
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hotel Shangri-La

Have you been inside Hotel Shangri-La in Paris?
A divine hotel particulier built in1896 for Prince Roland Bonaparte nephew of Bonaparte III.
Time for Cinderella to leave her pumpkin and step into a grander world.
A world full of orchids.
And Empire entry ways.
Orchids are a repeating icon throughout Hotel Shangri-La.
As is the famous Napoleonic bee.
The Shangri-La group acquired the building (a designated historic monument) in 2006 and spent four years restoring it back to it's original elegance and beauty.
Every detail reflects great attention to preserve French heritage.
B for Bonaparte as well as R for Roland are part of all the reliefs.
The stunning bouquets come from top Parisian florist, Pascal Mutel.
The Eiffel Tower nearby is as much a visual icon as the Bonaparte Bees and Asian orchids. Many hotel rooms have terrace views.
A sublime melange of Asian and French decorative details throughout.
Another hotel room I could move into instantly has perfect views.
Plus the Empire bathrooms are simply dreamy.
Lovely hand-painted ribbon details caught my eye...
Are repeated in the silk wall coverings in the rooms of the restored family residence.
The spa pool too blends right in.
Prince Roland was a famous collector of botanical prints.
Entry way to La Bauhinia: the French and South-East Asian two-starred Michelin restaurant.
They serve a gorgeous afternoon tea I'd love to come back for...

The Celadon greens and ruby reds.
A perfect combination.
One of the hotel's several gardens with Eiffel Tower views.
We had lunch in one-star Shang Palace, one of Paris' most authentic Chinese restaurants.
We decided on the 7-course 'Menu Jade'.
An absolute must is the chef's extraordinary dim sum (not on our menu) of prawns wrapped in red rice with a sesame sauce.
Delicate crispy crevettes.
A special steamed lotus leaf package holding morsels of shrimp, chicken, pork in rice. Heavenly
A refreshing dessert soup of mango, pomelo and tapioca perles...sigh. So you see you must come for tea or cocktails or dinner or to stay at Shangri-La - a divine haven in Paris.


  1. Cinderella indeed!
    What a heavenly day you had..

  2. Beautiful illustration! The hotel looks like something out of Marie Antoinette! I'm sure Bear would have loved it! It is so wonderful seeing through your viewpoint, you always find the loveliest places and details. Really enjoyed this post!

  3. Oh, my!! I knew it must be lovely on the inside as well. The most perfect location. How much was lunch? Or tea?

  4. Amazing place, so elegant & such detail to the décor.
    I'd love to live there :)

  5. the recent photos in Vanity Fair of Catherine Deneuve and Kate Moss were taken at the Hotel Shangri-La in Paris!
    In a big snow storm in Paris.

  6. Anonymous10:54 PM

    What a wonderful opportunity! I just love the pale lavender walls with all the gold elegant and classy. The Napoleonic bee is fabulous! I love reading your blog because I am always learning something new! Carolyn

    1. Loads of Napoleonic bees on Google...

  7. I think a room for you to reside it there would be perfect, especially with you and your noodle in that pool :) I love bee motifs and the one you posted is quite beautiful.

  8. I love your blog. It's enchanting! Feel free to follow me at

    Merci! :)

  9. Tout Paris8:35 AM

    Check out the knobs and levers on doors and windows and that's from my suppliers.

  10. Utterly divine! I'd love to stop in for afternoon tea..

  11. Your pics are wonderful <3
    I am completely in love !

  12. Hmmm. I appear to not be getting the email notifications for I see I have missed several posts. Maybe they're just behind. What a glorious place to visit! And dine!

  13. For some reason I've not been getting your posts. Only that I know you make a post everyday I would have missed this.Now that is heaven, they say Shangri-la is like being in heaven, I think I'll book myself & Mr France a room and dinner. Fab post,

  14. Lourayne10:44 PM

    Definitely, one of my very favorites places, too!
    Thank you for sharing this.


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