
Thursday, December 02, 2010

Golden Hook

Is it possible for the Parisien l'esharpe/scarf to get any bigger than it already is?
Oui! Absolutement oui!
Knitting is HUGE in Paris right now, so get out your needles.
BHV's vitrines were full of balls of wool and hand-knitted scarves waiting for crafty Parisiens...
If you haven't heard of Golden Hook, here's your chance.
Golden Hook is a bunch of les French grand-meres who will knit anything your heart desires in whatever color you dream of. You can even choose the grand-mere you would like to do the knitting.
Or you could turn up at BHV and take knitting lecons and DIY directly from les grand-meres.
There are a gazillion knitting books out on French Amazon for the DIYers who read French. I even saw a girl knitting in the Metro station, but forgot to take a picture - Eeeek!
Of course les vitrines/shop windows are full of hand-knitted items...
Winter hats included. And Parisiens are notorious for not wearing hats in zero temperatures (which they may be having right this minute...)
French bebes have always worn knits, but now it's a must-do.
As for Paris dogs, their knitted winter scarves and coats are being tricotee toute a suite.


  1. Carol those knitters look fantastic...after all the tres chic images of the impossibly sophisticated femmes of Paris it is a delight to see these beautiful tres talented grand-meres on the Paris scene plus the awesome practical art they add the the fashions. What a fun and fabulous I want to knit.

  2. My grand-mere use to crochet. She would make doilies and then starch them so the ruffles would stand up. I wish we had one of them. She died about 30 years ago.

  3. Your posts always leave me missing Paris! Wish I was there now for all the fab knits and a chance to knit with les grands-meres du crochet d'or! C'est magnifique! Merci!

  4. What a great grand-mere idea! I (almost) can't wait until after I'm done with the last harp gig of the Christmas season (Christmas Eve, 10:00 p.m.) so I can pick up my knitting needles and let my mind unravel!

  5. My grandmother taught me to crochet, I am shocked that I can still remember.
    I have had several teachers try to show me how to knit, but for some reason, I cannot.
    I wish I could, I love the yarns ..
    Pup would love Fabulous in one of those scarves :)

  6. Justine3:40 PM

    That pony don't ride.
    Chic, sleek French girls knitting in the Metro?!
    This is not in sync with the high-fallutin' concept/myth we have of the French girl...
    Maybe we're off on the wrong foot?

  7. Knitting is so calming--I don't knit enough these days. I love that dog! Fun.

  8. Yay!!! Go the Grannies - I clicked over to the link and loved reading the little bit of info on each knitter! Fabulous post - Love it.

  9. I can't wait to show Grandma Dee the first picture! Love. Love. Love.

  10. I love that group shot of the "grannies"!
    Great opening shot, too, and all of the window shots.

  11. Rent-a-grandma? Why not? Asians can hire people to visit their parents, mourn at funerals, so why not hire a grandma? We Americans are way behind in the service industry!
    Do you think my chosen grandma would tell me a story with cafe au lait and croissant au chocolat?

  12. Great stuff! You know, I bet Bear could use a scarf for his next visit to Paris. He could pack it in his little valise!

  13. I'm loving your reactions to this knitting post! :)
    The only time I ever knitted anything at all was an overlong scarf while sitting in a hospital was a sickly green too :)
    I don't think I ever wore it but it gave me something to do.

  14. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I love,love your blog! :)))

  15. Love these knitted scarves and grand-meres! Like the grey and blue mix in the third photo.

  16. Love that braided scarf,
    now that could be a possible DIY project!

    I knitted into and beyond my teenage years.
    Then I grew tired of it.

  17. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I love this post too. As a knitter, I've found it _very_ hard to find knitting stores in Paris. There are just a few. Maybe things are changing. -- Elizabeth


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