
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dior Secret Garden

She didn't blog yesterday...
She was caught up in the mad search for visas

 Up against the walls of bureaucracy

 She went into hiding fearful, trapped

 She would pretend all was well

 Put on a good face

 But inside terror struck

She wanted to run away from it all

But climb the steps she must

Lost in a maze of paperwork in triplicate

 She would find her way clear

 And breath l'aire frais

 Get some perspective, calm down

 Croise les doigts/cross your fingers she makes it.
On verra bien.

 Have you seen the new Dior Secret Garden?
Don't miss it.
Shot at Versailles and features Dior-clad models running through the castle’s gilded halls. Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin shot the living campaign, starring Daria Strokus, Melissa Stasiuk and Xiao Wen Ju in Bill Gaytten’s last collection for the house.

 If she does make it, she'll stay one night at Hotel Petit du Moulin designed by Christian Lacroix-29,rue du Poitou 75003

 She'll sleep in the most outrageous bed ever

 Run down the dotty stairway like no other

 Grab an apero

 Race out the front door

 Always looking

 For the perfect pastry

Ah...only Pierre Herme's unpronounceable gaufres will do in their elegant boxes


  1. You sure know how to string photos together to make an essay!
    I love that hotel - the bed......
    The "bedhead" walking :)

    1. Tanks
      So much fun to do it...
      I wish I did storyboards for the movies...

  2. Where can I see the awesome polka dot carpet? Perhaps it will lead me back to my childhood...

    ♥ Amour & les petits gâteaux!

    xox Flora

  3. Amazing. Who would have thought a boulangerie could be a hotel.

    Best of luck with the paperwork. France has got to be one of the worst countries in the world for paperwork.

  4. PS Stunning video.

  5. Lucinda5:27 AM

    LOVE her GREY nails...
    Oh swoon
    Quelle tragique video..

    1. Oui, this is the tragic short version
      (1 minute - 17,305,510 viewers)
      The longer version for 3 minutes the girl gets her homme/man has less viewers. (5,789,112 views)
      Either ppl don't have the time
      or they prefer tragedy to girl gets boy.

  6. Those models are amazing to be running in high heels. I can't even stand in them! Love the graphic for the hotel. Paperwork, can be so hard, but then there are the rewards...

  7. I only wear flats:) if there's a heel... I am not on it~

    Apparently not good for you either.Must admit some of my rubber soled loafers are not elegant at all.I love summer for flip flops..pretty ones...and ballerinas with bows
    Your pictorials are great..It's a lot of work to come up with such appropriate ones..The staircase makes me coucou.but it's cute.the bed..looks very inviting..

  8. If she makes it to that posh hotel, Dior will probably want to re-shoot the video to include shots of her running down those steps!

    1. Ever the practical one Jeanette.
      Where is your flight of fancy (no pun intended..ahem)?

      Would Dior dain to shoot in Lacroix' hotel is the operative question in my opinion..

  9. Geri, NJ10:43 AM

    I confess I did miss you yesterday...What a lovely post ~ two exciting stories at once...I was breathless. Good luck with your travel entanglements; I do hope you get to enjoy that amazing-looking hotel...thanks for the glimpse.

  10. Oh dear! Nothing like the stress of mind-bending and confusing bureaucracy that must tediously accompany a move. But I do love the way you manage to make us laugh at your horrid travails! And what a brilliant plan you have to reward yourself when it's all over - I can't wait to see the post on your night in this dream-worthy hotel :D

  11. Anonymous12:16 PM

    definily your posts are the best!

  12. Those parterres with the CD insignia are awesome! Such precise work, must be master gardeners all.

    So sorry you are under those visa travails, hope you are through soon.

    1. Note to myself:
      Must get grey nail polish!

    2. Oui, j'adore les ongles GRIS!!
      You never miss a trick :)

  13. One of your best posts it! And the little film of making interesting. Thanks!

  14. Replies
    1. Helmet Newton?
      I HAVE to see that show when I come back!!

  15. Carol, the stylish visual lemonade that you created from visa travails is quite wonderful.

    Surely, the master traveler M. Bear will have been able to assist with the visa circuitry?

    I so hope so.


    1. Very funny Frances!
      I wish Bear had more French clout at the consulate.

  16. Fun post. I think I would get very dizzy trying to go down those stairs. Now to go watch the Video.

  17. Oh Carol. You really are THE BEST!!!!

  18. That's the cutest hotel Carol... and such a great video... xv

  19. I love that video. It so magical seeing Versailles empty :)

  20. Hmmmm... I never thought of the plus factor of an empty Versailles.
    Funny in the longer 3 minute version the girl is not so morose and actually gets a glimmer of a guy
    AND there are beaucoup SMILES!
    Very UN-French and not as popular as the tristesse 1 minute version.
    Bien sur!

  21. Boulangerie no. vingt-et-neuf is too cute for words!!!

    And also yes, the dotty staircase is breaking all kinds of building regulations, but *shrug*

    1. Rach3 Please do tell more about Fr building codes etc.!!

    2. Alas, I am only well-acquainted with the building codes dans Australie! But basically, imagine a person with visual impairments trying to descend those stairs, in low light, without breaking his/her neck...

    3. Oh take a look at today's post for another view
      The railings are quite solid.
      Who goes down a circular staircase without holding on for dear life.
      They do have a fine elevator I'm happy to report.

  22. Are you shooting for a long-stay visa? Bon courage !!!!!!

  23. I LOVE this post.
    So elegant.
    The window reflections are so right and add a touch of mystery, And of course the rear window spot lighting the model is an added plus.Thanks
    Missed you yesterday.
    Did the visa thing get solved?

    1. Hahahahahhaha

      French visas are not resolved in a day.
      It takes ages and tons of paperwork.
      On verra bien

  24. Wow, another fantastic post. I had such a crap (forgive the language readers) week that coming here always makes me smile.

    Yes, why aren't you doing storyboards for films?? This Dior shoot reminds me a bit of Moulin Rouge filmand Chanel No5... rather beautiful shots.

    I've been to the Lacroix Hotel but haven't stayed there.


  25. Carol, I hope you get it all sorted out. Fun...

  26. Bonjour Carol, Your blogs are what has been keeping me going the last (???? years)! Your topics & compositions are exquisite! I've missed the last few as I got myself so consumed by the stress of work! Last Friday I resigned! I'm now going to get back to drawing & feast on it everyday! It's been such a long absence! I live in Olinda in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria, Australia. I have one of your original watercolours- the glass with daisy, letter, apple & macaroon which my daughter Suzannah purchased for my birthday some years ago. Thank you sincerely for being such a bright source of inspiration! I'll be in Paris again next year...maybe we can meet? Merci! Susan


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