
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Paris Bouquets

I tend to see a 'rash' of things in Paris.

Everyone sees Parisiens carrying baguettes - it's unavoidable.

Last time in Paris I saw a ton of people walking around carrying bouquets.

This bouquet-carrier, perhaps a flower delivery girl looks both ways before crossing.
I would too if I had such a lush bouquet in my arms.

I wonder if she makes trans-Atlantic deliveries - like right now, today.

Waiting in a Paris bus shelter in case of rain on your bouquet is wise.

It's also wise to wear colors that co-ordinate with your immediate surroundings, whilst carrying a bouquet.

Or not.

Very tall orchids on rue Cler.

I wasn't the only one seeing a plethora of bouquets.

Designer Kenzo filled his windows with them with matching scarves and skirts.

One thing Parisiens really get.

Is take-away/emporter floral bouquets.

They are available EVERYWHERE.

Who would not love to get a Paris bouquet delivered to their door today, please raise their hands.
This weather is the pits.
Or pop a bouquet on your head as a hat.
Who needs an umbrella?


  1. Geri, NJ12:59 PM

    Beautiful flowers on such a yukky day! I want to comment on the "couple of a certain age"...IMHO, I ask: Is she not the embodiment of age appropriate modern chic?!

  2. What bounty, and your always alert eyes caught it all exquisitely! Love that drooping ficelle next to the baguette and the magenta V-neck sweater.

  3. Justine2:43 PM

    A very nice soupcon of Spring on such a dreary cold day..
    Send that delivery girl this way as well.

  4. Likin' that bouquet hat! Cheery. We always love your fresh flowers--I just picked some up for our place yesterday, so we'd be happy in Paris. Lovely, Carol.

  5. i love this post
    can't wait to visit paris this spring

  6. Very cheering post today
    I needed that!

  7. These pictures inspired me to become friends with the local florist! The arrangements are just so beautiful and are the perfect way to get through Paris in the winter! Thanks for the photo reminders!

  8. I hear you. I just spent an inordinate amt. of time looking at tulips online. And posting two tulip thingies. Icy rain means no way am I walking outside to try & track'em down. xoxo

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Dear Carolyn, You have written directly to my heart today... I may not get a Parisien Bouquet delivered today but I just might make one! xx

  10. I love that last shot :) So funny....
    The opener is a grabber, too (as always!)
    Too bad Providence isn't as romantic....

  11. Jeanette, Misteess of longears7:18 PM

    Why do the French seem to know so much more about living well than we do?

  12. What a gorgeous and bright post. J'adore les fleurs, toujours!

  13. Carol, this was such a soggy, icy, grim day in New York. Toasty at home again this evening, it's been a treat to see all these glorious colorful Parisian fleurs.


  14. You brought sunshine to my mind and heart today with this post.. Love the flower photos ... Carry on!

    Cheers from the Philippines!

  15. Beautiful flowers Beautiful pictures, here it is snow snow snow

  16. what a beauty, lots of flowers around paris.

  17. gorgeous blooms, especially the first. Love your watercolours. Thanks!

  18. So gorgeous! I want that pink bunch of beauty the first girl is carrying so much.

    Isn't it interesting, what we notice and then keep noticing? When I was in Paris in September, I kept seeing cheeta-print - scarves, bags, shoes, skirts, belts, jackets - everywhere. I think it was a message to me to go a little wild. (hee hee)

  19. Bonjour PB~
    I have a whole folder of Paris Flowers....

  20. Caro! Divinos bouquets! Bellas flores y siempre tan distinguidas! Besos, Gloria.


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