
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

French Women Don't and Do

More hot tips today on how the French Fem does it PBers.

In Paris last month, I spotted Jamie Cat Callan's book, French Women Don't Sleep Alone at W.H.Smith's and took note. I met charmer Jamie at a Champagne party for francophile bloggers last January. I'm enthralled with her book - a kind of memoire-report on Frenchie fem dos and don'ts. The intro focuses on the influence of Jamie's French grandmere. Always dressed to perfection - hat, gloves, stockings, high heels, Grandmere was quite demanding of Jamie.
A bit of a cool cucumber too... Yet Jamie's French grandmother, in her hay day was a vaudville dancer and singer not unlike writer, Colette! How do you like them pommes/apples? Jamie's book is full of anacdotal tips she picked up while living and traveling in France on how French women do it.
How they get their man!
Certainment lingerie plays an important role in the seduction process. I remember Fr Girl dragging me down to Printemp's new lingerie department to drool over their goodies.
I was very ho-hum.
Give me a good patisserie like Blé Sucré anyday. I do get the lingerie look worn on the outside - pale pink ruffles paired with a biker leather jacket. But going into Chantal Thomass' grand emporium of ultra fine scraps of chiffon I've yet to conquer. I'm probably too American, too puritanical or too too. I refuse to shell out €€€ on a couple of lacy triangles unless it's a chausson au pomme. Miam-miam
Back to Jamie's book - evidently a surefire winner with les mecs/guys is the combo of boots and skirt and I have the photos to prove it.
Jamie says, the French girl does not date.

She throws a dinner party instead.
Mon dieu! Where are my cookbooks?
Love this French couple in the Palais-Royal don't you?
Guess what?
W.H.Smith thinks Jamie is FAB.
They've invited her to Paris to promote the new SATC 2
Quelle lucky duck

Must start wearing boots and skirts.
Must learn to love lingerie.

Must, must, must start cooking!
Key$a says it all in Boots N boys
'Boots and boys (Boots and boys)
They bring me so much joy (Bring me joy)
I gotta sing it
I wear 'em both so pretty
As I walk in the city'


  1. Love the boots and the pale pink ruffles. I happen to like pretty lingerie. Nice to know it's underneath things even if no one else sees it.

  2. Justine9:36 AM

    PB is always reliably a hotbed (no pun intended tee-hee) of Frenchie girl tips!
    merci merci merci
    Forget cooking.
    Just keep blogging!!!

  3. Oh, Carol--
    This is the sweetest, funniest, most beautiful blog ever!

  4. oooooh la la, missy!

    boots and boys!
    {{ you Always and without fail
    find the Best Music }}


    well, over here,
    down here,
    No Boots in spring and summer
    as we do sexy sandals instead
    due to 85+ degree Florida weather...

    the boys will have to settle
    for THAT

    {{ was that zebra
    eating a pink ruffle?
    me thinks
    he thought it was
    your usual pink macaroon, missy }}

  5. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Loooove lingerie, but where I live the stores don't carry exquisite silky quality (sous-vetements).Only stuff made in china which falls apart after one wash. Nothing like my mother was wearing, maybe that's why we don't wear lingerie anymore it doesn't feel good on our skin.

    Hope to change that when I leave for Paris ( first time ) my luggage will be full.

    Thank you for the work you do.. it is beautiful living.

  6. the pink frills and the black leather, THAT is gorge. just gorge.

    monster cool post!

  7. If I were a younger version of myself I'd like to think I'd wear those ruffles & that jacket - together :-) With delicious scrap of chiffon underneath, of course!

  8. French Girl11:51 AM

    Love the Scrapes of Sonia H&M (on sale) smalls you brought me from NYC with the rhinestone writing-nuit noir!

  9. Apparently, Jamie's grandmaman was very similar to (one)of mine...from a place of empowerment, though, yes. BTW, my French girlfriends still find all of this funny & bewildering (not Jamie, the Ongoing French Fuss. I tell them to cork it since they depend on tourism:)

  10. I love the photos but I miss the watercolors. Do you still paint Paris dreams?


  11. Carol you are a "mess"!

    I want that ruffled pink dress...give me a link...

  12. So the subject today is on French women in boots and skirts, meant to entice, with the potential for deliciously delicate discoveries for the fortunate few.
    sure beats Macarons, in my book.
    Thanks for such a pleasant way to start my day, Carol.

  13. I wish I could give you the link...
    Shot on the run probably on rue Saint Honore..
    I want it too now that you mention it Blissitydoodah!

  14. Maryellen12:14 PM

    I’ve been reading your blog for some time now.
    I love your paintings and your whimsical view of Paris — the food, the dogs,
    Plus your comments.
    Merci Beaucoup for the effort you put in each day.
    Very generous of you!!!
    Your Fan,

  15. Congratulations Carol!
    I see you have a show coming up this week at THE JAMES BEARD House!
    You must be spinning
    I don't know how you get PB out everyday but I certainly appreciate that you are sharing your ongoing passion and inventiveness with us.

  16. Thank you.
    I love your blog!
    I love your sense of humor!
    You have amazing style!
    Oooh la la!
    Sexy AND Funny!

  17. How fun!
    My husband LOVED the French lingerie ads while we lived there.
    I'm with you, I'd rather eat my triangles than wear them!

  18. I love the boots and skirt combination. I wear them from fall to spring. I feel very powerful when I have boots on, I don't know why! And very feminine or sexy with skirts.
    And about the lingerie... "Victoria's Secret" has so much to choose from! You don't need to wait to go to Paris!
    Common girls!!!! Let's get pretty right now!

  19. OK - now I think I need a new bra!

  20. Love the boots and skirt combo! Looks like a great book. :)

  21. What an interesting book, Carol
    merci bien

  22. Anne Marie4:22 PM

    Jamie looks quite a bit like her French grandmere and it's evident she has some of her tres gay vaudvillian spirit as well!

  23. I love all the tips! I'm getting the cooking down, now time to work on the clothes! I love that pink dress too. A girl can dream.

  24. SOME PINK FLOWERS-the zebra is nuzzling the pink ruffles. After all it's a FRENCH Zebra!

    The skirt will never die in Paris that's for sure,SIMONY.

    REBECCA, we must do a pastry walk together!

    BRUSH WITH COLOR you are soooo Fem! I'm not surprised...

    SUSAN-you have it exactement correct-tell them to cork it! :)

    I LOVE reading yr comments!!!

  25. Egad! French women make dinner instead of dating???I would e a spinster! Love the 2nd boot shot!

  26. I refuse to shell out buckets of euros on a couple of triangles unless it's for a chausson au pomme.

    This had me cracking up! Love your witty commentary and beautiful photos. I need to go back to Paris soon!

  27. Fabulous post! Love Jamie Cat Callan.

  28. You're the highlight of my mornings, Carol!

    Christine Hueber


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