
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Day Tripping to Fontainebleau

Why not try do a day trip outside of Paris?
This was my 5th trip this summer but what the heck. Just 35 minutes away from Gare de Lyon and the train is free on the weekends if you have a carte Navigo.
Naturally first stop was the historic patisserie Frederic Cassel. Might as well start off on a high.
Next stop - the Sunday marché in Place Republic. This was pure chance and a lucky break.
Gorgeous looking possibly local vegetables direct from the ferme.
As well as fabulous repro garden furniture selling for a song (I thought). This bench made us long for a place to munch our desserts.
The perfect park awaits just across from the merry-go-round. 
I'm holding a dessert from Cassel - a vanilla pudding with cinnamon and caramel topped with late summer fruits, raspberries and figs.
I got Cassel's winning fraisier again. I wanted to see how it tasted without traveling on a bus, a train, an RER and the Metro. It tasted WONDERFUL. And there were whole berries inside! How do they do that? Unfortunately my water bottle fell on top of the fraisier an 'occupational hazard' for us travel bloggers.
We were so happy post-dessert we could have departed then and there. But since it was the 1st Sunday of the month the chateau was free.
I do have ICE CREAM OF THE DAY, but that has nothing to do with being organized ahem.
Neither of us has Fiacre of the day or month but this was a pretty way to see Fontainebleau.
Richard is mad for lanterns and can not pass one without shooting.
When we got back to Gare de Lyon the thought of having an apero  at Le Train Bleu in the station. Why not?
Simply divine and beautifully kept up.
We just had bubbly water - well worth the 12€ bill to visit this historic Paris institution. A fitting end to our visit to the chateau.
You could send your cats to Le Train Blue in Paris. Why not?


  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Sounds like a delightful day out. Loved your "possibly" local vegetables "direct from la ferme", though I doubt it. Such légumes would probably be étiquetées, and do you really think Seine-et-Marne could produce such a wide variety of vegetables these days? (John W., Washington)

    1. The Ile-de-France has lots of local foods and farms. Pres. Wilson Market gardener Joel T is just 7 kilometers from the Eiffel Tower

  2. This should be fun Carol~ Great idea~

  3. Yes, do it again. I enjoyed both posts.
    Le Train Bleu was mentioned not long ago on Tongue in Cheek too. Now I have been to that station, but totally missed Le Train Bleu. Next time!

    1. Turn around with your back to the tracks and you will see the famous stairway to heaven Marilyn

  4. It sounds just divine! And I love your subtle but effective marketing of sending the cats to Le Train Bleu. Poor Lizzie -- she wouldn't know what to do with fine food... Ma chat c'est tres dificile in the eating department!

  5. What a fun idea! I enjoyed reading both posts (yeah, I know, that's the point) and look forward to hearing all about your next sojourn.

    Le Train Bleu is such a gorgeous restaurant...we enjoyed a coffee and the view while waiting for our train to Lausanne a couple of years ago. x Katie

  6. Great idea on the trips out of Paris. Hm. He's potty about lanterns as you are about shoes? Sounds like the perfect pair!

  7. Who cares about the dessert when you also get that adorable jar? No, on second thought, I care about the dessert, too!

    1. Why Richard is a dreamboat
      He let me have his jar.
      Though Lord knows what i'll do with 1little jar

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I want that puff pastry! omg those desserts looked wonderful...that looked like a fun trip..

  9. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Absolutely, do it again. You two have perfectly complementing talents.

  10. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Fabulous! I'll be in Paris at the end of the month. I love day trips and never made this one. I will. If you have a list of suggestions for other day trips listed somewhere, let me know.
    Don't know you but I love your blog--art, photography and comments. So personalized!

  11. Yes, please do take more day trips together & share your delightful insights.

  12. Sounds like fun--love your little wc of the foods you two ate. Love it! You seem like good travel buds.

  13. The pastries look delicious (even the one with printing on the side of it :). The Fontainebleau looks like a must-see, but I really like the restaurant in the train station the most!
    Glad that you had a good time.

  14. Yes to monthly trips, please! :-)

  15. Loved both blogs...loved photos...and your art work too! Keep up the good work. Hope to visit Paris once again soon. Thanks, Yvonne from USA.

  16. Carol, this was fun to read, and I've also clicked over to Richard's site to leave a comment.

    The photo of the greenery covered base holding up the twin lanterns somehow reminded me of a pointy nosed, green attired lady holding lanterns up to the sky. Love that image.

    Still need to up my summer 2013 gelato count to ... two.


    1. TWO gelatos do NOT a summer make!
      Go sit in the corner for a while Missy!

  17. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Yes do do it again with richard. It's fun to
    Get 2 perspectives

  18. Anonymous2:45 AM

    I purchased two of the same garden item shown in this posting in Canada

    1. They are made in Rumania so maybe exported?

  19. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Yes I so enjoyed it. I have followed your posts and have used them for our itinerary to Paris in two weeks. Matter of fact the whole extended family read them!

  20. Anonymous2:51 AM

    I am also a watercolor artist , and I wanted to let you know how inspiring your Blog is to me.
    Before I go into paint I look at PB and it fills me with enthusiasm for my work. It also makes me long for Paris, my favorite place on earth also. Thank you for all your hard work I love it.
    Yours in Art

  21. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Yes, I would like you to continue monthly trips with Richard. It's fun because, as a new Parisian, you have explored areas the locals never go to, because, well, they think they're for tourists. But Richard will know places you might not hear about for years. It's fun to get different perspectives.

  22. I was giddy with excitement seeing this post. Of course I have so many wonderful memories of a similar day. We went to Cassell! We went to that perfect green park. Sigh. And how lovely is Le Train Bleu? It definitely looks worth a detour.

  23. Yes, please, continue showing us what's beyond Paris city limits!
    I laughed out loud when I read the words "Sunday marché", thinking how unthinkable this would be in cher Vienne! *still grinning*

    Interesting that "Le Train Blue" serves Italian (!) San Pellegrino bubbly water. Well, certainly a great choice, in my opinion one of the finest bottled mineral waters around.

  24. Yes, please more day tripping with Richard. Checked out his site as well. You are a great team. Thank you.

  25. What a wonderful day trip. Loved that white iron bench..would love to have it in my garden. So many cool places you can get to from Paris in a short trip. Yes do more trips with Richard please. Sorry I haven't commented in a while..Did a two week stint in Critter sitting and another neighbor house watching so was busy busy busy. Everyone off getting in the last vacations of Summer. :)Now to catch up here.


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