
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Gospel According to Coco Chanel

I'm soooo late telling you about Karen Karbo's terrific book, so here's a crash course.The table of contents nails it.Oh where would we be without our little black dresses?
And our pearls?

Merci Mille Chanel! All the marine looks and stripes. I never thought I was a Chanel fan but I have always loved marine stripes - Merci Mille Chanel.You will love this book, even if you think you don't own a single Chanel in your closet -- because in fact you do. We all do. Such a graphic, yet feminine touch -- the white camellia
Merci Coco.
If you love simplicity and elegance... Then you love Coco. But something has happened to Coco's classics this season...I went looking at Chanel in New York downtown...
And uptown - Ouch!
Karl you are driving me to serious drink and cigarettes!
Where is the elegance?
Where are the classics?
Karl, please read Karen's book! You need a refresher course...ahem
I've never really longed to own a Chanel jacket until last summer, when I saw the Michael Jackson video where he sports this utterly simple, sparkly Chanelesque jacket at his 1983 first Moonwalk performance = it was instant love.
I found out he borrowed it from his mom's closet the night before!
Merci Karen for sharing your passion for Chanel.BONJOUR KAREN et COCO!
And merci Jeanette of Longears Manor for the link to Chanel's appartment.


  1. Katrine9:01 AM

    The King of Pop,
    was also the King of Style!
    Coco" Chanel would have been proud(19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971)
    Thanks for this

  2. Who wouldn't love Chanel? I've always thought she was simply pure elegance and the epitome of chic. Never goes out of style. Great post, Carol.

  3. Cynthia9:31 AM

    Great post! I do have Chanelesque evening wear jacket type thingy...
    and I must say it is really easy to wear and I always see people staring at the thing....maybe they think it is vintage CoCo.....omg ;)
    Like the tip for the book too....I think I have to have it!
    Merrry Christmas and all the best for 2010.

  4. Carol, I loved the entire post but I must say that the clip on Michael Jackson was great. It was Michael at his absolute best.......jacket included. I will have to pull out something Chanelesque from my closet today. Joyeux Noel!

  5. oh thank you, thank you!
    I wasn't sure...but he was such a style king of everything
    well most things anyway..
    Yes his dancing is a delight to see

  6. . . . I think she would have been a big fan of short nails with black nail polish and she
    would have quit smoking.

    Have a great day.


  7. William Ternay III11:31 AM

    I LOVE that MJ video too and the way you tied it into the Chanel story...

  8. MUST HAVE THIS BOOK!!! Seriously. Never have so many owed so much to one person... :))) really. We don't need lots, just good..
    Merry Merry Chanel -liscious Christmas!

  9. Rosalie12:17 PM

    That's it exactly Janice
    It's about quality and simplicity
    lines lines lines
    What an eye she had
    No one can wreck her brand.

  10. Anyone who took a glance at me would never understand how I can look the way I do and still have such a mad love for Coco Chanel. I drenched my daughters' style in Coco's mindset, fed them on a steady diet of what was classic and what was a trend, and I am pleased to say they, not I, graduated well.

    Karl? I have felt much guilt at my displeasure in the past few years on his view of Coco's Classic design. He, in my limited knowledge, has leaned more towards the edgy trend rather than keeping it a treasure in the closet of whomever is lucky enough to possess a CHANEL label.

  11. This looks wonderful- can't wait to read it! Merci

  12. Bill Ternay2:53 PM

    I agree with my eldest son, Wm T. Ternay,III.
    The way you tied Ms. Coco into magical Michael, was a (watercolor)
    stroke of purely Parisian genius.
    Wmt jr. (hee-hee)

  13. I love the way you put a post together, Carol :)
    I love this one....

  14. Jannine5:13 PM

    What a THRILLER was MJ!
    And Coco will always give us chills and thrills at the thought of owning a quilted bag...sigh
    I have sniffed her lovely perfumes -- is that the one
    that Billie Jean was wearing?
    Superb performers both of them.

  15. I thought this was a fantastic book with a lot of good information. Great post!

  16. How edifying to discover that a woman is responsible for so much of what makes clothing work for real women! And Karl, what are you thinking???

  17. Look what I stumbled onto while surfing for something else:

  18. Your blog post reminded me of my mother's fabulous pink CC suit. I just loved it...the lines were so classic and chic! She also had a lovely white CC suit. Oh, my...if only we could bring back that look!

    Now I have to skip over to Amazon and get this book :-)


  19. I would love this book. Have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year Carol, xv.

  20. Thanks for your amazing post about "The Gospel." I'm sticking it up my
    Facebook, and everywhere else I can think of! I love your site.

    Have great holidays.


  21. I really enjoyed this post on Coco Chanel. I need to look for this book. Thanks for sharing it.

  22. Just finished reading this! Loved it!

  23. Merci, Carol,
    for this wonderful Christmas gift!
    I enjoyed every bit of it thoroughly.

  24. Anonymous4:00 AM

    What a great resource!

  25. Anonymous5:37 AM

    i'm new... anticipation to post nearly more time after time!


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