
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Paris Valentine - Klimt Pinacotheque

Paris is bursting with valentines to share of all kinds.

Windows are full of heart-shaped bread!

They are offering a wildly romantic and passionate dinner in their restaurant for 79 euros each.

With a deluxe savory heart to share.

Have you ever seen a valentine heart made of roquette and cherry tomatoes?

Only in Paris can you hug your darling under a lettuce umbrella!

Yves Rocher is renovating on boulevard Hausmann. They have covered their façade with giant morning glories...a kind of valentine to Paris non?

My favorite Metro poster right now is this pink kitten with a diamond ring perched on it's ear. Hint..hint.

Something new on the horizon in the Metro.

Where to go for your St.Valentin date? To an all-red café natch.

What to wear? A bold cashmere heart of course.

And underneath something more daring.

You can be seven and still be flirty in Paris.

There are lots of desserts just for the two lovers in Paris, like this tarte by Jean-Paul Hevin.

If you're a manage a trois you're in trouble.

Café Pouchkine wants you to eat off the same plate.

La Mere de Famille has chocolate hearts you can share with many.

Marshmallow hearts dipped in chocolate just for one I think.

The Pinacotheque has an appropriately wildly romantic show opening this week of Austrian artist Klimt.

His 'Femme Fatal' is an inspiration.

Mad lovers surrounded by gorgeous patterns

There are Valentines hearts for everyone, all ages in Paris right now!


  1. Fun to see Valentine's Day in Paris..
    Only you can show us so well..after all this time it feels like you are talking to each one of us individually showing us things we would like♥
    That little girl is precious.

    1. You're a darling to say that Monique ;))

    2. PS I took these all this morning after the Klimt exhibit.
      Many more hearts out there to catch!

  2. Great opening watercolor and the first photo looks like a laser light show :) Nice work on that one!
    The kitty with the ring on its ear is very cute.
    So many good shots and illustrations - "Mad Lovers."
    I hope that have a great V-Day Carol!

  3. Annabelle1:06 AM

    Love the reflections of Paris is Fauchons window...all iconic. The lamp post especially.

  4. allison1:08 AM

    Totally seductive combining the artworks and the chocolate.

  5. Loving those giant morning glories! And all the sweet confections! Speaking of which, a lovely sweet confection of a Paris Sketch arrived in my box the other day! Enchanted!

  6. I normally get so frustrated with the reflections on the windows but that first shot of yours is wonderful!
    Must get to this exhibition as Antoine adores this so much. Just wish we was Thomas Crown and could sneak a painting home.

    1. Often the reflections are better than what's inside the window!
      I love reflections in Paris. The Best.

  7. cyndi from SD10:16 AM

    As always,Paris is a feast for the eyes.And you are so good at capturing it for us.
    Such creativity.

  8. Jilly in Oz11:37 AM

    What a wildly wonderful post for Valentines Day , Carol -
    merci beaucoup & wonderful warm wishes fly across the seas to you

  9. Georgia11:39 AM

    Oooo la la
    The RED lingerie! I want some.

  10. ������❤️❤️❤️ to you, Carol.

  11. I hope they'll let you take pictures at the Klimt show!

    1. I was at the press preview.
      It opens officially today Y

  12. Scrumptious. Delicious Breakfast
    and having it with Klimt~ divine.

  13. Jane in NYC12:00 PM

    seeing all the sugar-laden hearts is one thing; the Klimt is quite another . . .
    your photos make me miss Paris

  14. Cheryl T12:04 PM

    I would give anything to be there and see all the lovely window displays!

  15. WineWalker1:23 PM

    and a happy Valentine's day to you. And the day before and the day after and more. Love the giant morning glories

  16. Lynn C5:08 AM

    This was fabulous!!! Happy Valentines Day..

  17. Happy Valentine's, Carol. Reading your blog over the years and looking at your photos, I have come to appreciate the color red. It just pops. These pictures of all of the Valentine's hearts makes a person want to see Paris in February. Is there really a time you do not want to come to Paris?

  18. Never has a salad appealed to me like the cherry tomato/roquette heart!!! I will eat it right before going to the Klimpt show. You are so lucky!!

  19. beautiful!!♡ ♡ ♡

  20. Check out the Cleveland artist being hailed as the daVinci of this, the digital age, Marc Breed. Creator of the psychedelic peace symbol, male exotic dance pioneer, filmmaker to two of the highest grossing adult films of all-time, civil and first amendment rights advocate, and if that weren't enough, he readily admits to having escaped from one of America's most secure prisons (his golem remains in the prisons archive).And to boot, he has a testedI.Q. Of 152


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