
Monday, July 14, 2014

Les Années 50 - Palais Galliera

Still raining cats and dogs in Paris yesterday..

But no matter. Time to visit
The just-opened fashion exhibit of The Years 50s
At Palais Galliera
Metro Ilena
10, Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75016
The exhibit starts off in 1947 when Christian Dior came out with his 'New Look' pinched-in waist and full skirts.
And ends in 1957 when a very young Yves Saint Laurent taking over the helm at Dior. A 10-year period of absolute elegance and sublime clothing never to be seen the likes of again. A riveting must-see exhibit if you love fashion.
I was warned at the entrance NO cameras or portables. Picture taking was forbidden. Time to bring out my little sketchbook and doodle.
Fabulously glamorous looks.
The invention of the little black dress for the cocktail hour. Chanel's inventive white-ribbed sweater dress with black grosgrain ribbon trim at neck, waist and cuffs.
Massive bows at the waist exaggerated and structured like architecture made of taffeta and velvet (by Jacques Fath).
Finally I had to sneak a few shots or die on the spot.
Such glam!
Who does subtle dove grey dresses anymore?
Dove grey tulle gown by Christian Dior with a grey satin bow at the waist. To Die For.
Lingerie lace comes out at night
In this robe de soir by Jeanne Lanvin.
Soigné Christian Dior white satin ball gowns before fashion became democratized. Hello Gap.
Bows forever as the fem touch to soften sober structured dresses.
Anything with a scallop shell is a winner. Witty beachwear from the 50s. Who knew?
More architectural shapes take over the handbag. The 50s exhibit is on till November 2. A nice catalog is available(44.50 euros).
Feathered cocktail hats look a lot like
The jets flying over Paris this morning (seen from my window) in celebration of Bastille day today.
Tonight they're celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Eiffel Tower. These celebrations seem to renew every 5 years if not every year. I'll probably be painting cherries for renewing sketch letter subscribers. Bonne Bastille Day PBers!


  1. I'm in Paris next week and the exhibition at the Palais Galliera is on top of my to-do-list! Can't wait!! I guess you took the photos without permission... as usual ;-) I'm neither courageous nor fast enough...

    1. My heart was in my mouth a little.
      A guard did stop me but I could see she wasn't too serious.
      I must get invited to the press previews and then everything will be smooth as silk.

  2. Swoon, swoon! Fabulous---the exhibit and your fashion sketches. I can't wait to see this one. So glad that the Galliera is open again. Thank you. Thank you.

  3. Did you notice if there is a book of the exhibition?

    1. Oooops meant to say.
      A lovely book 44.50€
      Worth it imho.

  4. Bonne Bastille day to you, as well! Now that I'm back online, I'm catching up! Loved the current letter and will be renewing! Didn't realize it was 125 years on the tower -- woo hoo!

  5. Jacques has been watching Le Tour De France and told me it's still raining..we had that hier but today all is well..Love bows and flowers on clothes..and that little red dress you painted..How pretty pretty!

  6. Your sketches are so wonderful, so much better than photos! Thank you for this fabulous post!Gorgeous!

  7. I too was glad that cameras were banned even if you did manage to sneak a few shots.. It meant we got to see many more of your sketches, I loved seeing your fashion styles showing the 50's nipped in waist & full skirts. I used to make all my own clothes then.

  8. The costume sketches are really terrific! I am very impressed!

  9. Your fashion sketches ARE to die for...forget the photos, I LOVE YOUR WORK!
    Since I won't be in Paris, this is the next best thing!

    Mary in Oregon

  10. Fab post. So much here...The wonderful shot of the Eiffel Tower in the rain and I love the fifties clothes. Glad you got some pictures but your sketches make them even more special. I thought at first they were part of the show then I read that you did them. Great post. Happy to see you out and about.

    1. THANKS Cris!
      The Eiffel Tower was shot thru the bus window ;)

  11. Beautiful sketches & photos - I hope that you had a great Bastille Day!

  12. Enjoyed this post sooo much. I would have sneaked a few photos too as I have done in the past, much to my son's embarrassment.

  13. Love the sketches. The clothes look amazing, and I am not a big fan if 50's design usually. I had a dove grey lambs wool coat with a nipped waist and long full skirt from that period that a very stylish aunt handed down to me, wore all through art school, wish I still had it. Wore with high buttoned boots, back when I could wear such great shoes.

  14. Lovely sketches. I'm inspired to crack open the watercolor Moleskin notebook you recommended.

  15. What a wonderful exhibition and see! you didn't have to worry Carol! a few beautiful sketches and a couple of discreetly aimed shots and Voila! we have all enjoyed the trip. I have just been to see "Yves St-Lauren" at the movies and apparently clothing from his collection were actually used in the filming ... what a talented monsieur. Love those sweet little "Cherry Cards"

  16. Sharon9:49 AM

    Carol, I LOVE your dress sketches. I've never heard of Palais Galliera. How do you learn of all the unusual events and locations you share with us? Do you have any special sources you can share? Merci beaucoup,

    1. Posters in the Metro or in the street ar my best source.

  17. Carol, I so agree with all the prior comments about how well your drawings capture the gorgeous style of the 50s clothes. What a grand exhibit this must be.

    Your cherry paintings are sublime! xo

  18. Merci, Carol, pour ce petit aperçu! I love fashion from the 50s, it is my ideal of glamorous. Lucky me, I can wear cinched waists, though it's not always easy to find the style these days...

  19. I want all of them but mostly the black off the shoulder evening dress - and my youthful figure back!
    Super post!

    ox glad foot improving

    1. And I want my figure back pre-Broken Leg !!!
      Darn it :)

  20. Absolutely adore your sketches - much more fun than the photos - clothes were so glamorous and elegant during the 50's. Pure audrey.

  21. Mary Lou2:17 PM

    This is absolutely wonderful, Carol! Thank you for sharing your sketches with us!

  22. Thanks for sharing the exhibit. This past weekend I was in Wilmington, DE for the Costumes of Downton Abbey exhibit. So nice to see them up close. I am jealous of the 50s exhibit though, all those iconic dresses and styles. I saw a Balenciaga exhibit in Dallas several years ago. I went 5 times just to ogle the dresses.

  23. LOVE your drawings from the exhibit. Weather in Paris is looking terrible! Hope you will come visit us soon!

  24. oh happy sigh........

    thank you so much, for taking me, where i will never go.....

    although my husband and i, did spend 8 wonderful days in paris, way back in '99... :-)

    your sketches are so marvelous. lucky you, always able to capture what you see.

    but thank you for sneaking a few clandestine photos for us!!!


  25. Carol,today's post and your beautiful sketches absolutely run away with my imagination!
    What fabulous clothes from such a romantic era of the past.
    Also LOVE your rainy day pictures!
    We are in such a severe drought here in the Southwest;only wish we could enjoy the moisture,feel and scent of those heavenly droplets!

  26. We were on a trip to the Basque country a few years ago - they had just opened the Balenciaga museum in a small town where he lived - I didn't take the opportunity to see it - wish I had thought harder about it!

    1. what a shame!!!
      There was a FAB Balenciaga exhibit in New York a year or two ago at the Spanish Elegant!!

  27. On my list for next week though if I don't make it I feel as though I have seen it through this lovely post!

  28. Angela4:03 AM

    I love the watercolor sky behind the jets!
    Love the cherries!

  29. just blogwalking.. Nice post and have a nice day :)

  30. A 10-year period of absolute elegance and sublime clothing never to be seen the ...


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