
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

You've Got Paris Maps in your mailbox!

Do you get lost in Paris? My first year in Paris I got lost all the time.
As an inveterate map collector (I don't drive. I collect maps) I dreamed of creating my own Paris maps.
A Paris dish towel map from Un Dimanche a Paris (14 euros) is an essential for the map-obsessed.
I've flirted with this goofy biscuit map box  in Monoprix way too long. Have you?
Another goofy map online shows charcuterie floating round l'ile Saint Louis.
Longed for La Mere de Famille's illustrated map of Paris candy box forever.
Caramel maps of France hold a special place in my heart. Too special. I broke a filling last week eating a caramel. 

On occasion I've drawn some Paris maps.
Even Paris macaron maps.
After 9 months of trial and error I'm thrilled to share a NEW subscription letter in my Etsy shop - PARIS STREET MAPS! .
Ta Da!
May's map is rue du Cherche-Midi - a street I could never spell until 8-10 visits doing map research.
Did you know major French star Gerard Depardieu owns a fish store on rue du Cherche-Midi? You might catch a glimpse of him if you follow my map.
Where can you get the perfect light Frenchie bistro lunch after browsing/shopping at Le Bon Marche?
On rue du Cherche-Midi merely a block away of course.
Early stages of creating the Paris maps proved a nightmare of sorts...ahem.
Moving right along.
Finding the right typography for a map is no piece of cake.
Falling in love with curly French ecriture was a Big mistake.
The boys at the copy shop (Team PB) said I needed more guys on the map = The perfect Dad's day gift!
Do you love Paris Maps?
Do you have a favorite street I should walk down and discover for you? PLEASE tell all in the comments.
Included in the printed Paris map letter will be a tip sheet with shopping and eating suggestions. Nearby Metro stations indicated.
I hope you'll have as much fun as I am rediscovering Paris!
Cheers Carolg


  1. It is terrific! Very breezy and fun.

  2. Stephanie3:32 AM

    Carol, I simply LOVE this. C'est magnifique! I hope to see one in person soon.

  3. Carol, you've outdone yourself!!! What beautiful examples of graphic art, these maps are, and I'm loving how you're combining so much of your iconic illustration here and I will contact you about a subsription, budget smudget....Rue St Germain des Pres, near the Odeon and Danton Theaters is a spot I love. Rue St Michel around the bookstore Gibert Jeune...Rue du Sommerand where la librairie Pippa is (you'll love the store front...) and the whole Latin Quarter...and...and...and...

    1. Thanks Sketchbook I have walked by Pippa many times because of you
      And Thanks for the street suggestions!

    2. Haha a bit of blood, sweat and teas and much doggy-paddling in the pool thinking ;))

  4. PS I also LOVE LOVE how you post your process of your developing work, reminding us that it looks "easy peasy" but that it's a lot of work combined with that talent...

  5. What a great could not have capture..maps...better..
    In love with your Paris stamp bottom left of your envelope.
    Even more..your map.

  6. So nice and funny those moments in Paris with all thoses maps ! Christine

  7. Love it Love it Love it !!!!!! Fantastic!

  8. I am THRILLED you are doing Paris maps on your subscription letters, Carol. I love your maps, although the best one is in "Teatime in Paris!" - just saying ;-) I can see you're going to have so much fun with them and we'll all get the pleasure from them too. Brilliant.

  9. Your most brilliant inspiration yet!

    1. A Big compliment coming from you Jeanette!

  10. JANE S.10:36 AM

    don't forget the BHV shopping bags with the maps of the area printed on them!

  11. Rue Jacob!

    1. Rue Jacob is Definitely on my To-Do list Jantri.
      A wonderful street full of treasures.

  12. Just ordered my maps! Love the idea. My wish would be map of Rue Dauphine at intersection with Rue Mazarine, the first area I stayed on my first visit to Paris.

  13. Carolyn12:59 PM

    Fabulous Carol! This is your best idea yet! Love your signature watercolors and drawings on these maps, absolutely wonderful:))) How about my favorite street, rue de Buci?

    1. Ah...rue de Buci! I may have to do TWO maps a month!
      Paris is endless treasures.

  14. I loved the map in Jill Colona's "Teatime in Paris" done by you for the inside cover. I have my subscription done. I can see a wall with all of the maps framed as they come. When is the first one going to be mailed? Are you taking time to rest? Take care.

    1. Haha
      I just ran to La Poste Marilyn. It's on it's way to you toute suite!;)

  15. Bonnie L2:52 PM

    Bon idée, Carol! So happy to have another Paris letter to subcribe to. I want you to know how much I enjoyed your May letter: the bookmark from Musée des Impressionnismes Giverny that was enclosed is a treasure! Merci!

  16. Christine3:02 PM

    Love your blog and love maps...worlds collide! Ooh I can't wait. I would love to see a map of the first area I stayed in Paris, the intersection of Rue Dauphine and Rue Mazarine.

    1. Those 2 streets would make a GREAT map

  17. Barbara4:00 PM

    Épatant ....comme toujours.
    You are really delightfully talented.
    One of my favorite rues....Cherche Midi!

  18. WOW! You really put your self on the MAP this timei Bravo!

  19. Ruth S.4:23 PM

    Carol, you are a genius! I love this! I'm about to subscribe!

  20. What a delightful concept Carol, and of course your end result is fabulous. My favourite rue by far is Rue du Bac.

  21. Rue Jacob, s'il vous plait. I think you've found your subject.

  22. I love the maps! Beautifully done, Carol!

  23. Switchboard10:24 AM

    I'm looking forward to the receipt of my first Paris Map!
    Only you, could have come up with such a great idea. Obviously,
    lots of your readers, agree! I'm driving up to Amherst next
    week to visit family, and we will be stuck with a regular, old Rand McNally to guide us.

  24. Love strolling on Rue des Martyrs.Great shops,sweets,etc.!

  25. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Rue Lepic and Rue des Abbesses (18 arr) please!

  26. Love,love,love! And that girl in the top seems to be very lost! What a great idea then to have a map :-) And I do agree with many of your readers, please do one on Rue des Martyrs!!!


  27. My vote is for Rue Cler

  28. Congratulations on the coolest idea! Love it. One of my favorite areas is the marche on Rue Poncelet, Metro Ternes, and flower kiosk on Waggram.. and the best fabric shop ever owned by an octogenarian. Cant wait to see what some of your favorites are.

  29. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Carol, have you considered putting your art form on a line of china plates?
    I think they would sell like hotcakes!
    Bonnie (in Colorado)


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