
Friday, August 30, 2013

Premiere Pression Provence (PPP)

Navettes de Provence are special boat-shaped biscuits I tasted when I visited Aix last June.

I've been waiting for the Premiere Pression Provence (PPP) to reopen after the summer hols...
1 rue Lassus, 75019

You walk inside and feel like you're immediately in has a lovely ambience

And lots of drool-worthy products

I'm seriously tempted to buy this crème d'amande just for the pretty jar, though I bet I wouldn't have any trouble devouring the contents.

Priemiere Pression Provençe is a chain that acts as direct distributor between producer and customer. You can even fill your own bottle with a variety of olive oils (I was going to say just like peanut butter but it doesn't seem appropriate...ahem).

A big antique oil grinding wheel in the window.

I was tempted last visit by the sound of these tartines just like I ate in Aix

Géraldine created a sandwich for me with delicious black olive tapenade and freshly sliced jambon (I forgot to ask its origins...). Plus a taste of their pure apple juice (you can also get wine).

She proudly showed off her tablier made of REAL de Nimes/denim fabric.

It belonged to her paternal grand-pere, a charcutrier in Burgundy.

The bread of my sandwich came from patisserie de l'Eglise just across the square under eglise Saint Jean Babtiste

I'd taken a look since they've just reopened as well. They have adorable 'eclair' sandwiches using the PPP's tapenade so it's a nice exchange. I shall definitely return!

Geraldine recommended I check out Fromagerie Beaufils nearby.

Clearly you shouldn't buy cheese based on its cute goat labels. I still have a lot to learn about fromage...hmmm. I'm really enjoying my quartier. How neighborly everyone is, happy to share information and addresses. The cookies at the top are traditional Navettes made of flour, sugar, egg, butter and fleur d'oranger that goes back to 1781. The recipe for this version was revised by no less than Pierre Hermé. Walking back home, you can't miss how everyone is enjoying the glorious weather we're having. It's all delicious!


  1. It all looks like heaven to me. Thanks for the uplifting tour!

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  2. I would love that shop..your cups saucers and spoons always and cleary have your stamp on them even w/out your famous them..
    Market bags are a weakness for me..
    I would buy according to label and jar too..
    Geraldine's apron..such a treasure..
    Tapenade is a favee of ours..
    Have a good day..

  3. Quelle joie! J'adore la nourriture provençale surtout le tapenade. Je n'ai pas passé beaucoup de temps dans le 19ième mais après avoir lu ce que vous avez écrit, j'ai l'intention de le visiter au printemps. Bon week-end!

  4. Hi Carol - I can not tell you how much I LOVE your postings! It's such a nice way to open up my laptop each morning and see your postings of delicious and beautiful foods and views of France. I went to Paris is the spring for the first time, with my 17 year old daughter and every morning your posts remind me of how wonderful that trip was. Keep 'em comin'! Best, Claudia

  5. Oh, I think I really need to visit there, too. That list gets longer and longer, doesn't it? I always thank you every day for taking me there!

  6. Carol, I can tell that these last days of August are signaling a delicious return to fine tastes in your neighborhood. It's grand that these individual shops can remain in business, even with their long holidays.

    The tartines look rather amazing. I will seek out some tapinade today myself for a lunch in homage to your inspiration.

    Happy weekend! xo

  7. I love finding you ( ! ) in my in-box each morning. Paris, vicariously. And, your lovely art... Thank you for living the dream.

  8. Anonymous11:41 AM

    What a great adventure...I could spend the day in that shop alone, probably days...

  9. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Thank you for the morning feast! Be well, Katherine in ME

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    When I lived in France, I had no idea there was so much to learn about salt, bread, cheese and on and on. I was bound and determined to figure it out, though. Thank goodness for DK books and Do you ever order books from I have an older version of the 1st book listed. They are handy references.
    Love following your posts

  11. Sounds like you found a delightful neighborhood, Carol. So happy for you. Love the wc! You're killing me with this food porn here!

  12. We are all drooling this end....

  13. Oh, I feel so hungry after reading this, and looking at the beautiful photos! I think I must take a dive in our fridge, but most likely it will be a disappointment... ;)

  14. All the pictures are so beautiful & I'm really hungry now. I've been craving a jambon buerre since your post last week - wish I could hop on a plane & satisfy my cravings.

  15. I love the opening watercolor & the outdoor cafe photo.
    As usual, I am hungry & you throw out those sandwich photos! They look delicious & so does Provence!

  16. I'm afraid I'd buy the cheese just for the goat on the wrapper. I love goats and I love goat cheese.

  17. This is another gorgeous post, your water colours and discoveries are such an inspiration. Merci!

  18. Anonymous2:08 AM

    It always amazes me how in France something so simple can look ten times more appetizing than from anywhere else.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Barbara Lillian

  19. I saw one of these shops in the 6th, but didn't need bottles of olive oil etc, I didn't know that they did sandwiches too. The navettes de Provence look fabulous.


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