
Thursday, February 17, 2011

More on Tarte au Citron

Pierre Herme Tarte au Citron
                  the winner of the best tarte au citron in Paris is PIERRE HERME!
Pierre Herme Tarte au CitronI thought Gerard Mulot would be the best with his flat lake of a tarte.
Those generous pieces of lemon zest in Pierre Herme's tarte are NOT candied, but super tart. This tarte was the tartest of all. And the most lemony. Herme calls his tarte, "Tarte Citron au Citron" with good reason.

Laduree Tarte au Citron
                   Tarte au Citron,watercolor 9" x 11"

Many of the test tarts were too darn sweet even if pretty. Where's the lemon?  Quite a few tasted too much of the lemon curd jar (Paul's). Some had almost no lemony taste at all (Saduharu Aoki).
The true test... Here the results of Gerard Mulot vs. Pierre Herme (on the right). The picture speaks a thousand words.

Fauchon squared Tarte au Citron But the tarte au citron contest is not over!
Talk about pastry geometry. Look at this squared lemon tart from Fauchon. I have more research to do. For other Tarte au Citron obsessed fools out there:
The Club Citron (even has a lemon diet, loads of lemon photos and of course a recipe
Bonne Journee du Citron!


  1. I've been obsessed with lemons lately...I want them on everything. Savory with a little parsley and sweet. I actually had a dream last night about a pretty lemon tart last night. I think your post is a sign that I should make one.

  2. Anonymous8:37 AM

    mmm lemon tart. My favourite but--- are you kidding me?? Laura Mercier has a citron tart range ? I Lurve her products with a passion and have been known to smell quite strongly of Creme brulee.- women even follow me around the shops and ask me the perfume I am wearing...I have learnt something today and I am on the hunt.
    Hope you are feeling better PT can be exhausting. I know I felt completely worn out after last years fall.
    x Bonne Nuit

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Have you tried Angelina's tarte citron? The best by far. Last time in Paris, I did a tarte citron tasting from about 7 diffrent pastry places. Angelina's won hands down.

  4. It's crazy Carol, my mouth is watering simply seeing the lucious tarts. Please take care.

  5. I saw David's post this morning!! Congrats. :) Must now plaster this gorgeous tart citron all over Facebook my dear. :) One of our faves.!!! xoJan

  6. The lemon tartes look divine and everything but I'm more impressed with how you painted a WHITE teacup on a WHITE background.

    Dang, you're amazing.

    And soon you'll be buff, too, from all the exercising you're doing.

  7. Justine1:10 PM

    Love that empty tarte shell you licked could almost be re-used...

  8. Every BODY needs down-time, Carol.
    And I do believe you've earned it.
    Rest. Relax. ENJOY!

  9. These watercolors are so filmy and delicate, Carol! Lovely! Really enjoying them, much more than the real tarts.

    Oh, boy--now it sounds like you have to have an Angelina's, too!

  10. This was better the second time around. Keep up the good work out. You must be ready for Paris/Venice in March!

  11. Thanks for the Pierre Herme tip - I loathe oversweet tarte au citron. Now I'm obliged to visit and taste one ;)

    Can't wait to see what goodies and beautiful art you come up with on your next trip over there!

  12. I agree that Aoki's is less than appealing. Pierre Herme does indeed make a fine one, but Laduree's is pretty close as an overall flavor/texture experience.

  13. Thanks for mentioning the dvd of our film Kings of Pastry on your wonderful site.
    Your blog makes me so happy and hungry for all things French and beautiful.
    It was a great way to start my day today.
    I also really love your watercolors.
    Please let me know if you have a show in NYC.

    All the best,

  14. I saw David's post this morning & bookmarked on FB. I hope to feel well enough to make his lemon bars soon. I end the online day here w/more lemony goodness. Yum.

    Julie the Cat & I are thinking healing thoughts for you. xoxo

  15. You and David, temptation pure!
    The way you polished off Pierre Herme's filling made me smile.

  16. I'm a lemon fanatic myself. love this post & thanks for the link


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