
Friday, March 29, 2013

Context Chocolate Tour

Vendredi 29 Mars chocolate walk in Paris 

Today I was a guest at the Context Chocolate tour in the 6th arrondissement. This is our well-informed chocolate leader Bryan filling us in on the origins of chocolate histoire at Paris' oldest chocolate shop Debeauve et Gallais.

Of course huge chocolate chickens grace the window

We taste the same circles of dark chocolate Marie-Antoinette ate daily.

At Arnaud Larher we eat chocolate macarons but the chocolates are enticing.

And the eggs are elegant.

A stop in Gerard Mulot for an array of flavors - caramel au beurre sale, framboise ganache and a minty palate cleanser.

We stop in 10 different chocolate shops for an immersion quite complete.

My favorites at Pierre Marcolini are the white chocolate hearts (white chocolate can be made in endless colors) filled with raspberry ganache. The bunnies are full of noisette praline.

Un Dimanche dans Paris is an elegantly modern setting.

Yet they have the very popular fried egg look on display. The egg in all forms is much loved by the French no doubt about it.

At top chocolatier Patrick Roger the lines are dense and the windows are getting a workover.

It's 4 pm in Paris on Good Friday and everyone has the same idea. Grab heaps of chocolate and run home and devour. Bryan tells us the French average 2 kilos (2.5 pounds) of chocolate during Easter alone. Restraint is not on the menu. By the way there are no day-after Easter sales in Paris. The bunnies/eggs are available for a quite a while post Easter.

Patrick Roger's windows are dependably bizarre.

Someone has escaped the maddening crowd and run off with her signature turquoise bag of Patrick Roger goodies. The rest of us try to wait patiently.
Don't miss this fabulous Context chocolate tour next visit.


  1. You're making this chocoholic green with envy, Carol. How on earth do you resist?
    Joyeuses Paques and have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Why resist? We ate manageable amounts of chocolate and it isn't everyday after all.

  2. Happy Easter Carol!
    Fun to see Paris at Easter..Those circles are gorgeous and how about that rooster on the elegant legs?:)

    Ours are never so thin..just like a thick base!Work of art!!
    Thank you for sharing all these fun things..

    1. Exactly Monique! I would have never thought to go from one shop to the next but it was a great way to see the variety and all the Frenchies grabbing up their Easter chockies for the weekend. They do not stint at all!

  3. Do you have a tummy ache? Too much chocolate for me! Happy Easter, one and all!

    1. None at all. The chocolates are small and delicate...totally doable for an afternoon. In fact I could happily do a redo today if wasn't running to the pool ahem.

  4. Fabulous post CG! I think if you ever have time an eBook of your posts would be so fabulous.

    Very Happy Easter! Thank you for all the wonderful things you share.

  5. I think that the Patrick Roger store is the best - those pics really made me wish I was there :)

  6. So often reading your wonderful posts Carol I see my future flash before my eyes! Am now busily organising a group tour for our visit. Merci beaucoup for showing the way. It looks fantastic.

  7. Oh, chocolate heaven!! Love these Easter posts. (But the chocolate eggs I picked up at the dollar store the other day are just not going to measure up to all this wonderful Parisian chocolat!)

  8. Carol, I've had such fun seeing everything on this chocolate tour. There's great taste (!) and variety and style on display in each shop. I'm delighted to learn that you did sample these masterpieces.

    Only a day to go before I break my Lenten vow of no chocolate. Perhaps I'll have my own NYC chocolate tour tomorrow, searching for the perfect first bite. Mind you, I do have some Cadbury Creme Eggs in the apartment just in case I don't bring home luxury tomorrow.


  9. Anonymous2:26 AM

    I found your blog via Vivian Swift. Now I check in on a regular basis. I used to live in Paris and it's wonderful to go back every week. Thank you!
    Would you ever post about other areas of France that you like? I ask because I find it hard to find anything good (blog or book) about other areas of France, especially the south and southeast where I lived for a time as well.Again, merci for a wonderful blog. And do take us along should you ever go exploring!

  10. Anonymous2:28 AM

    So Many chocolate samples!
    To die for..what a lucky duck

  11. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Je suis jalouse que vous habitez a Paris maintenant!
    Le chien et moi, nous irons en Dordogne, en quelques semaines,
    et peut-être, quelques jours a Paris aussi.
    Enjoy this link:

  12. I LOVE the photos! It's wonderful, thank you! Just a note that I think I wasn't clear on my numbers, but it was about .2-.25 klograms (200-250 grams) of chocolate eaten at Easter...but that's just from a few studies based on sales's likely much more! They do eat 2-2.5 kilos per year on average, again, according to sales reports. Just didn't want to mislead your readers into thinking the French are eating TOO much chocolate :)
    Have a great weekend!

  13. So glad you managed to do a chocolate walk with Bryan and sorry I missed you last week! Great fun. Enjoy your Easter Weekend, Carol.

  14. cyndi from SD10:43 AM

    I'm glad to hear that the bunnies might still be available on April 10th.I'm crossing my fingers...the dirty job of searching the chocolate shops is now at the top of my to do list.

    1. I'm guessing you're safe Cyndie. Easter here may go on till Xmas...qui sait?

  15. Happy Easter Carol
    Loved every post of your chocolate tour. I know it's amazing the amount the French pay for their Easter chocs. My eldest grandson is diabetic & I've just paid double the amount for his Easter chocs. than I have for his brother. :-)

  16. This post sent me scurrying downstaiss to photograph my own artisanal chocolates before they're gone! When I returned to finish the post, I was instantly drawn to you-know- what but not for the ususal reasons: I could take care of any number of those noisette praline bunnies!!! My favorite combination...

  17. Fun, Carol. My sister Claudia and her daughter Kyra are in Paris as we speak! I told her to try to reach you as you are in Paris now, but I haven't heard back--didn't know she was there! They are having a great trip, I gather. Happy Easter!

  18. LOVE the bizarre window, but my all-time favorite chocolate EVER is Henriet of Biarritz…500+ year old family recipe from a Jewish family that moved to bayonne from Spain during the Spanish inquisition. In France you can now order it on line…better yet, a visit to the Basque Country.

    1. interesting.It was the Jews who brought chocolate to France from Spain via Bayonne.Must investigate. thanks for the tip!

  19. This chocoholic thanks you Carol...have a sumptuious Easter

    1. Thank you Cara.
      I think I already had mine on Friday :)
      I'm deep in Murder in the Marais..tail end enfin!

  20. Hi Carol,
    Love your posts and your pictures!
    You leave me drooling and awaiting the next wonderful adventure!
    Just sent you (privately) an email regarding Peeps and if you are in need(??)
    Happy Easter to you and Bear!!!

  21. Oh my. I am seriously coveting the little box with Marie Antoinette's chocolate discs. They'd make the most satisfying snap as you bit into them, non?

  22. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Happy Easter (Joyeuses Pâques).Pâques comes from the Passover..maybe from the Hebrew. No idea why it should be feminine and plural. Gwendoline in Australia.

  23. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience on the Chocolate Walk with your readers Carol! It was a pleasure having you join us! -- The France-Spain Team at Context Travel


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