
Friday, May 06, 2011

Fetes des Meres!

DrageesFetes Des Meres, watercolor, 9" x 11"
If you live in the US this Sunday is Fetes Des Meres day or Mother's Day.You are probably rushing around and getting on lines to buy some dragees (candy-coated almonds) for Mum (if you live in Paris that is).Dragees These pretty cornets of dragees. Dragees are given on every celebratory occasion - weddings, babtisms, you name it. And usually in pastel colors.Dragees Bon Marche had jar after big jar of brilliantly colored dragee as well as the pretty pastels.Dragees I spoted these BLUE dragee in a gift shop in the Marais..
Blue food used to be a no-no.And they come ready wrapped as favors for a kid's party.
Then there is always the ever present macaron - the perfect gift for anyone at all. Pierre Herme sent out an email,
"Have you called your mother?" sent one,
"Fete des Meres: c'est maintenant ou jamais !" (Mother's Day: It's now or never! Buy a bouquet!) Of course if you're not in Paris you don't have to lift a finger. Been there, done that already. Here's an interesting story about a strong mum.


  1. I love your watercolor and the first photo is the best, I think.
    Who knew about the almonds....

  2. Beautiful post and I love just about anything that comes from Laduree! Those dragees are so beautiful - they make good eye candy as well! Have a fabulous weekend:)

  3. Love the watercolor paitning. oh and the last photo of the macarons. :)

  4. Beautiful carol, and I would just adore a gift of Laduree Macaroons for Mothers day!!!

    Art by Karena

  5. Wonderful dragées! In France, we will have to wait the ned of May to celebrate our mothers....

  6. What a beautiful, cheery post and what a gorgeous watercolour. You are incredible!

  7. I so very much enjoy your work. I am certain, you could have a book published with your fine efforts; seriously.

    I look forward to it everyday! Thank you.


  8. Exquisite painting! A cup of hot chocolate, how fitting for a chocolate loving mom! Would it be very un-french to add some whipped cream?

    Word verification:
    Tesserti ;-)

  9. Yep! Called my Mom as soon as I woke up!
    These sweets look delightful. I think I might go look for some left over Easter candy!

  10. I'm so inspired by French packaging. Laduree takes the cake in this area. Love Jordan almonds or dragees as they are called in France. My mom had a small tulle bag of these lovelies as a wedding favor she kept in the buffet. I remember sneaking in there for a nibble from time to time. They still have that magic and that memory for me from when I was a child. Nice to see them in so many colors. I only see them in pastels.

  11. Lovely! Instead of macarons and dragees and bonbons, I gave my mother a vintage iron doorstop with handpainted irises on it. Then I bought (yes bought, not made) an angel food cake for the strawberries and ice cream.

    It was just one of those days. Mom understood. We sat on her sun porch and talked and laughed while I knit this summer vest I'm trying to get done before, um, the end of summer.


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