
Saturday, February 14, 2015

I ♥ Charlotte et Coco

A valentine to Charlotte and Coco Jobard!

On Thursday morning Charlotte lets me tag along to Little India in the 10th. They are celebrating Valentines with pizazz.

Bangles of mad colors

Match the exotic greens at Cash and Carry 11-15 rue Cail 75010

A small store front reveals a huge emporium of endless goodies.

Always on the lookout for new cooking tools, Charlotte tests a spice grinder. I'm feeling lost, like I've fallen down the rabbit hole upside down.

Still I manage to walk out with a haul of 2 pounds of Australian almonds, 1 pound of preserved ginger from Thailand, star aniseed (which Charlotte says is good to throw in Chicken bone broth - her recipe is up here), turmeric powder.
I see a man hacking open fresh coconuts for two Indian women and rush off to fetch one. I misread the price thinking each is 3,80. The two woman come over to tell me the coconuts are just 1,50 for THREE. Still I only get one hacked in half. How will I ever get through one coconut in a week?

By now we're starving and traipse down the opposite end of rue Cail to Krishna Bhavan, given the seal of approval by Patricia Wells.

Why does one always order more than you can possible eat in Indian restaurants? 

By the time we leave every seat is taken and others are waiting in line.

The same afternoon I'm off to 37, rue des Martyrs to meet Coco at the new boutique, Mesdemoiselles Madeleines

Just madeleines. Minis, classic all with French girls names.

Flavored and
Wearing little hats full of crème.

In 4 flavors - framboise, citron, chocolat, caramel au beurre sale.

We dissect a caramel madeleine.

And swoon. Steve is the owner of this new shop.

Afterwards Coco takes Bear for a coffee.

Bear falls instantly in love with a rue des Martyrs polar bear.
Happy Valentines Charlotte, Coco and all PBers!
♥ ♥ ♥


  1. A very pretty life indeed:)
    I love your painting of the bouquet..And I would have bought preserved ginger too:)
    Just read a little madeleine the look of the covered ones..:) Coz ..different to me..

  2. So glad Bear could come along. And see others of his kind!

  3. Only in Paris could there be a shop that only sells Madelaines . I love them and would certainly choose the caramel au beurre sale. You have certainly had a wonderful week seeing so many hearts roses and anything red for St Valentine fete. Happy weekend.

  4. Steve's smile made me smile. I did not know you could improve on Madeleines, but a little caramel would take them over the top. mmmmmm....

  5. Lynne C12:12 PM

    Now this is paradise....

  6. Sandy G12:28 PM

    So that is Bear!
    I want to take a cooking class this fall.

  7. Hugs to Bear on this Special Day !

  8. oh la la so sweet of you
    I love you too !!!!!

  9. Hugs to you and Bear on Valentines Day, Carol.
    Looks like you entertained all your senses on this day of Loving.
    As usual, I love your colorful posts, filled with texture and lots of good tastes.

  10. special V to you too

  11. Thank you for being my eyes in Paris. Hugs, from El Salvador.

  12. Wishing you and Bear a very happy Valentine's Day! Paris certainly continues to reveal more and more charms.


  13. So green with envy of you and Bear in gorgeous Paris.....
    snow snow snow and ice upon ice here....
    Happy Valentine's Day from me and Buster.

    1. Drizzle upon drizzle here in Paris
      But that ain't nothing new ;)
      I ope yhe ice goes away soon in NYC!

    2. Forecast not above freezing for the coming week......HELP!

  14. Happy Valentines Day to you & Bear.

  15. I love all of those bright colors in the opening photos - they really jump out at you!
    You sure did order a lot of food at the Indian restaurant :)
    The madeleines look fabulous - I could eat a bunch of them right now.
    Good to that Bear was taken out for a treat, too.
    Happy V-Day, Carol!

  16. Carla in ID2:06 AM

    YOU ARE THE BEST!! Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful discoveries! You make it seem like I’m right back there!
    Happy Valentine’s Day to you!

  17. Beautiful pictures! Can't wait to try the three different types of cinnamon I got with you!

  18. Is it just the way you cut it or did they remove the bump and hollow out the caramel madeleine?

    1. Very good question.
      The madeleine seems to have been beheaded!
      Than a little hat added full of flavored creme
      Will try to find out J.

  19. I so need to try out Mademoiselles Madeleines. Looks super and love the concept with girlie names and flavoured humps. Trust the French to turn girls with humps into something spectacular!

  20. What else could I say except that the photos you took were absolutely amazing!

    The colors are just perfect :)!

  21. Yum and Happy! I may have to skip out and buy some Madeleines today. No, they won't be nearly so good -- but they will be madeleines! Yum!


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