
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Animaux au Paris

I seem to be relentlessly drawn to animals in Paris... Maybe animaux anywhere attract my attention... I saw this delightful Panda working the Nestle at the Salon du chocolat. A crew of zebras was coralled into serving Nestle's new teas as well! Meanwhile over on rue Bonaparte, les chats were quite busy... Who could not have used the aid of a good cat server during their New Years Eve soiree? Cats readily assist lamps in Paris all the time evidently... On the other hand these roosters on rue Madame are just standing around looking elegant. I have yet to enter the very exclusive Oderantes fleurist shop - quelle dommage.
What's not to love about this hound in a hat?
A whimsical ostrich is not to be outdone sporting a cigarette holder to boot...
Jules Pansu boutique at 42 rue Bonaparte is the place to go if you must have amusante animaux coussins.
Venice Over the long holiday I've been thinking about sending your animaux/pets off to Venice and making sketches and doodles...
VeniceI was chatting with Brit watercolorist, Ian Sidaway about pets in Venice, and he says you can only send CATS to Venice. I beg to differ!
Venice Why your average hound would not enjoy a trip in a Gondola on the Grand Canal is beyond me!
VeniceFrankly, I think you can send BOTH cats and dogs to Venice. They will behave perfectly as long as you throw them the occasional bone or sardine non? I am taking myself off to Venice in March and I might meet up with Ian on a gondola or at the gelateria...

What do YOU think?

Would you like your pet painted in Venice/Venise?

Do Tell all.

BONJOUR Animaux au Paris & Venice!!


  1. Ooooh--off to Venice, eh? Fabulous! I'm sure you'll figure out a way to stow away some sweet chats et chiens. I'll look forward to your posts on it all.

  2. Venice.. wow.. How fun will that be. I look forward to following that trip. Love the Idea of Animal painted in Venice scenes. Yes Dogs are more transportable then Cats so they would for sure love the travel over there. :)Also love the Rooster photo!

  3. Oh, the pandas and the kitties are so so adorable!

  4. .. HOLY COW ... now this is MAJOR ... Venice is my favorite place IN THE WORLD ... you don't see many dogs, not sure why, but cats you will!!! I must think of things to tell you - oh oh oh, I am so excited for you.

  5. who can't love a panda?

    happy new year! great way to start it, with plans for venice!!!!

  6. M. in Paris4:17 PM


  7. Oh, I love these! What a fabulous collection!

  8. There must be something in the water in Paris :) They have the most delightful, inventive ideas!
    The panda, for instance, and the cats are inspired!
    Ah Venice! A great idea - I think it would work out well!

  9. I would adore being served tea and goodies by animals of any kind. Unfortunately, chez moi, it's just the opposite, with me doing all the serving.

  10. Bravo! I love that you are on your way to Venice and can't wait to see what strikes you fancy there!

  11. Barbara M.8:01 PM

    Tes photos de ton blog sont fantastiques!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! et tes aquarelles de VENEZIA magnifiques !!!!!!!
    j'espère te voir à Paris , tu es toujours dans mon coeur;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Barbara

  12. There is SOMETHING in the water in Paris nikon = CHALK!
    Everyone drinks bottled water so that's where you have to look :)
    Start with Evian and Badoit...
    bon chance

  13. Holy Samollies, Carol;
    you and your paints and your sharp eye behind the camera's lens will take Venice by STORM! I recall a wonderful early Sunday morn', walking the narrow alleys early, seeing kitties darting here and there, the smell of freshly made coffee, and the fragrant wiff of
    warm bread in the air.
    I'm sooooo jealous!

  14. I love the cats in gondolas idea.
    I think I should go before my cats do. You now just too check it out.

  15. I'd say, cat-loving dogs would have fun in Venice!
    Cats, of course, would be a perfect fit. ;-)

    Thinking about pulling on my boots and see if I can pass for a cat. ;-)

  16. Ohooooalalalala!
    simply wonderful post!

  17. Justine5:52 AM


  18. Anna-Maria A.5:52 AM

    Now my cats are pestering me like mad to go to Venice.
    Paris was not enough I ask?

  19. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I would like anything painted in Venice!!!
    My 2nd favourite city in the world!!!!!!!
    And... you mentioned them both in the one post.

  20. .. la plus belle ville du monde ;) ... i adore your paris breakfasts posts and follow avidly ... mais il ne faut pas faire de paris que la plus belle f(v)ille du monde!!!

    ina and gumby ... la chienne de tante sophie ... the dog that tante sophie has ...

    visit for all the latest and greatest happenings @ the studio ...
    where, when, what and why!

  21. It's true. I've never seen a dog in Venice, for reasons I suspect I know. But why not imagine one there?

  22. Kathie8:48 AM

    Cats serving humans? I doubt it.

    Dogs have masters; cats have staff.

    Or so my cats told me.

  23. C'est fantastique! Thank you, Carol, for sharing this with us !!!!So cute :)))))

  24. I love your blog! Stumbled upon it through and I'm so glad that I did. Great story-telling via imagery.



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