
Sunday, July 06, 2014

This N' That in Paris

A little bit of this and that today.
What to wear on the bus: if you have 3 hairs, grab em and put em in a ponytail. Never goes out of style in Paris
Nor does black on a very hot day while waiting for bus #63 from Hotel Shangri-La. *Note lots of chic peep on this bus. *Also note boots are for all seasons.
The jeans jacket is a classic but faded this year...must fade mine somehow.
My New Balance Jolly Green Giant Baskets. Ugh I'm missing my one gladiator boot, always chic in Paris.
Ok not a pretty picture but I am back in the pool. Hooray.
Hello Pontoise - an hour a day is de rigueur.
Especially if you're having Berthillon's best-in-town tarte tatin topped with their vanilla glace. You only have to eat this once and then you're set for life - a Bucket Dessert List item checked off.
Here's what's showing in Eric Kayser's windows
Kayser is near the post office.
Nice that the tartes match the postbox.
It's lovely to be back making 'runs' to La Poste to get your July Paris Letters into L'Etrangér slot myself.
Today I went on the Metro! A first in maybe 5-6 weeks.
Boy have I missed the Metro posters.
Someone's been looking at Jean-Babtiste Simeon Chardin's Melons. It's raining a lot the past few days with intermittent bursts of sunshine. So there you have the news from Paris. More to come soon. Cheers Carolg


  1. Louisa1:46 PM

    Love the black lace top ponytail girl has on.
    Is that IN too in Paris?

    1. Ooopla Very sharp eyes
      And yes it is IN this summer...meant to say so.

  2. I am so glad you're back in la piscine!
    My friend Nancy started every day too last month ..she loves it..she is l'artiste like you..
    You always show us the prettiness of paris:)
    Don't you love flip flops..I do..and boots..and sandals.. but shoes..not so much at all.

  3. The first and last shots are my favorites. The first because that girl in the jeans and high heels is very nice to look at :)
    The last because of the colors and how you caught the motion of people & their umbrellas escaping a rain shower (my guess, anyway).
    I like how you've caught the new worldwide pose - don't leave home without a phone to stare down at!
    (The food looks great, too!)

    1. OMG is that true!
      I need an iPhone soooo bad to stare down on.
      the iPad doesn't make it here.

  4. crazy4paris5:44 PM

    How do those pretty girls stay so thin while all those sweet temptations abound?!

    1. That is the Mystery of the Sphinx.
      No one knows the answer.
      Genes and jeans?
      Pills and ciggies?
      I will Never be French.

  5. Loved this post and love to see Parisians out and about. It seems that you are doing well and making much progress.

    1. Tanks, Yes MUCH progress.
      Soon I will be graduating to just one stick/crutch/bequille !!!

  6. Glad you're back on your feet again! Love the "this 'n' that" of this post, especially the last photo--very impressioniste!

    1. Ah the rain in Paris is always so 'Impressionistic'
      Could the impressionists have started in NYC?
      I think not...

  7. Absolutely loved this; I can hear your voice and it always makes me smile. Also loved the finale photo from the St. Regis, where Shirley and I have had breakfast every morning for the 12 years we've been staying at the Lutece. We love Alain, who always greets us with a handshake and a smile when we return after a year or two. When we come next year, we must meet at the St. Regis!

    1. You guessed right Debbe - Café St. Regis.
      I stopped in a week ago to get out of the rain - the buses were stopped for the Gay Parade.
      I had a terrific bowl of onion soup

  8. Carolyn11:05 PM

    Good to see you are out and about.
    That tea with Janice looked delicious!
    Love the colors in the Shangri-La..

    1. The Shangri-La is a lovely place to visit...exceptional in my opinion in Paris...maybe a well kept secret since it's a little off the beaten path but more serene than Laduree or Angelina for an afternoon tea.

  9. I am eyeing Le Frasier in Kayser's window! I think I would be very fat if I were French, unable to control myself with all of the boulangeries and patisseries every which way. Mcdonalds... I can completely ignore for years. But a freshly baked baguette, I'm all in! Thanks for sharing your adventure!

  10. That was definitely a bucket list dessert. OMD.... Oh Mon Dieu. We MUST take on another bucket list dessert ASAP.

    1. How to top that one?
      Patisserie des Reves winning Saint-Honoré.
      or should we stop while we're ahead?

  11. Carolyn3:20 AM

    I forgot to ask

    Are you learning to love those new shoes????

    1. NO but I keep the laces extremely loose so it's more like a bedroom slipper and doesn't hurt so much

  12. So pleased that you are out & about, hopping on & off buses. Loved seeing what's the in things in Paris, even though it's too hectic for me, I think I'm meant to be a country girl and sit and watch the world go by or I should say the birds & all the other wildlife, from my garden bench. I'm hoping I too will be soon be out & about driving myself down the country lanes.

  13. Carol, it's grand to know that you really are out and about again in new footgear. I know how happy this must make you, particularly the return to the pool.

    I also enjoyed seeing those yummy sweets and the fashion views. It interests me how Paris and NYC do share lots of fashion trends, yet I think the trends always look more chic in Paris.


  14. Not sure why your post take a day to arrive, but I am glad they do.

    I love all the desserts. I am trying to walk off my desserts, but so far it is not working.


  15. So thankful you are on the on your bucket list: La Varangue, 27 rue Augereau-call to make sure he is serving Boeuf Bourguignon(beef stew) and his chocolate cake with sauce before you go! Telephone 01 47 05 51 22/06 64 21 44 09 You will not be disappointed!

    1. Seriously? I'm always looking for the best Boeuf Bourguignon! I've put this place on the list for when we return for the fall and winter. Other things look good, too.

  16. So, you tried the 63 bus! It is so nice to have you out and about in Paris. I must ask though---which Kayser is near the post office? Is the tarte tatin better than the Secco apple tart? I've never tasted a tarte better than the Secco!! And all thanks to you!

    1. parisbreakfast3:14 PM

      Eric kayser on rue Monge
      Nothing beats Secco;s apple tarte

  17. Love seeing Paris through your eyes, especially since I have yet to visit. (sigh) ...some day.

  18. Carol, It is so nice that you are up and about & on your feet. I've missed the pastry store windows & Paris through your eyes so much, but I'm sure you have too.

  19. Wonderful to hear you're back at the pool.

  20. Carol, this is such (another!) wonderful post today!
    You have given us such a beautiful slice of Paris life,Paris people and Paris pastry(especially that Tarte Tatin!Yum!)
    Thank you!
    So glad you are back to your normal routine.What a treat for all of us!,

  21. Hi Carol, So glad you're back in the pink...or the green...and the pool. I agree with your recommendation for Berthillon's tarte tatin. Exceptional! I love it on your LeNotre (?) plate. I also agree with the Metro posters. They are fun, educational, and more. LOVE that you spotted the Chardin melon resemblance... A bientot! Karen

  22. it’s great to
    see you out and about again. The posters in the Metro stations, are always a pleasure to
    see, and the last painting, by Chardin is lovely! It’s great that you are now getting out for fun things,

  23. Anonymous5:19 AM

    tarte tatin is from the south of France so no 100% parisienne

  24. Nice GIANT PICTURES today! How'dya do that?

  25. Love the new shoes! Especially the colour!!!


  26. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Thank you for the fun news, Carol! Glad your feeling better and out-and-about. Love you!

  27. Yum! How I should love to join your for that vanilla tart tatin!

  28. Glad to hear that you're back in the pool. I have that Berthillon tarte tatin in my sights- I've heard of it before, and I plan to eat one in October.


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