
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Xmas Pomme et Cerise

Paris pomme et cerise - a good excuse for a PB RED post!
There were plenty of pommes in the windows of elegant wine merchant Au Verger de la Madeleine
Another way to get red in the picture next to the Champagne.
Sonia Rykiel is big on cerises/cherries
Noir et rouge for Xmas/Noel
Big red Christmas balls in the window
With petites cerises - I could go for these.
Swedish Siri has rather non chic but adorable dollies in their windows at the Madeleine.
Fauchon has pushed their hot pick to almost RED and golden balls...could be apples...hmm
Across the square Hediard has their famous pate de fruits in their vitrines.
Mariage Freres has a newish small shop at the Madeleine full of 'Christmas Pudding' tea...hmmm
Rue Royale has put their lights on.
There's La Village off rue Royale through a passage way
Bring deep pockets or just window browse...Looking is allowed.
Same thing on Boulevard Saint-Germain at Ralph Lauren.
Red with black is it evidently.
Printemps is staying classic with just plain ole red santas.
Last Thursday on Beaujolais Nouveau day you could have worn this look.
Too busy baking pumpkin pies to think about Xmas?
Richard and I will be baking a tarte au noix au caramel - a variation on a pecan pie. Croise les doigts/cross your fingers PBers.


  1. Foodwalker8:13 AM

    Totally yummy post!

  2. Your apple and the cherry are my favorites!

  3. Red is IN (none of this blue and silver at Chrismas) .
    I would definitely try the Christmas Pudding tea, (did you ?) just because is Christmas .In Australia I am looking forward to Christmas pudding icecream from a local icecream shop

  4. Lovely Christmassy post. I'm with Monique, love the apple & cherry painting.Before I scrolled down I thought you might have been giving us a quick painting tutorial.Must have red at Christmas time.

  5. The best reds of all are on your apple painting!

    1. I could paint with reds all day long...
      Never tire of it

  6. The picture of Mariage Freres reminds me that I must have a cup of their the Noel. You must try it - it's a black tea with orange and vanilla.

    1. Vanilla has become my mifdle name.
      I'm in.

    2. Thanks for the suggestion! I just added a spare few drops of vanilla to my regular cuppa black tea ... Yumbo! CarolH-NY. :-)

  7. cyndi from SD11:03 AM

    Thank you,thank you,thank you...It's a feast for the eyes.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  8. Norma Jean11:43 AM

    Everything is just beautiful!! And I LOVE your watercolor.....gorgeous!! Happy Thanksgiving

  9. Lots of happy smiles with these beautiful photos and wonderful watercolor! Happy Day!

  10. L'illustration de votre pomme et cerise est extraordinaire...
    Je penche pour les cerises à cause de la période qui est en ce qui me concerne la saison idéale...
    Gros bisous

  11. Love all the photos & your watercolor & really want to taste your pie.

  12. I so love your red posts. Indeed I love red now because you taught me how wonderful it was. You paint reds so pretty too. Such sumptuous christmas windows and lights you have for us today. Oh, Hediard pate des fruits, they are so fabulous. I like that Fauchon window best I think.

  13. Great watercolor to open the post!
    I love the night shots, the outdoor street scenes.

  14. Some day I would love to hear your thoughts about the NY to Paris move and whether or how being in Paris full-time has affected your blog/painting/observations. Is life more serendipitous things and are you able to follow less-traveled roads?

  15. It's definitely more relaxed living in Paris than trying to cram everything into a 2 week jaunt and then collapse back home.
    Still living in Paris there are bills to be paid, post office to pick up stuff, dinner to be cooked, just LOADES of the daily chores that are not so much fun.
    Plus the old bad habits of procrastination kick in since you're not living on a deadline ("I must do such and such Before I leave") bla bla.
    But there is SO much more to do here and it is way more fun in general even if I can afford just about zip.
    When you're a tourist you THROW €€€s around uninhibited.
    No so living here EVER.
    Some days I tell myself Today I'm going to pretend I'm a tourist...haha

  16. Bon jour Carol from a very wet and windy NYC.

    Your watercolor is a beauty. I completely agree with you about loving to paint with red. (Not just The Town!)

    However, what you continue to show us of Parisian holiday lights and style is so filled with elegance. Best Thanksgiving wishes to you and to that pie baking. Over here it's still "up in the air" whether the Macy's balloons will be allowed to rise and shine tomorrow morning...wind alert in full force now. many cliches have I just typed into this little box. Forgive me, s'il vous plait.


    1. Not at all Frances
      PB is full of cliches..for me they are so visual
      So sorry about the wind alert for Macy's parade
      Quelle damage potential that is...


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