
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Table At Le Cirque

 When I drew a doodle of top New York restaurateur, Sirio Maccioni ages ago

 I never thought they would include it in this new Rizzoli book, A Table At Le Cirque, on the history of the restaurant.

 Did  you ever visit the original Le Cirque on East 65th street?

 Here's Sirio in front of the fabulous murals of singerie reminescent of those at Chateau Chantilly.

 Le Cirque was where the 'Ladies who lunch' had to show up.

 Everyone who was anyone showed up.

 New York's top chefs graced its portals.

I used to hang out in the kitchen watching Jacques Torres perform pastry miracles - his chocolate stove!
 Gorgeous model Carmen Dell'Orfice nuzzeling Sirio in the book.

 Last night at the book party, Carmen was again nuzzeling Sirio with his executive chef, Olivier Reginensi.

 The champagne was flowing

 Hor d'oeuvres reflected

 Recipes in the book - these divine shrimp fritters.

 Mini desserts too, even macarons - gone in the wink of an eyelash.

 What to wear to a FAB book party besides a macaron T-shirt? Black, black and black.

 The newest Le Cirque is at 151 East 58th street.
 The restaurant is very glam and gracious

Painting by C.F.Payne
Sirio plus his three sons, Mauro, Marco and Mario are still at the helm, ring masters of the newest Le Cirque.
Bon Appetit!


  1. .. oh how wonderful that you got such a front row seat, and your illustration is great ... congratulations

  2. What an AWESOME soiree and awesome historic restaurant!
    Lucky you!!

  3. Doodle !! that's a piece to be proud of. Look at where it's been shown now. Fantastic, thank you for sharing how 'some of the other half live.' Congratulations Barbara Lilian

    1. I'll take your 'other half' Barbara in those medieval chateaux any day!

  4. You have such a wonderful life!

    1. It only looks that way Bill...

      Most of the time I'm a mole pushing a paintbrush in my cave when not attending glorious soirees

  5. Bonjour Carol. Le Cirque sounds like a very special place, and I am glad you told us the story today... even happier you were there to document the big soiree... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. You are one surprise after another. That isn't like any doodle I would do. Yours is fantastic. How fun to be included in the book.

  7. Carol! You are a Rock Star!!!

  8. I can't help but ask: What are the rather unappealing grey mounds on the pastry tray near the lemon goodies? I have never seen anything of that particular color offered as a dessert anywhere.

    1. such a blurry picture Bev
      I didn't taste them but they looked like chocolate something or other
      They had to be as good as the lemon meringues I'm sure of that.

    2. Thanks. I'll keep my eye out for them. Sort of. :)

      I'll be at the Paris Salon du Chocolat and I hope to try all kinds of PRETTY nibbly things.

  9. Bravo & Yay! So what is he doing in your "doodle"? The New Yorker is next? Did you wear your turquoise scarf with the mac t-shirt?

  10. Oh, the places your talent gets you into!

  11. Wonderful! Congratulations! I love that your drawing is included in the book. Love the whole story ... and the evening. Bravo, talented lady xxx

  12. 'Doodle' is a fantastic understatement here! Wow! I'd no idea of your talents in this genre too (satire, editorial cartoon?). I'd love to know the sub-plots here - how you got to be hanging around in the kitchen, what prompted the drawing ...?

    1. Gosh tanks!
      Really not a big mystery. I met the Le Cirque team many times while shooting at the James Beard Foundation. Sometimes I'd drop off photos or drawings I'd done from photos at the restaurant. The team in the back were terrific. Sometimes I was comped for lunch on a birthday say..but snacking in the back was the best!
      My truffle days...

  13. Fabulous post! I love the 'Old New York' and nice to know with Le Cirque it still exists. I knew a chef from the Jackie Kennedy days who said she was so thoughtful. And saw Carmen once in San Francisco. A gazelle.

    LOVE your very smart 'doddle' too!

    1. Carmen Dell'Ofice is a gazelle
      Perfect FrH!

  14. What a great doodle..vraiment!No wonder they took it..:-)
    I have heard of this restorant for years and years of course:-)
    Never been of course:-)
    Took Jacques for a muffin and coffee to a cute little place amongst quasi-suburbia..and he said your muffins are better...
    See why we rarely go out?
    I like the small learn..You learn so much Carol!
    Carmen..then and now..quelle belle femme.

  15. Who needs Paris for nightlife when you have such a fabulous, posh place in NYC? Looks like a great night out.
    Your sketches are cute & the photos are terrific.

    1. Thanks Nikon
      the lighting was so low...
      I went out and got a Canon S100 today.
      Next time I'll be ready!

  16. How wonderful that the great people of La Cirque included your doodle in their book! I have never been there, but have read many a story about the magnificent original place. I almost feel they are my own memories.

    Greetings from south of the Mason-Dixon Line,

  17. Congratulations! OF course he wanted to include it - if he has any sense of humor at all!
    Check out something special I posted for you on Flickr!

  18. Fabulous, Carol--cute painting! I love that your painting is in that book!

  19. Brava C well deserved he obviously loved it to include in his book (how could he not)

  20. great post! i love the painting at the top of the post, did you also make the sketch on the business card? Looks like your style. have a great day!!

  21. Patiently waiting for new Canon shots..:) No rush..really..just pressure either.
    Have a great day.
    PS I've always love Jacques.T..:) and C of course.

  22. I never ate at the original, but did dine there for Restaurant Week this summer. Delicious meal, snobbish maître d'. Heard him telling the hostesses to shuffle the Restaurant Week crowd to the more casual side of the restaurant. They tried to do this to us but we asked for fancier side.

  23. Laurie2:19 PM

    I know Sirio from my parents and I went to school with Marco, who is a doll by the way, Le Cirque from old is the one that I knew and loved. Fantastic post and I am a huge fan of yours!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  24. Robert2:26 PM

    I LOVE PB, but please:

    chefs graced its portals.


    chefs graced it's portals.


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