
Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Odilon Redon Prince du Reve 1840 - 1916

If you can manage to attend a new exhibit the day it opens, you're always ahead of the game.

I raced to the new Odilon Redon expo at the Grand Palais the day I was catching the overnight train to Venice.
It's not so crowded the first day - people are waiting for the reviews.

The entry floor was full of Redon's dark, moody etchings and chalk drawings.

But downstairs was full on technicolor Redon.

 His mysterious fleurs et tetes/heads.

Redon's mastery of pastel is right up there with Degas.

One of my favorite Redons - this seashell. It's a shock to see a painting in the flesh when you've seen too many reproductions.

There were sheets and sheets of floral drawings.
 This floral embroidered chair.

Redon's bouquets are delicieux.

You leave a Redon exhibit in a trance-like state.

Outside Redon fleurs rouges at the Grand Palais.

Redon heads along the Champs-Elysees.

This barquette of fig, apricot, tomate cerise looks like edible flowers. 

I went home and set up my own 'Redon' - yet to be painted.
Perhaps today?


  1. Thanks for taking us along with you, especially since the expo closed in june

  2. That seashell is a beauty. And I cover that embroidered chair! It would look marvelous in my boudoir (with Harry lounging on it).

  3. A chair made for cats to sit on not people..

  4. Luscious, gorgeous almost edible paintings. You've really captured his palate with your still life set up. Hope you will share when its finished. Now I must go gawk one more time.....

  5. Beautiful! That must have been a wonderful exhibit, Carol. Love seeing those. Bien sur--paint that tout de suite.

  6. Oh my gosh. How lovely!

  7. Ohhh... that's a new artist for me. Gorgeous stuff. I mean, it's no street graffiti but, you know...

  8. Wonderful, lush, delicious, elegant post, Carol. I've always enjoyed encountering Redon's work.
    Break out those pigments and get thee to work on that still-life.
    I know the Muse is just itching for you to get painting.

  9. That will be one incredible watercolor! I can't wait to see it. The different shades of pink and green are exquisite.

  10. Great post! I love art and particularly art history! It is always a treat to see the real painting in the flesh! I experienced this when I was at the Uffizi or even when I go to the Vancouver Art Gallery that is currently hosting a great Surrealist exhibition.

    Thank you for sharing!
    P.S - how do you get these shots? I always get yelled at for taking photos but I just have to (with the flash off of course) I am blogger who needs to show her readers!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  11. when I shoot in museums if I don't have a press pass..
    I wear black and often shoot from the hip so to speak as discretely as possible.
    Museums have 'Press Days' when invited ppl shoot like crazy so why can't regualr folk shoot too?
    Most annoying but it is possible if your camera is small like the Canon S95, your flash is off and shoot on automatic.

  12. Thank you for this .. I am ashamed to admit I did not know of Redon:)
    You have taught me:)
    My mom was an accomplished artist and studied at Beaux -Arts in Mtl.. but I lost her when I was young..too young to appreciate and be inquisitive of her knowledge.
    Not that young..19..but maybe times were different.

    I love the set up..and know it will be beautiful.All your little boxes..macarons.. accoutrements..the way you paint water..
    I love seeing it all.

  13. Not to worry Nana-
    Redon is not that well known yet an extraordinary artist and colorist who much deserves this retrospective.

  14. Redon is new to me,too. Thanks for the introduction!
    I love his paintings. Beautiful....

  15. Fantastic exhibit! That still life setup is spot-on! Paint please!

  16. Did you get your version of Redon painted today Carol? Such a wonderful exhibit I wish I could of attended. Perhaps in the future, it's always good to have a dream. I am accumulating many!!! Hope you are doing very well Carol? All my best to you.

    x Deb

  17. Your camera does very well. Thanks for being such a good hip shooter. :)
    I like how you found like objects in modern time to match. I hope you do paint that still life.

  18. Carol, thanks so much for introducing me to this artist. Someone who's gorgeous work I'd never seen before.

    Lucky you for being able to see it in Venice. Wow.

    And thanks for the beautiful photos. I so enjoy your blog.

    Love those flowers in the small vase. Peonys?

  19. Forgive me, but he may have paintings in a gallery, but your eye is better with your arrangement at the end of this post. The simplicity is cleaner. I look forward to seeing its example as a painting.

  20. A glorious tour Carol. That seashell, OMG and the florals, portraits all exquisite. I can't wait to see your arrangement.


    Art by Karena

  21. simply amazing..

  22. I love him!!! I am so envious! We have one here at the Getty but ... oh! To see all those works together!
    How fantastic! Sigh ... Thank you for sharing. I wish I had some frequent flyer miles!


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