
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Inside Sonia Rykiel Saint-Germain

Last Friday I was feeling brave.
I decide I am going to march into Sonia Rykiel Saint-Germain and ask politely if I can take a few discrete photos for PB.
After all I attended the show bla bla bla...
They say I must speak to Presse upstairs. Up I go to the press office and wait a little bit tenuously,
biting nails furiously, praying, hoping.

Out comes Claire (who invited me to the show), Edouard (Communications) AND Lola (Nathalie Rykiel's daughter!!!).
They say to me,
"We love your blog" (!!!)
"Of course you can take pictures." I am melting.

The SR store is spacious. Every inch packed with divine SR items for every moment of the day.

Lola tells me the windows always have books on display.

Her grandmere, Sonia Rykiel has always gotten inspiration and ideas from books, so they are an important part of the store concept - here the mannikin wears a book on her head.

The skylight reflects the graphic stripes of the sweaters.

A vendeuse pulls out a drawer for a customer full of Sonia treasures.

I heart these red lips. Sonia's accessories have always been the wittiest and the best IMHO.

I long to step into this snow globe and stay indefinitely.

Nathalie Rykiel, Sonia's daughter, created her first collection, Sonia Rykiel Enfant while pregnant. Really they are a team: Sonia + Nathalie + Lola - 3 generations of Rykiel women, creating clothes for women by women.

Nathalie is celebrating the birth of her first book,
"Tu Seras Une Femme, Ma Fille" I draw Lola Rykiel and this is Max, the bear she gave me...
Max will only drink chocolat chaud at cafe Le Select. He is quite particular like any French bear. 
et merci!!!


  1. wonderful pics, bravo to you and the trio Rykiel

  2. Ah ha...
    Max has invaded MY caf...
    He has le bon gout

  3. Merveilleux! My brave friend, je t'admire et je te felicite!

  4. I'm glad you got the post done, Carol, and what a post! This is GREAT!

    I am so thrilled for you that you got this opportunity to not only see the show, but present the SR brand and store in this post. The store is gorgeous.

    I am a woman who cannot and does not spend a lot on clothes, although I like looking current. I usually buy stuff at places like Target (in the States) or the reasonable H&M (in Paris). I have to say, though, that seeing this flagship store and all that is in it has given me a taste of what it could be like to widen my fashion horizons. *grin* Yeah, I could get used to having more stuff from Sonia Rykiel!

    I adore the bear Max and the photos you got with him. Trés, trés cute, Carol.

    Thank you, as always, for another charming post. I hope you are continuing to have a good visit.


  5. William Ternay, Jr.8:17 AM

    Carol, once again bears have come back into your life, fueling your creative juices, sharing a cup of
    morning chocolate.
    Has it occurred to you that perhaps "Bears" are more than a bit of a
    Muse for you?

  6. you are so lucky you have the "ins"!

  7. Good for you...see what happens when you take a chance...who knows right?....

  8. You have gone full circle now with SR!! These shots are priceless! Fabulous post.

  9. Thank Carol, I never dared to go into the shop myself. I just saw a program about Sonia Rykiel on Arté, she is such an incredible woman!

  10. This was a wonderful little story with inspring photos. The clothing and accessories are so colorful! Thanks for taking us into this well-known boutique.

  11. Bonjour Carol,
    I am having such a wonderful time traveling, window shopping, sipping chocolat chaud, visiting one of my favorite boutiques (SR) on the blvd Saint-Germain, all quite vicariously. Mille mercis à vous. I think my goldendoodle Terra would like to have her portrait done in front of SR when you get back....
    Bon séjour! Looking forward to the next post...
    Gina Houston TX

  12. T.L. K.11:02 AM

    I can 'bearly' contain my excitement!


  13. Thank you so much for your great post. I' ve just seen it right now and forward it to my mother.

  14. Carol, loved your adventures at Sonia Rykiel today! I have my
    ticket for the Yves St Laurent exhibition April 11 deja

  15. Of COURSE they would love your blog, Carol. What's not to love? Plus, you're giving them good visibility on your blog here. Sweet! You're too much. Have fun!

  16. How about some photos of what women in their 50's and 60's are
    wearing in Paris. Are they in jeans, ponytails and boots too?
    Your blog is incredible. I look forward to it everyday!

  17. William III2:28 PM

    I cannot tell you enough how MUCH I've been enjoying your blog,
    and all that you have been taking chances to do...and become,
    Simply amaaaaazing...
    and wonderful.
    And an inspiration to me.
    Keep it up American Girl!

  18. sjerseyboy2:29 PM

    I do believe something cool, and energizing, happened when you
    put that picture of the "real Carol," up.
    Everything seems to have gotten ratcheted-up a notch or two.

  19. Meghan2:31 PM

    I have been following your blog – I LOVE IT!
    My boyfriends mom owns a French Boutique( and turned me on to Paris Breakfast.

    Sleepless in Seattle

  20. I got a great studded handbag the last time I was in that store. I thought it was so much better than the NYC store!

  21. What great shots! The bear photo is just fabulous.......

  22. LOVE Rykiel, I was lucky enough to get to go to their show last season.
    Please check out my blog as I have added your link to one of my posts about my favourite blogs this week!

  23. You were lucky! they let you take pictures inside this old famous store. Hope you had fun!

  24. No guts, no glory - I am soooo glad you have guts! Now if I could just see a closeup of those handbags...

  25. GG & I are thrilled for you, Carol! What a surprise to see the collected works of Gogol in the vitrine. Yay. And I'm so glad the Rykiel's got to meet you...they sound absolutely lovely. Max the Bear, il est tres charmant.

    So exciting.

  26. Foodwalker12:15 AM

    And they love your Blog. You're famous, mon cherie!

  27. Quelle chance tu as !
    Je suis amoureuse de Max ;)
    Continue de nous enchanter de tes promenades parisiennes... j'en raffole plus encore que des macarons (au café uniquement !)

  28. Fantastique!

    Love the photo of the skylight.

    Max je t'adore.

  29. You Carol are like fashion royalty. What a thrill and your photos are great. Thanks for the fun. xx

  30. i have DIED & gone to HEAVEN Carol...♥ sonia...


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