
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Paris ❤️ Ses kiosques à journaux, Ines de la Fressange,

Samdi 20 Avril Paris ♥ ses Kiosques By chance I ran into Ines de la Fressange.
The ultimate model of Parisian chic and the chosen'Marianne'of France
Her child-like joy was infectious. The occasion was the celebration of 150 years of Kiosques in Paris.
Five days of Paris ♥ ses Kiosques at the pavi de Hotel de Ville
With wonderful old photos of original Parisian Kiosques.
Plus conferences and debates.
The gent in the beard is J.,a kiosquier being honored
Just adorb non?
I asked makeup artist Veronique Marot how she thinks Ines gets such great body in her hair? Marot said,
'Ohhh, she must put those big curlers in her hair too create the big volume and used some Elnett hairspray to make it hold'!
Even the greatest of beauties needs a quick slick of libstick now and then....
Speaking of great beauties I had just come out of Pierre Herme, rue Bonaparte after blowing my week's allowance on his new gorge 'Celeste' series..well on this verrine and one Celeste macaron.

Compote de rhubarbe aux fraises, fraises fraîches, crème de mascarpone au fruit de la Passion, guimauve au fruit de la Passion.

Dans ce verre, toute une expérience, celle d’y plonger la cuillère pour en extraire une belle bouchée fruitée. Une superposition de goûts autour des trois saveurs de Céleste déclinées sous forme de compote de rhubarbe à la fraise, de fraises fraîches, de crème de mascarons et de guimauve au fruit de la Passion. L’émotion Céleste. Ou comment la note intense du fruit tropical vient sublimer le côté fruité du mélange fraise et compote de rhubarbe.
Translation - a divine combination of strawberries, rhubarb, passion fruit and marscapone = heaven.

It takes an artist to think of other artist's needs. The verrine's packaging is the perfect secure holder for your waterglass when painting.


  1. She's magnetic! Charismatic:) I can tell..and her legs?

    How long are they?:)

    Une vraie jolie fille....
    I like Elnett..not stiff..:)
    I envy you PH..
    Looks quite gorgeous what you ate..
    I found a very pretty cake roll adorned with macarons..since I seem to have gotten the trick..I may make one..
    Love your palette..
    Quels beaux roses...I love looking at paints and palettes and supplies..~

    1. Ines is Very tall...I don't know why I was surprised and legs that go on and on...

    2. How can she still look SO young?

  2. Oh, what a great way to spend a samedi! You have these wonderful adventures, and we get to read about them. Perfect!

  3. You really are living the Life!!!

  4. Fantastically photogenic woman!! Why is it so easy to look at beautiful people and believe their lives are perfect?
    Love you rosy washes!

  5. Bonjour Carol.
    I'm watercoloriste japanese who live in Paris.
    It's good idea.I'd like to go chez Pierre Herme for only get this package.
    Merci beaucoup. Bon week-end.

    1. Merci Erieri for stopping by PB.
      Your watercolors are lovely!
      Cheers Carolg

  6. Ines = adorb: emphatically yes!

    Now as to the new waterglass holder: methinks you'll need one for each color of the macaron palette. ;-)

  7. She is very attractive and ebullient!
    Happy weekend edition :)

    1. 'Ebbullient' is the perfect word to describe Ines + sweet and genuine

  8. Carol, there is something so lively about the lovely Ines. She seems so free of intent or posing. Her coiffure seems natural, no matter how many minutes her stylist took in touch up snipping.

    I love the photo of the lippy application. Which brand do you think she uses?

    Meanwhile, back at les kiosques...aren't they wonderful, and so well worth a tribute. And quite wonderful that you were there with your camera or tablet of whatever it was that allowed you to show us these photos.

    Oh...the pastries look rather good, too.


    1. It was a wand type..
      Maybe just a gloss
      I would love to know so I can run out and buy the same one!

  9. The whole blog was just "YUMMY"!

  10. Lucky you - Ines is a natural beauty and fun to watch as she seems so comfortable in her skin.

    1. Absolutement 'Bein dans sa peau'!
      Contagious joy

  11. wow!!! Ines!!!
    Merci pour les photos!

  12. You see lots of gorgeous women who are famous but they look like they know how to smile and are just doing what they know. She looks like she knows how to live and is doing that -- and because of it, looks incandescent.

    LOVE that last picture with the painting and verine and macaron. Love it most!

  13. Beautiful pictures, Carol. Inès is a total class act, beautiful, gracious, with a great sense of humor and not full of herself. For me she incarnates "joie de vivre". And it looks like you've got a good dose of it yourself!
    Harriet Welty Rochefort, author, "Joie de Vivre"

  14. Fun, Carol! She looks just as I imagine her. But she probably saw you and thought, "who is this Charming American artiste?...must be that wonderful Carol Gillott I hear so much about."

  15. Ines!
    what an amazing sighting ....
    she is one of my idols!!

  16. Wow,Ines looks amazing in your pics. Did you really just run into her on the street?

    Mimi Pompom PS: most jealous you have been eating caviar.

  17. Wish I could have looked like she does when I was young!! She looks so natural. If I'd been photographed in a T/shirt & Jkt with my sleeves pushed up my arms, I'd look as if I was ready to wash dishes. I adore natural beauty. What a great day you had, only problem was you weren't close enough to get the manufacturers name if the lippy. Great post.

  18. What an elegant and amazing woman!
    Carol, this post was wonderfully inspiring!

  19. Anonymous10:39 PM

    so happy to see the photos of Ines!!! I have been studying her book “Parisian Chic” so I will look Parisian when I arrive next Sunday for my 4 week stay. I have been enjoying your blog since I found it, wonderful information and art, thank you. Best, Ann

  20. I don't know who she least I don't think I do.. but she looks fabulous and fun. I LOVE her hair.. what fun you are having. :)

  21. LOVE Ines! "Parisian Chic" is my style bible. That V-Neck Navy sweater she's sporting in your photos is just perfect.

  22. She looks delightful! Why don't we invite her to lunch? Wish I'd seen her, too. :(

  23. oh that rosy color is so dreamy!! What on earth did you mix to get that soft coral glow? (New Gamboge and Perm. Rose?) Please tell! I could just eat it up!


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