
Friday, December 05, 2014

December Letter and Le Bon Marche Xmas

This month I'm pleased as egg nog punch to report I'm free as a bird regarding the December Paris Sketch Letter!
The letter, completed in late November (miracle of miracles!) is MAILED OUT! 
True, you haven't seen much of Carolg on PB of late. That's because I've been super busy tearing out my hair illustrating a mystery pastry map for J's new book coming out in the Spring.
There's always something...
The map was completed yesterday at long last. I headed over to see BON MARCHÉ'S divine Christmas decorations.
Can you find Carolg?
BEAR came along for the ride.
Bon Marche is enthralled with reindeer and so am I.
Lovely, light and cheerful. Not wildly extravagant but very effective.
Their tree decoration shop on the 2nd floor IS indeed extravagant.
And a joy to experience.
Their fabulous baubles but so worth it.
What is the smart Parisian wearing, browsing in Bon Marche? 
Paris temperatures being in the high 30s so a tad chilly.
*Note tam o'shanter hat, black leggings, backpack and scooter.
BEAR, permanently dressed in cashmere, is ready for Winter and not interested in Bon Marche's dress code. He'd rather gaze at chocolate-covered marshmallow bears. Miam
Outside Bon Marche's Grand Epicerie there's a faux chalet offering hot chocolate, mulled wine, kouglhof and pain d'epice (gingerbread). Free tastes too. Miam miam!
More reindeer in the windows busy working in Santa's Atelier(workshop) doing guess what?
Sorting MAIL!
Is this not a dream come true for someone who spends 1/3 her time at La Poste, 1/3 addressing envelopes and the other 1/3 tasting chocolates and buche de Noel!
They are jumping up and down on the bags of letters to pack them into Santa's bags.
They are checking addresses for mistakes.
Boy did this hit home. Where do I hire these reindeer?
Mailboxes in front so Parisian kids can drop off their wish lists to Santa. The store toy catalog has a tear-out letter plus lovely stickers of French reindeer.
Bon Marche has a Holiday Special on - order a bag and get it personalized with your name or your friend's name on it.

Paris Sketch Letters has a HOLIDAY SPECIAL on for the month of December.

Order a subscription on ETSY and get a watercolor print of a box of macarons with YOUR NAME ON IT!   It's not too late to receive the personalized macaron print in time for the holidays (Hanukkah and Kwanza included). Ready to ship out TODAY! If you want to personally give the 1st letter I can send it to you and the rest to the gift recipient. 
If you're in Paris and mad for reindeer, run to Bon Marche this Sunday at 3 PM. 
The reindeer will be singing Carols on the rez-de-chausee. 24, rue de Sevres 75007
Cheers Carolg


  1. Anabel S3:00 AM

    Wonderful decorations!
    Great Holiday spirit at Bon Marche!
    Love your Holiday lettre!!!

  2. Marilyn3:02 AM

    Received my sketch letter yesterday. I was so pleased. Love Macarons and then to have it personalized. Great idea. Your posts do help to promote products. I have got a macaron kitchen timer from Australia.

  3. Suzanne3:04 AM

    LOVE LOVE the Dec letter ~ came in mail today ! so glad you kept it with just the macarons ~ classic Carol ~ and personalized with our name and festive sparkles!!
    Merci beaucoup and joyeux noel!

  4. Classy personalised macaron boxes - brilliant. Love the watercolours as ever, Carol. And just between you and me, I adore your map of pastries. I get to see what it looks like today on screen, inside ze book.... feel like a girlie in a sweetie shop. Bravo - can't wait to see it all together and to show off your work later. Oh, patience, patience...
    In the meantime, reindeers carol singing? Now that sounds fun on Sunday.

  5. So many magnificent images Carol thanks. I just long to visit Le Bon Marche's little kiosk and have some pain d'epice and chocolat chad.

  6. Fun sound happy and busy..and in demand..Love the envelopes..and the personalized macarons print..
    So creative!
    Love Au Bon Marché..I would make it a destination.
    Now..when is your book appearing?:)

  7. Bonnie L9:17 AM

    Your December sketch letter was in my mailbox when I arrived home from work Monday evening. Can't tell you what a mood lifter your letters are; they immediately take me back to Paris! Love this letter in particular. Such a thoughtful touch, Carol, putting our name on the maccaron box. This one is DEFINATELY getting framed! Happy holidays to you...❤️

    1. Thank you Bonnie! ;))
      I hope to make it a December tradition!!

  8. I can hardly wait for the mail today - my letter must be there!!!

  9. Wow-wow-wow! A new book from Jill and your illustrations in it!!! What could be more perfect? Well, maybe if she has a recipe for lapin in it....

    1. There is!
      It's called 'lapin' up the whipped cream' or Chantilly Lace tuiles...

  10. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Carol--LOVED LOVED LOVED your December sketch and then to receive the personalized sketch yesterday. Your sketches are highly anticipated and savored at our house. We were in Paris in October (and miss it terribly) and so it is fun to see what the city/Le Bon Marche look like for Christmas. And of course the highlight of seeing Bear in today's post. It doesn't get any better. Happy Holidays to you both! Patricia and Eric, Minneapolis.

  11. What a lovely post! Looks like you and ever stylish Bear had a wonderful time. I'm beginning to think that perhaps I should plan a visit to Paris around Christmas one of these years

  12. So many fabulous photos, Carol! You make a winter night look sooo beautiful.
    I love the opening illustration and the BON MARCHÉ photo is perfection!

  13. Carol, can't wait to receive my December sketch letter. Macarons, so very French! It's such fun to read your posts. I feel as if I'm on a mini escape to my favorite city. My very first time in Paris was over the Christmas holidays. Loved seeing the shop windows!

    1. I have to say it
      More for kids so more fun.
      not so sophisticated...sillier
      And note there are almost NO PRODUCTS in Bon Marche's windows!!
      Bergdorfs would never do that. All about selling glam $$$$$ products and making you feel incredibly poor. So there. Put that in your pipes NYCers.

  14. Fabulous !!! You just made my day!!!! The Best!!!!!

  15. So glad to see you back at Paris Breakfast! Glad you got your work done. I was missing it. Looking forward to your new one for the holidays!

  16. Gorgeous, Carol! You captured it all so beautifully.


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