
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Desserts R In

Jeudi 14 Mars Desserts R In Always
When aren't desserts in?
I've been in today nursing a head cold all day I got from overdoing it last Saturday.
So you'll just have to eat cake....vicariously and virtually malheureusement.
Here's a Mont Blanc from Secco we overlooked. Dommage...
I looked over this tarte chocolat Saturday on rue Rambuteau when I was over doing it...
Signs of Spring are everywhere. Fraise, fraise.
And more fraise.
A new Arnaud Larher patisserie opened at 93, rue du Seine 75006
such a pretty tower of macarons non?
Natch I tried to shoot inside. No wonder I feel an afinity with Aimee Leduc sleuthing around Paris pastry shops...
In William's labo Babas were soaking up vanille Bourbon
You can DIY following his recipe here.
My favorite macaron in Paris isn't even a macaron but a caramel-filled chocolate that looks like a macaron and tastes out of this world! If only I could taste and smell...


  1. Quelle dommage! Hope your cold gets better soon....but look on the bright side: at least no one can expect you to go to the pool with a cold!The chocomac is simply inspired!

  2. So sorry to hear you have been invaded by mean aliens! I hope you have plenty of hot chocolate to soothe your pain. Get well soon!

    Love your sketch! :-)

  3. Ah Carol, Please do feel better! I know how hard it is to want to do things and feel bad. I have had good luck with the pharmacist help with colds when in Paris! Also lovely, lovely teas are ever so helpful! Of course those nice Ricolas are always good! Feel Better Very Soon!

  4. Feel better soon! The drawing makes me giggle. I swear by Ricola. The sweets, very colorful!

  5. Carol, I do hope that you feel better tout de suite!

    I've passed along your Le Cordon Bleu tour info to a friend who'll be in Paris at the end of this month. She passes along thanks to you.

    Are there perhaps one or two particular cafe, bistro or restaurant recommendations you might email me for her?


  6. No fun at this your first French cold?
    Honey lemon tea for you:-)
    Ricola...I am saying it in my mind like the commercial:-)
    What lovely pastries to look at..the cerises de terre..I want some I think for my Easter table..
    Prends bien soin de toi..

  7. Oh la la. Carol you are too cute in your red scarf. Stay buttoned up!

  8. The pastries look fabulous - I really love that tarte chocolat!
    I hope that you feel better very soon!

  9. j'espere que tu seras bientot retabli...Snuggle up in your duvet and drink 'hot toddy'.. Best English remedy for colds... Get your self a large mug ..a shot of whisky,juice of a lemon. top it up with water & stir in a spoonful of honey, et voila, drink as & when required. As you will be in bed you will be able to drink this all day.Get well soon & Stay warm xx

    1. For me the best is a hot shower on my head!
      I need a raincoat to wear to keep the rest of me dry...
      Otherwise it's such a chore but it does clear the stuffiness for hours! A real miracle worker IMHO

  10. TANKS Everyone for the kind wishes.Im much better today and headed out into the sun
    Intravenous chick soup and hot showers fixed me up.
    Merci Carolg

  11. Glad to hear that you're feeling much better Carol, and can get out and about in Paris once more. Desserts are always in as you say. These look to be delicious desserts once more. I'm sure a fruit tart or two would help nurse you back to even better health.

  12. Here's my Rx: Take two cats and let them purr you back to health. And if it doesn't work well, at least you have two cats.

  13. I just saw that fresh green juice has made it to Paris. Hmm....I wonder if they deliver? Hope you feel better soon. Pass me one of those strawberry tarts s'il vous plait. :-)

  14. Every Parisian boulangerie and patisserie looks like a painting to me! Those macarons to die for. I hope that you are enjoying a snack or two as you recuperate. Soup, crusty bread and a bit of a purr and you should be back to normal in no time!

  15. So glad you are better! The sun is lovely today, but be careful---it is still chilly. Perhaps tomorrow. I must try the Secco Mont Blanc. My personal favorite as you know is anything marron.

  16. I am not particularly a fan of Macarons.. I look at them and think I should try them .. I think I had one once . Babas are not for me either, just like here in the UK, Doughnuts .. yikes ..

    I am not a huge sweet person, but the desserts look devine ..Citron or cake look good to me ..picture 3 and 4 :-)

    1. I thank my lucky stars I don't care for whipped cream or cake. Otherwise I would be toast here!

  17. Aimée would take the Tarte Chocolat, Carol. Try zinc lozenges and feel better!

  18. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Dearest Carol, take care of yourself! I'd hate to see you not enjoy such luscious Parisian treats to the max!
    Mary I.

  19. Anonymous1:34 PM

    if we want to be Aimee Leduc, we will need Vespas, bien sur! and we have to be incredibly nosey and nervy. I'd be too scared -- alors, just pastry shops for me.
    Jane G

    1. I may fit the incredibly nosey bill to a T...
      Somewhat nervy too thank god!

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      well, I am assertive and curious -- just, as opposed to Aimee, not where danger lurks!

    3. Danger lurks in every patisserie for me!

  20. Hope you get back your taste and smell very soon. Stay cosy and take it easy. Also, take the medicine - like Baba au rhum and that spicy looking tarte au chocolat looks like it could do the job beautifully.

  21. Ah, Carol. I hope as I type this, you are all snuggled in & warm & sleeping & getting better. Many hugs & xx


  22. Well I see you took my advice before I even mentioned it here.. Chicken soup. Hope you don't over do before you are completely well. As always lovely post. Love the Ricola's especially. :))


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