
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Here's Looking at You, Mom

Today's the day we all lift a glass of Champagne and toast our Moms (in the US anyway).

Love em or hate em, they gave us the invaluable gift of life.

This morning, while surfing at 5:00 am I came across a touching story in Vogue.
"While finding the perfect gift for Mother’s Day may feel daunting, oftentimes the best way to show mom you really care is by unearthing an old photograph—or, in the age of social media, posting a heartfelt #TBT("throwback to"). In honor of Mother’s Day, Vogue editors have plumbed the depths of their photo albums for their favorite mommy-and-me".
Immediately I went searching for this picture of 'mommy-and-me' with my older sister.

Living in Paris over 2 years, I think a lot more about my mother than I ever did before I moved here.

I'm certain she would have loved living here, though she never mentioned it out loud.

I'm living her dream.

And what a dream it's been.

Spectacular adventures. Tea at the Ritz and Gearge V.

My mother designed and sewed her own clothing. She would have killed to attend a Paris fashion show. I just know it.

Isabel, had a wonderful 'green thumb'. She grew pots and pots of gardenias on our enclosed front porch. Of course we were reminded to never touch the petals. (They would turn black). Of course we touched them. Forbidden fruit. Like the French perfumes on her dressing table we weren't supposed to sniff. Ha.

The only 'green thumb' I have has Windsor and Newton Hooker's green paint on it. Plants don't like me the way they loved my mom
C'est la vie :(

I went looking this morning at the marche des Fleurs for peonies (pivoine) and found a few. It's too early but Isabel would have loved these.

If you are a French maman you have till 31 May to celebrate Mother's day, 'La Fete des Meres'.
If you have an inner French Girl you can celebrate all month.
Thank You for keeping me in Paris.
I am living the dream to the hilt :)


  1. What a wonderful photo of you & your mom and sister! Just look at your adorable bare feet!

    1. my feet were kicking up a fuss even then!

  2. What a lovely post & photo with your Mum, she looks so serene and elegant. Love your choice of photos for Mothers day.

  3. Chickier12:48 PM

    Thank you for living my dream! I will be in Paris in Sept for two weeks living my dream again!

  4. Such a wonderful remembrance of your Mother, Isabel. Merci, Carol, for all of your posts that make me feel like I am there with you experiencing: tea at the Ritz, Brie festival in Melun, fashion shows at the Palais, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera!!! My daughter has been in France for 4 weeks and I get to pick her up at the airport tomorrow night and then we'll celebrate later...

    Mary in Oregon

  5. Such a lovely post!
    Such a charming tribute to your fashion and plant loving mother!

  6. Bonjour belle fille..
    what a sweet tribute to Isabel..and what a beauty she
    I see such similaries..
    my mom would have loved living your dream too..

    and I happen to love your Hooker's Green thumb..
    Isn't that Occitane savon Bonne Mère something?:)
    I have fallen in love w/ Fragonard..Cerisier en fleurs..go smell it:) like dessert♥
    I need a Muguet..I ran out of mine and nothing reminds of my mom like that and l'Air Du Temps~
    Thank you for this pretty post.
    Peonies.. one of my faves..I know..I have many;)

    1. Thank you Monique
      I will go sniff.
      xxx cg

  7. Congrats on your Mother's Day tribute.
    JUST RIGHT. loved it.

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Beautiful photo of you, your lovely Mother and your sister!

  9. Kathleen10:17 AM

    That was a lovely tribute...I saw "Dior and I" on Mother's Day - my friend and I really enjoyed it! (10,000,000 orchids/flowers-wow!).
    Yes, good to be living a dream....

    1. Sometimes Paris is not so dreamy when some stores are closed on Monday and others aren't and you never quite know which is which.
      And it's steamy out too!

  10. Cheers to you for living your Mum's dream, Carol. That photo of you taken together is beautiful. What gorgeous girls!

  11. Carol, your reminiscences are sweeter than any flower, perfume or baker's creation.

    Lots of love filled this post. xo

    1. Ahhh...Thank you Frances.
      You make me blush ;))

  12. Lovely post today. Great tribute to your mother. I have wondered if my mother had a dream of France. i always wondered how the second song she taught me was I LOVE PARIS. I am hoping the Aux Fleurs Marche Reine Elizabeth is beautiful in December. You are so living your dream. I often think of you when I am thinking can I do something.

    1. Oh dear, they will be selling christmas trees me thinks...

  13. You are so lucky to live in Paris
    Of course you made your own luck.

  14. Carolyn2:45 PM

    Love this tribute to your mother! The photo is fabulous. I see your face in your mother's beautiful!. Very chic dress. AND, weren't you just the cutest little baby!!!!!

    1. Naughty even then kicking up a fuss ;))

  15. Every now and then I read one of your posts that touches my heart and feels like you are writing only to me

  16. A perfect quote that hit home from last nite's Mad Men said by mom Betty to her daughter, Sally:
    "Sally. I always worried about you because you marched to the beat of your own drum, but now I know that’s good. Because your life will be an adventure.”

  17. You are living my dream and through you, I am living it, too. I've only been to Paris once in person. We had the most incredible time. Anyway, just wanted you to know how I love your letters from Paris...a real treat!

  18. You are living the dream for many of us. Keep on posting, we love it.

  19. Loved your beautiful post, Carol! That picture of your family is priceless - what an elegant and attractive group!

  20. Oh my! What a lovely post and a beautiful tribute to your mom.

  21. Dear Auntie Carol,
    so many thanks for the amazing Mother's Day letter. I am searching for a beautiful frame to put it in. I loved this post and showed it to Shira who was also moved to see you with Isabelle and Georgia. From all the stories I have heard I bet you are right that she would have adored Paris. I am so glad you found your calling and that it brings you so much joy.
    love bel

  22. Fabulous collection of photos, Carol - very, very colorful selection!
    Great shot of you as a child! Love that one :)

  23. Vickie3:35 AM

    Magnificent tribute to both your mom and the life you have created. The photo is very much you resemble her. You have lived almost two more lifetimes of before and after losing her and how beautifully you have filled them. Stay well, stay curious, and please stay generous with your incredible sharing of your life in Paris.

    1. Very, very sweet message Vicki,
      Thanks! I'll do my best ;))

  24. Such a lovely and heartfelt post , Carol , as is always your way !
    Indeed your maman Isabel would be so thrilled for you ~ and PROUD of you , as well I'm sure x x

  25. Stephanie Cook10:21 AM

    I'd like to be able to pin one of the pictures in this post to Pinterest - do you know anything about linking your blog to Pinterest? The picture of the little rose hat on the gold bust is so beautiful, I'd like to be able to keep it.
    I enjoy your blog so much. Thank you, Carol.

  26. What a beautiful post Carol...I'm sure your mother is living her Paris dream through you <3 And that mommy-and-me photo..stuning beautiful and you are a copy of your mother!!!


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