
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Revelations - Grand Palais

Any exhibit at le Grand Palais is bound to attract. The lines were long.
Such an auspicious space well sets off the creme de la creme of France's best craftsmen in every art form.
Craftsmen were onsite demonstrating their best techniques. Norway was the guest country for the event.
Nothing ordinary could be found here...

The large area for French shoemakers brought back memories of my own shoe design days.
Quite a few of these shoemaker/designers are winners of the much coveted MOF (Les Meilleurs Ouvriers de France).
Not just top chefs get to wear the red, white and blue prestigious ribbon.
A Lalique style heel on a Cinderella glass slipper...
Elegant glasses with sapphires embedded in the bridge.
Designed by another MOF, Ghislain Duroy of Lunetterie d'Art.
More glass by Nicolas Sartor Verrerie.
Porcelaine ceramic roses by Antonella Fadda-Haffaf.
French children get early indoctrination to the finer things of life and it's not just fromage. The 5-day Revelations Salon will return to the Grand Palais in two years - don't miss it.


  1. Looks so interesting.. I still have 2 small wood forms for childrens shoes.. what an art..You must have enjoyed every moment~
    That doll..bottom the most priceless of all:)Her tutu and polka dots..Be still my heart.

  2. You do get out and about to such fascinating events. I think my favourite shot is that little cherub at the end though.

  3. How fab. to see the top craft peoples work.
    Maybe that little cherub was browsing through shoe designs thinking about when she could have a pair of heels of her own , instaed of having to fit her feet into her mummy's .

  4. cyndi from SD10:49 AM

    Carol Gillot, Shoe Designer. Artistically what haven't you done? Which led me to click on your bio.
    You are amazing,and fully deserve your latest adventure in Paris.May you continue this chapter of your life for as long as you choose.
    More Armagnac...

  5. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Fantastic. Thank you so much. What fun! And what IS it with French children? The style they demonstrate even as toddlers is something I still haven't acquired and, at this late date, probably never will. At least this year I have, for some strange reason, managed to melt into the crowd instead of having my clothes scream AMERICAN. First time in 20 years, so I guess I was due a break. Mind you, we are in the Southwest and it's far easier than Paris, but we have 5 days left in Paris in Oct. to see if my luck holds.
    Best wishes and many thanks,

  6. Anonymous2:10 PM

    This is great...I loved those shoes, they were grandfather had his shoes made in Europe, as he had narrow and small feet...I collect eye glasses so that would be fun to go and see....

  7. Great photos, Carol. I especially like the glass work.
    The shoes are great, too!

  8. I always save the emails I receive of your daily blog posts to read last. Somehow I managed to have 5 days worth sitting in my email without having read them. How did that happen?! Now that I've read them, I'm sitting here trying to decide should I eat, paint or just go to bed and dream about Monet and glass shoes. (It's 11:30 pm here.) I'm afraid eating is going to win out. I'm also thinking, though, that you need those glasses with the sapphires! No one has as interesting a life as you do!

  9. It's just Paris offers so much. Ones plate is always full here

  10. Sounded like you had a ball looking at the shoes and glasses in particular. Does this mean you'll be sporting new lunettes by a MoF? Looks a great exhibition.

    1. I wish I could give up my kiddie lunettes for something swank...sigh

  11. fascinating . Thank you for sharing

  12. I never knew you were a shoe designer!

    1. Yes many, many careers...all of them pushing a pencil

  13. The Verenne glass is pretty dazzling. But then, it all is.

  14. Very interesting. Like the best of the ACC show.

  15. Ghislain DUROY5:19 PM

    Merci d'avoir publié mes créations , au plaisir de vous revoir sur un autre salon d'art .


    Ghislain Duroy , MOF .

    (ps : i don't speak english sorry )


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