
Thursday, April 02, 2009

THE SELBY at Colette

Artwork by The Selby Artwork by The Selby
If you had subscribed to The Selby you'd have been invited to boutique Colette's booksigning last night.
Here The Selby is taking a mini break from signing his special editon new book. Who is The Selby? Photographer Todd Selby takes GREAT photos of artists, designers and creative personalities in their homes and studios and draws their portraits too.Artwork by The SelbyArtwork by The SelbyColette's galerie walls are covered with his photographs and drawings.Artwork by The SelbyArtwork by The Selby
This is how The Selby does an interview. Brill!Artwork by The SelbyArtwork by The SelbyHis picture story on Ines de la Fressange.The place was mobbed.Upstairs.
I tried a Vodka concoctions everyone is sipping briefly, very briefly. Great shoes, bags, T-shirts.Love these prints.
The back of this fab coat.
I would kill for this black and white striped pul.
This striped sac.
 This black and white Jack Russell, 'Hot Dog' belong to top pastry chef Sebastien Gaudard.
These 2 mecs/guys/dudes asked me to take their photo. The dude on the left, Pascalito, gave me his red sunglasses for doing so!
I met Cheri Messerli, when she made a mosaic of Parisbreakfast macarons and sent it to me. She's a terrific fashion stylist who's moving to Paris soon. Take a look at her blog: Scout-Holiday
She and David were photographed by The Selby.
Cheri made these necklaces on sale at Colette.
Pierre Herme showed up at the vernisage/opening. His Selby photoshoot and drawing.
A swell soiree non? This mec didn't make it. He's stuck on his balcon having a smoke on rue de Rivoli overlooking the Tuilleries. Quel dommage


  1. Ah,ah,ah, I wish I had come! Fabulous pictures! We can perfectly imagine the atmosphere.Thank you so much for this coverage.

  2. J'adore ! Bon..ok i'm not a 100% fan of Colette but i would definitely have loved to be there and bump into Pierre Hermé...
    Great last pic of the "poor mec" as you say in his bathrobe !

  3. You went to a Selby party. You must be the coolest thing going.

    I love his take on things, although some of his subjects just have to many KNICK KNACKS. Edit, people. I haven't been over to his site for a while. Looks like you had fun.

  4. The mec photo is such fun. I enjoy your 'eye' and studying how you compose a picture. Merci.

  5. So cool! No, megacool!
    And so is your post!!!
    (Please note: I use "cool" sparingly - like once every year!)

    Once again, I enjoyed myself immensely getting a peak of Paris in the Springtime! Merci.
    Beaucoup! :-)))

  6. Thanks so much for those photos from The Selby event! I'm not able to make it but I will definitely buy the book. Love it!! :-)


  7. Great phott essay on a gallery night.
    I love the dog :-)

  8. Merci, enjoyed this very much! I have sent it to ma fille qui habite a Paris, although she missed the opening, might still be good for a peek!

  9. Looks like a fun evening. Thanks for taking us along. :)

  10. Love the little black and white dog, Carol. Sweet one. These are all fun images. I got your mail today--thank you for thinking of me. Just got in from work and saw it. I'll save it of course.

    You will be back in NYC now, no?
    Hope you had a fabulous trip. It sure looked like you did.

  12. Fabulous. What a great time. Saving my funds for a trip. So much to
    see and do on this side of the Atlantic as well. I may end up buying
    a catalog of the Sonia Rykiel Exhibit, then there's Cezanne & Beyond
    in Philadelphia, Bonnard at the Met, Chinese Emperors in Atlanta,
    theSelby... What's an old gal to do? Fantastic! Paris in the
    Thanks for sharing these moments.

  13. Reading your blog today about the opening at Colette's last night was the straw that broke the camel's back: yours is the BEST Paris blog by far that I've ever seen.

    All the best,

  14. ....your blog is just wonderful for this event...

  15. WOOW!!

  16. Oh you little socialite you, I am so envious. I read The Selby but don't subscribe but I will.
    Pierre Herme looks TERRIFIC!

  17. grace under pressure4:59 AM

    Would have LOVED to be there...
    Lucky you!

  18. Laurie5:04 AM

    Hi Carol,
    I hope you are enjoying the neighborhood.
    It sure looks that way..
    Have you visited the birds at Aryllis yet?

  19. William7:30 AM

    It looked like a great little event.

  20. you will be amazed when you look at the 4th picture on your post today and the april 6th new yorker cover

  21. You're incredible and bold, Carol. Thanks for getting this mec into an exclusive event (I feel so special), for snapping lots (thousands) of pics, for the dauntless shots of the gathering (no fear, ahem), and for taking the time to post while Paris awaits. Lastly, merci for the magnificent tutoring on everything current and fresh in (and the history of) Paris. "BIG MERCI !!!" as my mentor would say. Bravo...

  22. Welcome Home.

    Thanks so much for the wonderful review of all you have seen while in Paris. My mouth is watering for one of the macaroons you have shown.

    Love your art,


  23. Bonjour Carol:

    The above url takes you to a fine B&W photo of Alberto Giacometti photographed by the great photographer Gordon Parks who is having a show at Northwestern U in Evanston, IL.

    If you move your cursor over the right most photo, the photo will appear.

    Notice the Paris stride in the elegant figure in the right third of the image.

  24. I just KNEW I'd be sorry I didn't come along!

  25. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Others pics here


  26. You captured it perfectly!! I love it! Even the guys with the matching yellow backpacks. So nice to meet you there. I'm glad you tracked down PH before you left.

  27. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Hi!!! is one of the most outstanding innovative websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. I will be back.

  28. oh my gosh, i was there that week too! i went on the day that he did his book signing, and i took a photo of his flyer in colette and i got in trouble! :(

    love your photos, thanks for posting them and adding to my wonderful memory of the selby at colette!




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