
Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Paris Leaf Greens

Yesterday it was green, green, green in Paris.
Does anyone know anything about 'green' almonds?
What do you do with them?
This picture was shot a few Sundays ago when it was drizzling. Little green squares that pop up out of nowhere in Paris.
Macarons of green apple, mint, cucumber and Rocquette. Next time I'll taste instead of shoot.
Yesterday at the Tour Eiffel. I got off #42 bus several times to shoot the greens.
Love how Sadaharu Aoki plays with the color green.
Another bus detour for the wall garden by Patrick Blanc near musee Branly - these are evergreen - year-round green.
Boissier green tins look like they were created in the 1890's.
Poubelle green is not the same word as pourboire, easy to mix up.
Latest Les Jardins has real green turf in it - you pay extra for this.
Green silk jacquard fabric on the walls of Chateau Fontainebleau.
I never noticed the patisserie across the street from me is forrest green. Le Figaro gave them 2nd place for their chocolate religieuse. I almost never go in but suddenly lines out the door. I was not bowled over I have to say but then the religieuse sat on my table waiting to be painted for days - a no-no with French pastry which basically has a shelf life of about 24 hours.
In Printemps I fell in love with this vendeuse's little grass green bows going down her back.
Today I'm off to see the Bayeux tapestries in Base-Normandie. I will eat every local specialty except les tripes, les moutons de mer, and espace d'andouilles.
No way will I miss out on le caramel d'Isigny!


  1. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Delicious grreens today!
    Ill take the edible greens svp

  2. I hope the Bayeux Tapestry Museum is as good as it was when I was there, ahem, 20 years ago!

    1. I don't think a thread has changed except now you have audio telling you the story in a deep Angl-Saxon voice

  3. I noticed these in a Persian market that I stop by after I get my hair cut. I love all the different herbs they have. They also had green almonds and the women were going crazy over them. Each time I go they share some of the tips or favorite recipe that I have not tried yet. Dave Lebovitz has an article about green almonds, but he kind of declares them a Parisian thing, also TheKichn has an article on them.

    1. Do buy the dried mint and sprinkle on your salad.really you have to rub it between your hands for amazing aromas. It's not for tea.

  4. You are such a busy girl!

    I like that younotice the green squares that appear..I looked and saw..
    That box of macarons is so the bows:)

    Speaking of D Lebovitz he has a book signing in Paris..go peek ..
    I think a need a tube of Sap Green:) Why don't they put that in most boxes?
    I had a tube..small..all dried up..still kinifed it out and wet it..but it's way past it's prime for sure..
    Your leaf..and colours:) Love.

  5. Carol, you're so generous in sharing this variety of beautiful green shades with us. I cannot pick a favorite from amongst the photos...I like them all. I like the way your garden grows!

    Now you've got me looking forward to seeing how you'll report on the Tapestry visit. xo

  6. I love the colours of Paris:especially the muguets for May. There is a new museum in Bayeux. It just opened in March. It is fascinating and the people of the town kept telling us about it. I was very interested in the history of lace-making in the area.

    1. NOW you tell me!
      I walked right by it and almost went inside ;(
      That will be a leçon
      Enter ALL musee in France! After all how bad can they be?
      It's France!!

  7. As a girl we had an almond tree in our yard. We shelled them and toasted them in the oven with a small amount of oil and then salted them. Yummm! Love the greens.

  8. I'm not so sure about P. Hermes' roquette flavor.....but Aoki's treats look like giant paint pans! gorgeous!

    1. P.H. Could make sawdust taste divine!
      I mean it.

  9. Love the post! Just got back from Paris and I loved walking the streets and shooting video and taking pics like these! I definitely wish I had found those green macaroons! My Trip Video :)

    1. Fabulous video Justin!
      Great sequencing too!

  10. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Green almonds seem to be a speciality, only available from April till early June, not too well known, used more as an addition to certain recipes.
    As far as I can see the only good thing is, they are, fat free, & no cholesterol..... but probably expensive... so why bother, better to wait till they are ripe & enjoy them roasted. I'm with you on the tripe & andouilles, couldn't think of anything worse to eat, my other half loves things like that. Hope you enjoyed your trip to Base-Normandie.

    1. Barbara Oh Bayeux (Bye-You) is a wonderful little town (on weekday at least) well worth a visit.

  11. Anonymous1:49 PM

    La Normandie is the food capital of apples, butter, cream and I forget what else. My cousin lives near Rouen
    she took my daughter and I to Giverny to visit Claude Monet's house and gardens. It is a must see. We also got to see a nightime
    exhibition of Monet's work reflected off the Cathedral in Rouen, it was magnificent.
    Have a lot of fun in Basse-Normandie, I'm not sure how far away you would be from Honfleur and Deauville, another two places that are a must see.
    As usual loving your adventures in Paris and most recently Versailles

    1. In future I must ask ahead for tips instead of just as I'm catching the train!
      I did not eat enough butter ;(
      A return to Giverny and a first to Honfleur are on the to-do list
      I'm headed to Aix on Friday...any tips?

  12. Anonymous2:00 PM

    My Brother-in-law is from Turkey and thinks green almonds are the world's best snack food--fresh and plain (shell and all, no salt or anything.) I tried them once and didn't think much of them. I think it's one of those cultural comfort foods. Maybe they use them in another way in France.

  13. There is one spanish recipe (from Malaga) called ajo blanco that uses these almonds.It's a kind of gazpacho, or cold vegetable soup, to serve chilled. Perfect for hot days. (Made with almond, garlic clove, cold water, white bread crumbs, virgin oil, a bit of white wine and salt.)

  14. Anonymous11:46 PM

    loving you personal Paris notes.
    Thanks for your originality and wit and amused observations.
    I went to see L'Art du Jardin...wonderful...based on your information.

  15. I adore your site!!!!
    It's my almoqt daily habit... a tour in Paris from my desk!
    Merci pour cette excellente balade à Paris, cela fait quelques années que j'y suis partie... C'est la bonheur ton site!!

  16. Here's something from David Lebovitz...

    and in Lebanon, they're just dipped into a bit of salt. In southern Italy, I've had them roasted w/a bit of oil & salt. Hadn't thought of them in so long...yum.


  17. Anonymous11:11 AM

    At the Chocolate Festival in Ashland, Oregon I was told by vendors there is more nutrition in the raw almonds. And they also were "sprouting" them before mixing them into the chocolate for more health benefits. We have filberts in Oregon, no almond trees. Looks like a trip to Paris or Brooklyn farmer's market is in order Just for research of course.

  18. Love the green. When are you coming back to the Poitou?

  19. Such a wonderful post. I love these posts best where you bring together so many different notions in such a clever way, and help us see things in a new way. I've been taking note of PHs flavours each month this year, and have seen the green box. I'm looking forward to entering his garden.


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