
Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Pain d'Epice - Passage Jouffroy

Since we can't have Paris all the time whenever we want it, get out your sissors PB readers! And your bottle of paste, 'cause the next best thing is a mini Paris and you-can-do-it-yourself Just be sure to check with the "real" thing occasionally You will need a bus to get around bien sur "Real thing"
Oh and a coin (corner) of your very own!
And one of those Colonne Morris things so you can keep up to date.
A carousel wouldn't hurt either.
They seem to be all over Paris...
Your very own bistro of choice is a necessity...
Chez Allard will do fine...
For all those extra odds and ends...
You must have a quincaillerie!
Sophia is very busy creating her own Paris...ahem
Vrai o faux...
Another corner...
Will do very nicely...

And where can you find all the bits and pieces to create your own Paris? At Pain d'Epices in Paris in Passage Jouffroy!


  1. Gorgeous! I'm filled with longing and nostalgia for Paris - and I live here! One question: is DYI 'Do Yourself It'? (Me too I'm dyslexic.)

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Merci mille fois, chère Carol!

    I miss Paris so much --- and this blog is so delightful. It inspires me to conjure up some of the memories, like a child's blocks, and put them together as you do here, to create mon Paris here in our Berkshire woods.

    Berkshire Tsarina

  3. That's such a cute presentation!
    I love how creative you are :-)

  4. Carol... Have you ever seen these books? Your post today reminded me of them.

  5. Simply Great! What a pleasure for me and my wife to read everyday.

  6. Absolument, everybody needs a carousel! Un chameau pour moi merci. Or a unicorn peut etre.

  7. Sophia2:47 PM

    My mini Parisien Bistro (sadly) has been ignored for the past several weeks as I frantickly worked to complete my big dollhouse. It finally came home from the workshop last Thursday at noon—and I worked day and night to decorate it. Now, of course, I am seeing all kinds of things that I need to buy to make it even better.

  8. Hi Carol,

    Thinking of boulangeries - have you ever tasted a "croissant aux almandes" which is quite different from Almond croissants in the States or in England or outside Paris frankly. I don't know exactly what they do to them but they taste very unusual. It seems that almond is added to the flour at the baking stage. Not just the frangepain bit in the middle or the slivers on top. Do you know what I mean?? Have you tried one? Very much for a cold winter morning.

  9. Anne-Marie4:39 PM

    I love the mix of fantasy and reality here...
    but the reality is still a fantasy
    which is which?

  10. I should have done one of these mini Paris before going on holiday. Anyway, I don't miss Paris for now, I miss NYC!!!!!!! Hope you will bring a mini NYC for me when you come to visit us.

  11. Anne, do you want a snow globe with the Empire State building in it from NYC?
    We don't do mini here...ahem

  12. Diane G.8:23 PM

    My husband and I are on Granville Island, BC, Canada, for a business meeting, but I still had to get my Paris Breakfast fix ce matin. When we were in Paris in June, I wanted to make a tour of Paris passages, but we decided to save that for our next winter trip to the City of Light.

    As always, I enjoyed my Paris Breakfast today. I hope you won't be offended if I point out that those tall advertising columns in Paris are called Morris Columns. I googled it, and the first hit was Wiki, so voila:

    A kiosk is a small outdoor stand selling newspapers, mags, tobacco, etc.

    Merci mille fois for bringing Paris to me every weekday!


  13. How fantastic! I love I need my paper Paris!

  14. Been absent from flickr for awhile.... And,today I finally have my free time, immediately visted your flickr.....must confess I really miss your wonderful paintings and blog..

  15. Lovely post, as always. I've never been to Paris, but I feel as though I have by visiting your blog every day. Merci.


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