
Friday, September 18, 2009

Bonjour Macarons Again

French macarons,9 x 11

Once you start painting French macarons it's hard to stop...Not unlike eating them...
French Chat Faim, 9 x 11
Course this isn't exactly a macaron, but a distant cousin, at least in terms of location in the pastry counter.... These are local New York brew - Georgia's and I keep meaning to try them again. Maybe this weekend I'll explore a bit.
Also here, but shipped in from Paris! at La Maison du Chocolat and the very best New York has to offer to this date in my opinion, but I am open to any suggestions...
Le Grand Epicerie in Paris is rather casual with their macarons - their boxes are not the proper fit at all and your macs will toss around liberally - not recommended if you like to eat a perfect unbroken macaron...hmmm
I really should buy this at Zazzle...simply for inspiration of course.
I love Gerard Mulot's brilliantly colored and flavored macarons -not-to-be-missed and just a few steps from the creme de la butter creme Pierre Herme.
A few more steps more and you can stand in line for these beauties.

I MUST try Thevenin's macs next trip - I've shot them soooo many times!
My Paris fridge last trip - all for reference, researche, painting and serious study etc.


  1. love your paintings :)

  2. Melanie9:05 AM

    Hi Carol--I was reading Vogue Magazine (not sure) and I did see Jeweled Macaron rings--made of rubies and the macaroon had a bite in it--gorgeous!!Thought immediately of you. They are probably expensive high end jewelry--but soo cute.

  3. Hi Carol,

    Great painitings! I love the top one! My friends were just here for a week and one of them got ADDICTED to macarons!! Haha!! Imagine that!! Anyhow, I'm glad you will be able to come back to Paris in a few weeks to enjoy the lovely weather we're having now! Indian summer, I think! Are you planning on taking any trips outside of Paris? Strasbourg??
    Take care,

  4. Like I've mentioned before, I've never had one!
    I love the colors they are made with.

  5. Thanks for making my day again with a dose of your beautiful work, Carol. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love them... you have such a whimsical and fanciful eye. Thank you for sharing with us! xo

  7. love! love! love the pics and ur paintings :)

  8. A big macaron is necessary to celebrate a two-year birthday blog, isn't it? You can't stop painting macarons; I can't stop eating them!

  9. I love that picture of the insides of the refridgerator.
    There is a new french cafe in Toronto called Nadege at the corner of Queen St. West and Gore Vale beside the Trinity Bellwoods Park.
    They bake macarons! I had an olive oil flavoured one there last time, very good. All of their macaron and other cakes are very beautiful. If you come to Toronto, check them out.
    Thank you so much for your Paris Breakfast postings. My sisters and I enjoy them very much.

  10. That last photo--
    Don't we all want our refrigerators to look like that?

  11. Foodwalker2:41 PM


  12. Gerard Mulot's rules!!!!! xx on both cheeks. Merci for the great post. ;-D

  13. Gerard is sooo thin...does he eat his own macarons?
    Or just enhale..

  14. Mary Jo3:32 PM

    I'm sooooooooo hungry for a Mac, can you tell me how and where I can order them to be shipped to San Diego. Better yet if you know of anywhere in SD I can buy them.
    Great e-mail.
    Mary Jo

  15. Maybe in October I'll have a mail order place for REAL FRENCH MACARONS.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed..

  16. I do understand why everyone loves your blog. Your paintings are so ethereal and beautiful. And how can anyone not want to visit and revisit someone who loves Paris?
    Warm regards,

  17. Bonjour: just had to share this story with you, as I gaze lovingly at your macaron portraits, and shot of your fridge filled with goodies.
    A few years ago we were in Paris and one of the high-end car manufacturers was running big billboard ads comparing the
    perfection of their cars with the perfection of the macaron -- sort of a side by side shot of car with stack of giant macarons. They were all over town, and I couldn't figure out what it was all about. I finally asked my friend what the heck those big pink hamburgers were and what they had to do with cars (at that size, they really looked quite unappetizing). She had a good laugh then took me to Ladurée for my macaron education, and I am no longer a macaron virgin!

  18. Nice and filmy papers enveloping those beautiful macarons, Carol. And that cat is a riot--fabulous!

  19. Beautiful box of Macarons. The one you painted. I cant believe its about that time to go back to Paris again. I always look forward to those trips.

  20. I believe that your love for macarons is slowly getting evident! Don't worry, they are still around! :-)

  21. Oh I gotta try the orange-ginger flavour! sticking the ginger jellies in the centre is great idea! yum.

  22. Hmph! Some correspondent you turn out to be: there are actually French macs you have not tried????? Best get to work and do your "research" thoroughly this time!
    Been gone all week and can't wait to catch up...I find myself inexplicably craving a macarron. Go figure.

  23. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Has anyone tried these two places in NYC?

    Jonesing for the real deal in NY.

  24. Bonjour indeed! Love the painting of those little darlings in the Ladurée box.

  25. Bonsoir,
    Did you try the new one at Ladurée made with christian Louboutin. Red and black same colours as the "escarpins".

  26. These are beautiful, and I love your water colors, I'm inspired to try my hand at making some macarons. I'll comment you when I have a picture :)

  27. I love reading your blog and seeing your paintings. I feel like I'm in Paris sharing some wonderful moments!
    Your work is wonderful...and quite inspiring.

  28. No fair posting them when I can't taste them. Luscious looking and I bet they taste even better.

  29. Oh my heart felt sympathies to you for having to open your fridge door to a sight like that

  30. You said "Once you start painting macarons, it's hard to stop."
    and I say "Once you start eating macarons, it's harder to stop."


  31. Anonymous9:56 AM

    It is rather interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.


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