
Thursday, April 05, 2012

Paris Paques Easter

 Every year chocolatier Jean-Paul Hevin consistently comes up with the most innovative twists on the traditional Easter chocolate eggs and chickens.
 Hevin's stupendous giant egg covered in tiny turtles was astonishing.
 His half eggs filled with smaller eggs, a heart and key are for romantic shoppers. Easter is not just for kids in Paris.
 Fauchon serves up champagne with a giant 'prestigious' egg - rather silly in my opinion.
 Very witty indeed these 'avocado' chocolate eggs from Des Gateaux et Du Pain.
 Chocolatier Jacque Genin does chocolate bunnies  that look like chickens that look like eggs...sort of.
 At Hugo et Victor an 'eco chic' bunny with green ears.
 La Grande Epicerie spots their bunnies and chickens with red stripes and dots.
Georges Larnicol is filled with enormous eggs 
 His poule/chickens are laying fried eggs for a change.
Where's the chocolate bacon?
Perhaps you would prefer not to focus on chocolate this holiday
 For mind over matter.
Certainment this chicken would like to avoid chocolat altogether.


  1. what a great post. I always love to visit your blog. I miss Paris so much and you bring it to me. Thank you. Grace

  2. So much more enjoyable to see than the run of the mill standards readily available here.

  3. Absolutely wonderful... chocolatier magic!!! Happy Easter Carol.

  4. "Such a Yummy Post"! Oh to visit that chocolatier!!! The decadence is a bit overwhelming!
    Happy Easter to you,

  5. Wow, those chocolates are amazing!
    I love the Hevin's especially, but they are all great.

    1. ou have le bon gout Nikon!

      he is THE TOP in Paris!

  6. Paris during Easter is the yummiest!!!

  7. Lucinda4:55 PM

    Poor Monsieur rooster being drenched in dark chocolate...
    I can think of worse fates..I guess

    1. lucinda my name is lucinda larnicol as in Maison Larnicol where are you?

    2. hello lucinda i am also lucinda lucinda larnicol as in maison larnicol
      where are you?

    3. lucinda, where are you? Not St Malo I hope. Lucinda Larnicol

    4. Bonjour Lucinda
      Lucinda et PB son le meme choise :)
      J'adore les Kouign Amann

  8. Foodwalker4:56 PM

    LURVE the chocolate 'fried eggs'
    That has to be a first anywhere!

  9. Delightful - thank you for your most enjoyable blog which I regularly read to keep up the memories of Paris. Love the bunnies and chickens with red dots and stripes. Have a very happy Easter.

  10. The chocolate shops certainly compete to have the most unusual chocolate eggs and bunnies. The turtles all over the egg shape just looked a little creepy to me. BTW I just finished Murder At the Red Lantern by Cara Black and it was a fun read that took me to places in Paris I never knew existed.

  11. I, for one, would LOVE to focus on chocolate this Easter. In fact, I invested in 2 chocolate bunnies - one for me and one for the Master - just a few weeks ago, when I shopped for my son's Easter goodies. Now, if I could just remember where I hid them.....:-(

  12. very clever, these humans. Some of those are excellent. I'm kind of partial to the chocolate avocados!

  13. Fantastegg!

    Jean-Paul Hevin's hen ends rather like a fish or am I wrong?

  14. WoW! and again WoW!
    Well, I kind of think the idea is to focus on Chocolate ;) Happy Chocolate Easter To You!

  15.'s all pretty amazing stuff....who eats it all??? Your photos have captured it all!

  16. Yum! I'm hoping the Easter Bunny puts chocolate in my basket this year...last year he gave me gum. GUM?!

  17. Friday @ noon:
    I imagine you busy painting eggs! ;-)

  18. Oh Carol, I have loved seeing all of your Parisian pre-Easter posts, and wish that I could have been looking right over your shoulder (or Bear's which would have been perhaps easier,) at the delights with which I'd have been tempted to break my Lenten no-chocolate vow.

    Only one day to go now. xo

  19. Everything was yummy until that final image of the dripping chicken. In addition to being hilarious, I was reminded of when I was a teen, in South Jersey, working on farms...
    vaccinating thousands of chickens, most of whom had that same look on their faces.

    1. There are worst things than getting vacinated one would think, ahem

      I don't know how you eat chicken after that experience...

    2. PS
      The French are very good at looking at both sides of the to speak.

  20. Alan from Johannesburg5:16 PM

    Thanks for the pictures of Easter in Paris...wish I was there.

    Since looking at the photos of the shop windows of the Jean Paul Hevin window I wonder how these traditions got started...the eggs, bunnies, hunts, bonnets, and so on. But then I realise that I have been cultivating something similar at this time of year. I have just finished watching Chocolat, which I watch every year during the Easter weekend ..... it just seems to be the movie to watch at this time of year. It has everything anybody needs .... French countryside, Johnny Depp, Lena Olin, chocolate and last but not beginnings.

    So every year at Easter, after watching this movie, I look to the future and hope for all mankind to give up their old ways of doing things and find new and better ways of really living their lives the way they were meant to.
    Love your blog
    Alan from Johannesburg

  21. Just loved the chocolate eggs and chickens and especially the avocado Easter eggs. I know you might have thought of us when you saw that one. Thanks for including it in your issue. Don't suppose the chocolatier has a post card or poster of that great idea.
    However did a Paris chocolatier come to the idea of an avocado? What a great idea!
    That would make a pretty great Easter card, wouldn't you say?
    Thanks very much. We enjoyed it lots!


    1. It would indeed Peter.
      That's what they do in Paris.
      Figure out new surprising things to do with chocolate that knock our socks off and send them spinning 'round the room.


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