
Monday, November 19, 2012

Paris Purple

 When a color or style is trendy/tendance in Paris

 You see it everywhere

 And not just in fashion or accessories like scarves...

 What about a purple/le pourpre bag/sac to carry your baguette home in?

 Purple CHOCOLATE lipstick?

 Purple/violette/le pourpre flowers will go well with you purple outfit

 The essential touch of yellow (the color compliment of purple) will make the purple that much more intense
 Yellow is directly across the color wheel from purple so they're buddies and will always enhance each other.

 Someone in the Metro was thinking about color compliments...

 And this poster designer too.

 Window dressers must be aware of how colors behave. It doesn't take much either - just a touch of the opposite color can do a world of good, like in this Printemps Xmas window with Dior dollies.

 A Disney dollie decked out in purple in Galeries Lafayette window surrounded by yellow flowers.

 Someone needs to drop a hint in this papeterie display, ahem

Greengrocers and boulangeries always know their color wheel. They play and display colors everyday. These eclairs could be bleu but surrounded by yellow they take on a purplish look.
What do you think?


  1. Merci pour le pourpre!

  2. Lucinda8:13 AM

    Le purple baguette bag is definitely a MUST-HAVE for moi!!
    tres charmante as usual

  3. It really seems like many colors get to be first in Paris:)
    lack..of course..then Red..Orange was highlighted and Pink..wasn't yellow also the flavor of a time?They go with a theme..and run with it!

    Fun to see:)

  4. My high school color was purple. I was a cheerleader. And I still just can not wear the shade. I'm worried I'll break into the school song... "On we will go! go! go! and fight! fight! fight! Come on your Wildcats win this game tonight!"

    1. Trying to imagine you playing that on the harp Amy with intermitten jumps in the air!

  5. Purple is my favourite colour but have to say, as an eclair - or macaron for that matter - I can't get my head round eating it. It just doesn't seem like a natural foodie colour. LOVE all your clever colour-spotting in the metro and shops. Trust you to notice them, when I always take it all for granted!

  6. This is the most lovely blog I have ever read I think its because the colours and those infos about everything that interesting me ;))) love <3

  7. The eclairs, no, the color doesn't seem edible, somehow...Wearing purple or yellow clashes with moi..But, I ADORE the purple of lavender & in the fields of Provence & it is off set so beautifully by the yellow hues of wheat fields!!!! And purple stationery, even without yellow, yes!!

    1. Grape juice
      it's Blue that's supposed to be the inedible color and yet these days anything is possible.

  8. I like purple and yellow--it's such an interesting mix. Good examples, Carol; we can always count on you--that woman up top there looks like she's been dabbling in finger paints.

    1. Dabbling?
      Hands on big time I'd say
      Wonder who-what-where she plans to put those hands?

  9. Tnose eclars....are they blue or purple. Give me a bite of each and THEN I'll be able to tell. But wait! Give me a yellow one, too!

  10. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Can you tell me where I can get the purple baguette bag

  11. Now, that is a purple invasion! :-)

    This time of the year, many flower boxes around the city of Vienna are filled with purple heather. It seems to take the cold quite well.

  12. I'd wear a purple shirt any day! I wouldn't mind a purple eclair, either. :o)

  13. Where have you found that lovley baguette bag? Do you know anw webpages that sells this cuties?

    1. I wish I remebered...

    2. Ah ha!
      The baguette sac was in the Intermarche (big supermarket) in the Poitou-Charantes, ahem
      A bit of a ways to go but worth keeping an eye out for.

  14. Love the cute baguette bag, and my grandaughter would love Rapunzel ..

    Love the purple scarves .. oh I just love purple !!

  15. The yellow chairs on the purple background don't seem to go together very well :)
    The éclairs - forget it!!

  16. I love your "ahem"!

  17. Oh what a wonderful post! Thank you. I've loved purple and yellow for a long time, and now you've explained why! I love learning something like that in an unexpected place. I did a post on purple and yellow a few years ago, I've updated it today.

  18. I love this post. I love purple. But I particularly love purple and yellow, and now you've shown me why! I did a purple/yellow post a few years ago, and have updated it with this higher knowledge.


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