogs Don't Throw Food and know how to behave on the Metro.
Yorkies are the preferred breed to cart around.
So much for spending a fortune on your bag in Paris.

Though this Mona Lisa's mignon Papillon coulda cost a mint.


  1. I have a bag thing:)

    Not LV or MK..just cute ones..
    One of our daughters' had the most regal Pom ..
    They do have such an air about them..un peu papillon.
    Love your sketch!
    Although Jacques did wear a matching t-shirt to mine in 73.That was the end of that..

  2. I have a Longchamp bag like that one, that must mean I am trendy? Ha! Love the splatter painted yellow bag just below the Longchamp. Would love to have the rolling shopping bag one day. Maybe on my next trip to Paris I must buy one.

    1. But then you have to being it home and those puppies are Not cheap. 50-70€ !!!

  3. Dorothy of Oz12:28 AM

    Your gorgeous colorful posts of summer are happily brightening up your readers' computers! You so perfectly capture the joyful warm summer essence in photographs, watercolors, and words

  4. Thank you so very much for bringing your unique view of Paris to my computer for almost ten years; wonderful to view the world with Gillot colored glasses!

  5. Bonnie L9:25 AM

    Oh my, a lady can never have too many bags! I still yearn for a classic Chanel quilted leather bag - in red, bien sûr!

    Fun post Carol. I wonder: does anyone react badly when you take their photo?!

    1. Go to Chinatown Bonnie. Just don't bring it over here. You could get arrested ;))

  6. Most of these pictures look like 1970s.

    1. Classic fashion doesn't change much in Paris though surely 'skinny jeans' were not around back then. The jeans jacket, ballerinas, a Longchamps or Vanessa bag, long hair, skinny jeans and a great skinny bod - that's all you need, Ha!

    2. Oh I forgot the marinier stripe shirt, white tailored mans shirt or white T.
      And the SCARF!!!

  7. Within 30 minutes of being in Paris, I impetuously purchased a $500 fountain pen at Le Bon Marche. They rewarded me for this purchase by placing it in one of their great, giant bags. Turned out to be the most expensive bag I own!!

    1. Hahaha
      Oh my...leave all funds at home except small change when entering that store.
      They caste a spell like no one else!

  8. Cyndi from SD10:28 AM

    Love the slice of Parisian life.

    1. Me too Cyndy.
      So fun to share what I see in the streets of Paris!

  9. I love that the Paris gal somehow manages to not adhere to what most big publications in the US dictate is the current French look, and you capture the real scene quite accurately and beautifully.

    1. Thank you Mrs. H.
      That's exactly my point. It is all so much simpler and less $$$$ then the info we are fed.
      Of course French mags focus like crazy on American Starlets. You would never expect it.
      What's on the other side of the fence...

  10. Anonymous1:33 PM

    This is a switch from sweet comments to weird, but first the picture of the three woman-the one facing not blurred -Monster Bag not a problem but the seated Lady blurred ? -if I might inquire. How does photographing people in general work? Do you inform them that you are a blogger
    par excellence and their pic will be seen round the world? next the lady on the train or bus with the very tight ring on her right hand should have it cut off immediately -or have a serious medical condition involving loss of finger-very scary personal experience. And the older Lady looked ticked did you get out of that? In love with your Art...fascinated by the process of what you do and how it is all accomplished.

    1. Thank the ipad for the blurring. Not me. Actually she moved. Gee such close examination of my pictures.. And so critical though 90% are back views.
      Perhaps you might look for another sandbox to kick sand in ANONYMOUS.

  11. Sephora's black and white striped shopping bag - glad I am in style. :)

  12. Just went back and looked for that ring - looks really painful. I noticed that Parisiens are always caring shopping bags from expensive shops. Do they shop that often or are they carrying their lunch in it.

    1. They buy a Kleenex in Dior and then use the bag forever.

  13. Great photos, Carol! So many pretty girls to look at :)
    And the bags......they all look good to me (maybe not the plastic one).....
    The "doggy bags" are a big hit! Very cute!

  14. Ah, the street scene and all the skinny jeans.

  15. How in the world am I supposed to fit the troisième age bod into the damn skinny jeans? I'm not a bit overweight, but the sands shift and that's that.

    1. Parisbreakfast12:45 AM

      How they do it over here in the 3rd age I have yet to fathom...working on it maybe forever...


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