
Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Shangri-La Hotel Afternoon Tea Time

We were guests for tea at Hotel Shangri-La . Study the menu carefully.
I decided, after much deliberation, Bear should order the Tea Time Classic and (moi) would pig out with TWO desserts. 'The best of all possible worlds!' as Voltaire said.
In the Celadon green serenity of La Bauhinia
Calorie counting goes out the window.
Carpe Diem/Seize the day!
The helpful tea sommelier suggested an infusion of rosehips and hibiscus flowers for me. Bear was enticed by rose et a la vanille.
Desserts were a lovely surprise. A witty transformation of traditionally classic French pastries. This charlotte aux Fraises is unlike any charlotte I've seen before but all the same ingredients - soft strawberry sponge cake, strawberry jam and yogurt mousse.
Light as a feather with the cake hidden on the inside
An unusual Flottante.
The 'floating islands on top, lightly anointed with caramel - delicate and leger/light.
The 'classic tea time' has 3 plates. One of mignardises
Miniature French classic pastries like an éclair, a cannele, a mini chocolate mousse and paille.
One mustn't forget the very English scones, one is Bergamot.
Star pastry chef Francois Perret came and chatted with us. If you're in France these days you'd have seen him on Qui sera le prochain grand Patissier? last week. Just the hottest show in France (with the hottest chefs).
We both agreed his miniature 'paille'/meaning straw is one of France's best traditional pastries.
I've eaten more versions of this palmier-like sandwich filled with raspberry jam than I can count. It's usually covered in enough powdered sugar to leave it's mark down your front. This is why French people wear scarves. in my opinion - a bib for munching outdoors.
After our luscious tea we took a little spin around the historic side of the Shangri-la hotel formerly owned by Bonaparte's nephew Rolande.
The hotel's signature orchids are everywhere.
While the La Bauhinia was quiet (we started tea at 5) the terrasses were buzzing. Many Parisians were enjoying the gorgeous weather on the hotel Shangri-La's three terrasses - one has views of the Eiffel Tower. Stopping in for tea is a lovely way to experience this deluxe, historic hotel in Paris. and by all means wear your white Rabbit ring for afternoon tea time!


  1. Now I must come to Paris for tea. Beautiful! How I would love hearing and seeing pictures of the sandwiches too.

  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    I like anything "lightly anointed in caramel", it was nice to re-visit this post. Very beautiful.Hope you are well.Fan from Oregon

  3. Monica4:40 AM

    Yes!ore sandwichs Please

  4. Janine4:41 AM

    What a divin repast!
    Salivating nonstop
    So much glamour


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