
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Colette Paris

Yesterday I did a grand tour of Colette Paris on 213 rue Saint-Honore 75001, Metro - Tuilleries Colette's logo - blue dots.Are everywhere. There is a general dottiness about this boutique As BEAR found out last time he visited
A lot of friendly bears here.
By 'dottiness', you can find all manner of things eclectic, whimsical, funny.
At all price ranges
Whatever is au courant in Paris - there is a big new Jean-Michel Basquiat show at the musee d'Art Moderne and a new film just opened, so it's in Colette's DVD section
Tons of techie equipment as well
If there's a new interesting book out, Colette will have it on their tables. *Note the Japan Fashion Now catalog. You saw it first at PB.
Of course
So much leopard 🐆 
Go upstairs.
For the most au courant fashion
Colette is consistently ahead of the curve
Outside the box
If you don't see what you want, check out their tech support
Next floor up is Colette's galerie - remember The Selby opening/vernissage?
Sous-sol you can grab a gouter/snack amidst more blue dots and watch a Peanuts video
Colette has a house dog, who both guards and rules the roost. If you're wondering how I got all these photos, I wrote ahead and asked permission to invite you inside.
Permission granted👏
Merci beaucoup COLETTE!


  1. One of my favourites Carol.....You must be very special or very quick to take all those pics in there....I am always in trouble when I try! xv

  2. cool!
    Merci pour vos gentils commentaires!
    A bientôt

  3. .. oh thanks Carol for bringing this amazing store to our attention ... will def stop in next time ... love the blog

  4. Colette is a must see for me next time I go to Paris...hopefully next summer...But that blue animal with the gumballs inside is not a bear, is it? It appears to be a blue monkey to me!
    Have you been affected by the strikes in Paris? Yesterday the news reported over 1 million protesters throughout France.

  5. I LOVE the dots!!! So cool. I want everything in the store. Everything!
    Love. Love. Love.

  6. I am so cold I could use on of those fluffy coats there, plus one of those nice leopard bags, just because!
    Freezing rain is not a good thing! Keep yourself warm with a hot soup, hot chocolate, a few eclairs and a movie tonight!
    Take care.

  7. Anonymous11:58 AM

    you are lucky to get special treatment! but you're more the clever Bear to write in ahead!

    great mix of novel to fashion forward trends, very chic, very Parisian! But with that comes the pretentiousness & arrogance from their (sometimes un-inviting) staff - how very Parisian also!

    well done though on the post as IT IS the hip place to shop in Paris (if one has the budget of course!).

  8. Carmex in Paris!!! That is a staple of mine, in my purse, in my nightstand and in my makeup bag. Thanks for the chic peek. Hope Paris is treating you beautifully.

  9. Great pics!! Thanks for share! xx

  10. What a great tour, Carol!
    I now know about Japanese fashion, catty prints, and blue dots - all thanks to you, Bear, and PB :)
    I'm glad that they let you bring your camera..

  11. Great photos! Who makes the bags in photo #13?

  12. It looks incredible! Thank you for letting us know about it!

  13. That is so touching that Collette allowed you to take pictures inside - bravissimi, they recognized a good thing in time! I shall put them on my list of stores to visit in Paris!

  14. Why don't more places encourage your attentions? Fun tour!

  15. Your photos gave me delightful mini-vacation! J'y vais la prochaine fois!

  16. How do you manage to make everything look so inviting? I even want the clock!

  17. Thanks for the tour!!!

  18. Your trip looks amazing!
    Thank you for sharing your pics!

  19. I was there 3 days ago and i was in trouble when i try to take some pics!
    Very discourteous staff...

  20. I bought a leopard bag at he the Bon Marche 2-3 yrs ago. Each trip I allow myself only 1 gift & when I saw that bag I had to have it. When I got home, I thought 'what were you thinking!!' & haven't used it more than twice. Guess I need to get it out & see if I fall in love again.


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