
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Cest la cerise sur le gâteau

Today in Pqris...
Started off with a sighting of the first affordable cherries of the season post-pool.
Galeries Layfayette by the way has beautiful combo boxes of big fat red cherries and perfect apricots from the Drome. More later..
Waltzing through Le Bon Marché always inspires me. Today they had something I could afford!
ICE CREAM (3,50€ one boule) made by Glaces Glazed. Nice they're into summer.
Outside on rue du Bac a peach of a little French girl.
A slightly older French girl in cherry-red shoes with a little dog hiding under her chair. 
I went inside Cafe Varenne for lunch. Do you know it in the 7th? Lovely.
My waiter waits.
Back on rue du Bac in Des Gateaux et Du Pain real cherries on top of the cake. 
Il s'agit d'une métaphore pâtissière où une jolie cerise rouge posée au sommet d'un gâteau, apparaît comme la touche finale de décoration pour le rendre encore plus appétissant. 
I got yelled at for shooting this perfect dome.
Further down at Chapon, brilliantly-colored guimauve cubes (marshmallows).
Back in Galeries Lafayette beautiful berries from the Drome.
Liberté has berry choux puffs at GL.
Sadaharu Aoki has a brand new chocolate bar with macarons on top called a 'Macalette'.
Usually the Pedone gelato counter is quiet in Galeries Lafayette. Not today.
Pedone made No.2 on Le Figaro's best vanilla ice creams in Paris (just after my Berthillon).
Their flavors (parfums).
Why didn't I get the Amareno with the cherries?
I felt obliged to taste the vanilla and pistachio. Trés bien! Two flavors in a petit size cup 3,60€
Have you ever bought fruit in the Metro or from the lone guys just outside the stations?
I couldn't resist the cherries. No way!
My day in Paris.


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I love seeing what everyone is wearing in the summer in Paris. These pics are great!

    1. I loving browsing the clothes in the fun!

  2. Like the icing on the cake;)
    I have always loved yor cherries..
    Really? You got yelled at?
    They should be so lucky YOU photographed their desserts;)

    1. It's their property.
      I'm going to run home and knock them off of course...ahem ;))
      If I could just figure out how to plug in my fancy oven...

  3. Anna marie4:19 PM

    That's one big portion of ice cream for a 'petit' size! Wow

  4. I'm always amazed at the perfect fruit and so early in the season! And I am truly impressed at your dedication always to get the shot no matter who shouts at you.

    1. 'Fearless Fostick' enters shooting ;)

  5. Here, we say "la cerise sur le sundae"

  6. I love how cute the French make their fruit and veggie displays. I love the little baskets the fruit come in. We just got our first reasonably priced cherries in Southern California here too.... I also couldn't resist. We all appreciate the little dome picture you got yelled at for... The domes are so cute!

  7. Maureen8:01 AM

    Beautiful fruit shots! Wonder why the lady with the little girl in the sleeveless yellow summer dress is wearing a woolen hoodie. It looks so strange to see the child in sunny summer wear and the Mom in Winter /Spring apparel!

    1. Probably the nanny not the mommy in that picture IMHO.

  8. Isn't this so funny? I am on a cherry theme too with a clafoutis. Love this cherry season too. Yes, saw the Aoki macalette bars - it's a great idea and with lovely macaron shell colours stuck to the chocolate. Enjoy - the birds are, certainly. I keep getting woken up with cherry stones hitting the roof!

    1. Hahaha so funny Jill.get earplugs I guess.. ;))

  9. Carol, isn't berry/cherry season a fabulous time of the year! Colors and flavors and freshness make combinations that no one could resist. Your photographs truly capture the joy to be found here and there, indoors and out, around beautiful Paris. Merci!

    I don't understand the popularity of marshmallows, but do like you photo very much. xo

  10. Love, love your posts, photos, and illustrations - just wanted to thank you so much for sharing! So interesting and inspiring to those of us who have never been to France (yet) :-)

    1. Thanks Cara!
      A very sweet comment. Most appreciated

  11. Delightful post.
    In our little world all is full
    Of sweetness
    Thank you

  12. Cherries! Love them! Such a pretty opening painting!

  13. Love that chocolate bar with the macarons. Bought cherries last week cause they looked so pretty, but they're tasteless. So hard to find much fruit that tastes the way it should (and does in France).

  14. I want to know what is under the smoked salmon in that salad?

  15. Great post, Carol. Lots of color from the fruits and ice cream (and your watercolors!), but I love the people shots the most.
    The little girl in yellow getting ice cream, the girl (and dog) at the sidewalk café, people lined up for ice cream, and your waiter! I love that one :)

    1. Haha The waiter shot was for YOU Nik!


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