
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Agnés b. Hiver 2015

My doodles done in the dark at the Agnes b. show yesterday.

So exciting! I must have sent off 40+ email requests for show invites. Granted I should have done it 2 months ago...ahem. The show was held at Palais de Tokyo on Avenue President Wilson. They have a great snack bar here by the way.

Do not try to get into a show without your invitation (unless you're Kenya).
Do not leave your invitation on the kitchen table as we did yesterday and had to go back to get it!

Did I say Bear insisted on coming along. He's very fashion-minded you know.

A lot of the fashion goes on outside the actual show. People waiting anxiously to get in are dressed to the nines. Bear was smitten with the cat  girl.

Bear thinks I should grow my hair long.
No way Jose.

And wear a lot of pink rouge.
Are you kidding?

He says I should stop hiding in all-black and do some color blocking.
I wish...

Blue is IN he says.
OK, OK I read Bill Cunningham's blue story too.
Gimme a break.

Bear notes some attendees like to wear something of the designer as a sign of loyalty and devotion..
Next time Bear...

We both notice the very hairy, scruffy, badly dressed photographers get in vite, vite vite (fast) past the tough guards. The rest of us wait a good 30 minutes but it's worth it. If you have a priority invitation (with a gold star) you go in and wait inside. Not so much fun in our opinion.

At last we're in and climbing down to the cellar of the Palais de Tokyo.
Huh? I didn't expect this...

But real Champagne awaits in real glasses! 
Tres classe Agnes.

A graffiti light show entertains while we wait another 15-20. Agnes b. is a big supporter of the arts.

Bear is thrilled to be sitting in the second row.
I don't mention there are only 2 rows. Let him have his kicks.

Ta Da! But my iPad only gets blur in the dark. No problem capturing Sunday's Paris Marathon runners. But here I'm out of luck. Please see sketches above.

The gal in front is doing just fine with her iPhone 6...hmmm

After the 15 minute show designer Agnes comes out and takes a bow. Classic wearable clothes any woman would be happy to wear.
So kind of you to let me come to see a real show at Paris Fashion Week.

We climb back up past the madly graffitied walls.

I was going to head to SMACK, but the snack bar is closed so why not Tokyo Eat.

Soupe de potiron(squash) is perfect after all the anxiety and anticipation.
We were going to treat ourselves to some macarons but the waiter says they are not Pierre Herme macarons so we'll save our centimes for Jour du Macaron next week.
If you're not in Paris you can get some of my watercolor macarons on Etsy.
munch munch.


  1. Anabel5:46 AM

    So happy Bear got to go along to PFW!
    He's very in the know isn't he
    Great fun

  2. Hip hip hip..I would be so outa place..:)
    I think I would try too hard to be cool and dress like the photogs..
    I like you w/ a splash of red..Comme Bear said:)Allblack splash of red or your macaron t-shirt.
    Or Tintin bag.Or RRH pin.Or red ballerinas.

    1. Or or or. I had the macaron T on. No big splash.
      I prefer to observe not participate in the parade.

  3. Thanks for taking us with you! And I love the cat girl too - bear and I think alike!

  4. Looks incredibly fun! So glad you have Bear as a companion -- he has great instincts!

  5. What a great evening just spent with you and Bear at this Underground event.
    You and your camera and sense of humor...and style, really captured the ambiance.

  6. Carol, the show, and the pre-show, look like great fun.

    Every time I go into one of the NYC Agnes B shops I want to buy everything I see. However, I confess that I last bought her designs back in the 80s when she opened that first little shop in SoHo. Perhaps it's now about time to acquire something new...I fancy a chick raincoat for spring showers, now that it seems the snow days are over.

    xo to you and Bear

    1. Her shop was the first real Frenchy shop in NYC
      So cool

    2. it certainly was.

      Carol...I'm now wondering if I meant chic or chick. Hee hee. xo

  7. Bear does make such events so much more fun.

    1. Doesn't he though.
      I should never leave the house without him.

  8. Wonderful~

    I felt like I was there.

  9. Noémie agnès b.12:00 PM

    merci à vous !
    super article
    A bientôt,

  10. Your Paris Breakfast brightens my day. It is wonderful

  11. I could totally see you in that cat shirt!!!! Also, I love your fashion drawings so no problem not getting the photos!

  12. I have been a big fan of agnes b. since she had her quirky little shop in Les Halles in the 1980's. How awesome that you and Bear got to be guests at her show. As for the pink face, I used to work with a girl that had quite a breakdown after her divorce and right before she completely melted down, she started wearing her make-up just like that! Attention!

  13. It appears that the weather has warmed. Such a fun day!

    1. Spring is teasing us here. I hope its for real!
      Lovely ;))

  14. What fun! And the links are super...Agnes online was a delight! Seeing the graffiti in the Palais de Tokyo was very cool.

    I hope you are doing great and ready to share your macaron adventure next week.

  15. That Bear...he is such an optimist! (being on the second row). J'adore agnes b. and am so glad you let us be a fly on the wall.

  16. Such fun & so glad that Bear got to attend with you.

  17. I love those grainy downstairs shots!
    And Bear & Cat Girl :)

  18. So much fun. Thanks for sharing! :) - Erica


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