
Friday, November 12, 2010

New York CHocolate Show 2010

I went as 'press' yesterday to the New York Chocolate Show and it never disappoints though I was surprised to see so many French chocolate companies represented. It's never surprising to see all the free samples offered at the New York show, unlike the Paris Salon du Chocolat where 'free' samples require a magnifying glass 🔍  Mary Chocolate Co. of Japan always has yummy macha-chocolates to taste. Even more surprising was catching top Paris patissier, Pierre Herme onsite tasting and checking out the New York show! ! ! I couldn't miss catching a group shot of Pierre Herme at the French Valrhona stand with the chocolate show organizers, Sylvie Douce et Francois Jeantet. Francois Pralus showed up at the NY show with all his French goodies.
Do stop by and taste his chestnut spread-miam-miam
It's a bonanza for the kids, who surely need more early training in the finer points of chocolate percentages at Comptoir du Cacao...
Enrobed grapes in French milk, white or dark chocolate from Les Fondues au Chocolat anyone?
And for the grownups rum punches...
There were lots of people out tasting and buying yesterday perhaps because it was Veterans Day...
Swedish chocolatier, Hakan Martensson of Fika Choklad NYC is usually on hand creating chocolate sculptures. He told me he never knows exactly what's going to come out - it's all left up to serendipity. The chocolate wolf sculpture in the foreground has just eaten Red Riding Hood!
I love Maison Boissier's packaging and they have special prices for the show - I didn't realize they have a tea salon in the 16th arr...
I bought some Barry Callbaut chips - perfect for my morning cup of chocolat chaud...
Chocolat Michel Cluizel now has a shop on 5th Avenue...
A ready education in percentage chocolates from E.Guittard, supplier to most US pastry chefs, is on offer...
Taste PLEASE!!
And sniff something savory - Spices and Tease are at the Paris Salon too...
There are chocolate fashions to consider nibbling - Not allowed!
I tried Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula free samples last year and I love this stuff.
Your friendly undercover pastry stalker kept her eye on Pierre Herme. I was interested to see him pick up and purchase hot NY pastry chef Johnny Iuzzini's Dessert Foreplay cookbook...
This morning I spent several hours watching chef Iuzzini online at Bravo's Just Desserts - Are you a fan?
Quite elaborate and intriguing desserts - I'll be back at the Chocolate show on Sunday to see Chef Iuzzini do his demo and I'll report back on Monday.


  1. Justine11:32 AM

    How thrilling to spot PIERRE HERME at the NEW YROK SHOW!
    What a coup!
    BRAVO et merci!!

  2. Ginger..a fan11:46 AM

    Hi FYI:

    You have Johnny Luzzini on your blog today in three different places
    and it is Johnny Iuzzini - I not L.


  3. Anna-Maria A.11:49 AM

    Truly a BONANZA of chocolate tastes...
    Bowls of chocolate just left out to help yourself?
    Can this be?
    It would never happen in Paris for sure!!

  4. Eat some chocolate for me!


  5. There are tons of recipes at all the demos - like miso ganache lolly pops & pasta with savory chocolate sauce..but I'm not taking the cooking route yet
    It's tough enough simply tasting and shooting so far.

  6. That place must be permeated by chocolate fragrances of every imaginable kind! Good thing I had a cup of hot chocolate before I came here, otherwise I'd be scratching and sniffing my screen. ;-)

  7. Oh Carol~ you actually saw Pierre !! was he made of chocolate ??

  8. I was reading about it and thought "surely Carol will take us all there again!" I knew we could count on you! Fun, Carol!!

  9. I bet that running into Pierre Herme made your day!
    It looks like Too much for the senses there :)
    You're right about the packaging - it's fabulous.

  10. Sandra6:29 PM

    Yummy! Had not heard of Francois Pralus before. Interesting.

    Do watch "Just Desserts" love some, like some, some don't like so much, the desserts and the chefs.

  11. Dear La Merisi,
    Interesting you should mention that...
    I would feel compelled to say the Paris chocolate Salon is more fragrant with chockie aromas for some reason...
    Greater quantities of French chocolate perhaps, which smells very different and which I prefer in the end to all others...

  12. I don't love Pierre Herme but I would have loved to be at the NY Chocolate Show!
    I LOVE chocolate!!!

  13. they just showed this on the news here...sounds fun!

  14. Ooh la la! Your posts always make me so hungry!
    I'm putting the Chocolate Show on my calendar for next year.
    I love Top Chef Just Desserts. So sorry to see Zac go last week (I know his mom). Not sure who of the three left should win...

  15. So who wins the chocolate show award -- NYC or Paris?

    P.S. Too cool to spot Pierre!

    La Mom
    An American Mom in Paris

  16. Thank you for taking me along! Who could have guessed you would discover an unknown Parisian chocolatier in NYC???? And where is my postcard notifying me of my local chocolate supplier's annual sale? Ahh....Valrhona my all around baking favorite and my hands-down cocoa fave even though it's so expensive that my local supplier keeps trying to make me take substitutes.

  17. Oh my! This post certainly made the mouth water. lol

  18. Carol,
    I forgot to ask if you have any idea how the Chocolate Fashion creations hang in there, literally, gravity defyingly so. I imagine there must also be a way to control the temperature around them, otherwise wouldn't those incredibly elaborate ruffles melt (I could imagine you standing at the ready with a cup, catching the drippings *smile*).

  19. Tres, tres jalouse! I declined my invitation, but could have, in fact, squeezed an hour in at the NYC Show. (Though then I'd probably be having an even harder time squeezing into my jeans... tee hee).

  20. P.S. Pierre Hermé and Francois Pralus?? Pas mal!!

  21. I'm thinking with my new and improved stalking skills I may be getting calls from the CIA anyday now...ahem

  22. wow...beautiful images! love dark chocolate

  23. M in Paris1:34 PM

    c'est plus intéressant en photo qu'en réalité !

    Hier il y avait déjà une longue queue devant P Hermé ... pour Noël ! j'ai pensé à toi !!!!

  24. estelle9:55 PM

    omg....j'adore your blog. i look forward to a new post everyday and your posts are so pretty and inspiring!! i just might go create a blog myself.. i wish i couldve attended the chocolate show it looks AMAZING!

  25. Looks like a perfect day. I really like the chocolate fashions. We have a fabulous chocolate festival here in Torino too!! It's my favorite time of year. Yummmmm.

  26. How interesting Pierre hermé showed up heh?
    I was at the one in Paris, it was a lot of fun.


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