
Friday, November 08, 2013

Fetish Ispahan

Pierre Herme's Fetish Ispahan collection is just hot out of the ovens as of yesterday.
The call (email) came at exactly 3:21 pm.
The collection is available ONLY UNTIL 6 DECEMBER!
Please sign up for their newsletter so you can vicariously get a chill and thrill along with me.
Voila! miam miam
Easily 20+ pieces in the latest Ispahan collection including meusli and caramels. I want to introduce you to a wonderful artist who styles all these pictures and all of Pierre Herme's books and brochures, even the little macaron accordian flavor guides - Coco Jobard. Coco has carte blanche/total freedom to do whatever she likes from Pierre Herme. All the photographs are taken by the reknown pastry photographer Laurent Fau. You should know his name. Exquisite.
I first met Coco at the Relais Desserts Buche de Noel tasting and again at the Petrossian caviar extravaganza. I was instantly smitten with her mixed up ropes of Chanel and wooden baubles.
I tried madly to recreate Coco's collier in candy for the Salon du Chocolat opening.
Back to the Fetish Ispahan. Pierre Herme with Coco Jobard and Laurent Fau have a new book out hot off the presses you must see if you come to Paris (30 euros).
Simply to die for.
If you're an enterprising baker you can make these yourself!
Maim miam
I picked myself up and ran over to 72, rue Bonaparte for a looksee. The window decor was one giant paper cutout of the rose of Ispahan (the origin of the pastry's name).
and No line in the rain.
Inside the shop was so busy no one noticed me shooting happily away.
How I would love to taste this Baba Ispahan...
Or the mini individual version.
They were just putting out the collection, adding new pieces.

These caramels are calling my name.
My haul arrived home safe and sound. The small box was placed inside a very big bag. I got all kinds of knowing smiles on the Metro and bus from sympathetic, envious observers as I tip-toed home, praying nothing moved or was desplaced. Just a rose petal or two slipped off - easily repaired.
The millefeuille Ispahan looks ginormous. Maybe you're thinking, However can she eat that by herself?  EASILY!
It's light as a feather - mostly air and whipped cream with just the meerest hint of rose water. The middle layer is litchi and raspberry plus a thin layer of cake to keep it all afloat I suppose. The millefeuille layers top and bottom are one of the lightest pastries you'll find in Paris. It should be delicate yet crunchy. This one certainly is. Altogether an ethereal eating experience and gone too soon...sigh.
As for the much-copied Fetish Ispahan, this too is light, delicate and airy. As sweet as it looks, sugar is an under note. The raspberries are the most assertive flavour plus the surprise texture of the lichi coming through in the middle. Again rose water is barely evident.
This is one of the great joys of living in Paris.
Monkey reads email.
Monkey wants.
Monkey races out the door 
munch munch munch.
Please do sign on for Coco Jobard's blog posts if you enjoy beauty of the highest order.


  1. What a delight to see, & I'm sure to eat 'et en plus' your favourite colour for you to paint in.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Ahh pink yes I do love pink but the macaron is an iridescent color..hard to capture.

  3. Amazing photos, Carol; the colors are stunning!
    Of course so are the pastries.......

    1. Tanks...mine are rien de tout next to the pictures in the Ispahan book bien sur

  4. I love your pinks and your see it a cello bag or a vase etc..
    I tried painting a few macarons..a couple of weeks ago..let me just say that after loving yours for so long..mine were a total disaster.

    That collage of necklaces w/ the it as much this time..
    Confession..plate is pretty darn cute too in my eyes.

    1. Rome wasn't built in a day
      You could surely bake them way better than I can!

  5. This is incredibly beautiful -- every bit of color and beauty is perfect. I think your painting is as lovely as every photo. And I think you could eat that whole pastry. So could I!

    1. Thanks but not yet...I need to repaint this
      And re-eat too?

  6. cyndi from SD1:35 PM

    OMG...too beautiful.
    I just signed up for the sites.
    merci beaucoup

  7. Wish we could get these pastries here in US....this is so wonderful I would not know where to start and finish....

  8. I would be in so much trouble. These look so tempting and you really captured the moment.

  9. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Love love love the pink! That's it … I'm following lol

  10. What a lucky monkey! ;) Thank you for the delicious start to the weekend, Carol. Where did that Saint-Germain plate come from? x Katie

    1. At the Met gift shop.

  11. I love the way you have me seeing red!

  12. Albers said,"Ask 50 people to think of red and there will be 50 different reds"
    Which one is yours?
    I thought I was painting PINK.

  13. Love your Ispahan millefeuille painting, Carol, and your collier in candy, too! Very witty, that last one. ;-)

    As for reds and pinks, I have noticed that pink is often taking a bit of a reddish glow on computer screens. A matter of calibration, methinks.

    And thank you for sharing all these wonderful pastries and I love to splurge with you, vicariously. ;-)

  14. Carol, you have such an eye for food, color and everything delicious...I can almost taste each and every bite!
    I am loving your beautiful renditions much more than the real thing! Suzanne@Le Farm

    1. I wish I could do that...
      And save on my bank account and calories...

  15. Oh I think my envy is peaking with this post! I love the Ispahan combo- I had the ispahan croissant in July, and the granola. I loved the croissant, but sadly I thought the granola a bit disappointing, it didn't look nearly as lovely as it does on the box. Oh to be there for a whole month of Ispahan! I've always loved the styling of PHs blog and photos- thanks so much for telling us about Coco Jobard (and her blog) and Laurent Fau- what a sensational team they are- PHs creations always look amazing and lush in the photos. They are clearly genius.

    1. Oh they are genious!
      Such talent in Paris
      Ones jaw is constantly hitting the floor

  16. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I have been a signee for years now and there is really something magical about Paris. I will visit one day!


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