
Monday, April 27, 2009

La Vaissellerie

Metro Saint-Sulpice, original watercolor, 9" x 11"
I'm not talking about actually eating on the Metro, though I've seen it done often enough, ahem
I'm talking about eating ON TOP of Metro place mats. Like the ones I bought at La Vaissellerie at "Saint-Sulpice"85, rue de Rennes 75006, last trip. At first I was a little disappointed by their rather stark graphic aesthetics. But then lunchtime became a trip in itself full of plotting and planning of future Paris trips. One way or another I always drop into La Vaissellerie to check out their latest treasures.
with 4 boutiques in Paris proper it's pretty easy to stumble on a shop. I was smitten with French chocolate pots, I found this lovely number at Vaissellerie...The nice thing is they have tons of stuff to make you feel you're having a very Frenchie petit dejeuner like these chocolate bols. Or these polka-dot cups.
Why are polka-dots so Frenchie? I got some magnet Paris street signs bien sur.
But I resisted the Provencal sachets.
Just next door on rue de Rennes you can grab a chausson aux pommes - my new fixation.
At this gorgeous no-name boulangerie. A PB reader says they have great sandwiches as well.
Around the corner on rue du Vieux Columbier, you can find all sorts of other Metro paraphrenalia at a papeterie.
Is this Paris dog is wearing a ballerine or just one red rain bootie.
If you do cross rue de Rennes directly across, you will find these not so bad and rock-bottomed priced ballerines! I meant to go back for the grey.
Paris dogs in the Metro don't have to bother reading maps - that's one advantage they have.


  1. What a great painting, Carol! So lively and full of detail and color. Wonderful! Fun post.

  2. Plain white dishes. Wine and Champagne glasses. Flatware. I got them all reasonably priced at La Vaissellerie, boulevard Haussmann. I discovered them because I had a one-shot job translating their website into English! (And the lady salesperson even through in a folding paper fan!)

  3. One of my favorite shopping streets is rue de Rennes. My nickname for it is rue de shoe.
    Ahhhhhhh if I only had more suitcases!!!!!!

  4. Bugs in the Mojave10:52 AM

    Breakfast on a train (and of course, I mean the placemats, too).
    You are so fun and delightful and full of surprises.
    I'm so glad you are going back to Paris soon...

  5. Breakfast and lunch together. Are they the same in French (déjeuner et déjeuner)? Thank you, they were (it was) delicious! The one red rain bootie on the dog is cute, but why?

  6. I love the painting!
    The last shot in the Metro is priceless :-)

  7. can pick up the ballerinas this next trip :) all the things you forgot to go back to or didn't get to, you can do this time.
    ahh...i am so ready to escape again. just need to be out and about and far away from here!
    have a great day.

  8. pictures of vin.... sil vous plait

  9. La Vaissellerie on Rue St. Antoine has been among my favorite places to shop since 1985 or so. I can always find last minute cute gifts to bring people and some for me also. I used one of your paintings for an invitation to a lunch and wanted you to know that I gave you full credit and wrote that people could buy it on Etsy with all the particulars. This is lunch of auditors to a class we are taking on four great cities: Rome, Edo, Paris and now Delhi at the University of California. Of course, I have already taken modern Paris, history of Paris, History of France and French literature (in the last four years). Everyone loved the painting, so you may get some new business. Unfortunately, no trips to Paris for us this year (bad economy and kids out of work).

    Thank you for your wonderful blogs and photos.


  10. Sophia1:46 PM

    I love La Vaissellerie--stumbled on one years ago and always make it a destination. I bought the chocolate pot (you should see how many I have now to put in the as-yet-unbuilt miniature silver shop!); also the flatware with the bee on it and the "ivory" handles--it looks so cute with my Villeroy & Boch French Garden china.

  11. I can see you plotting your next move on the metro while drinking hot chocolate out of one of those pretty French bowls, all the while circling tres important spots on your place-map. Be careful though, try to avoid taking a bite off your marker instead of the croissant. ;-)

    If you collect enough real Paris metro maps, you could fashion yourself a nifty little bag like this one, handmade from discontinued New York City subway maps! ;-)

  12. So, another one of the St. Sulpice station!!

    You are not abandoning the macarons, I hope!

    To answer SparkleMirror:
    Breakfast = "petit déjeuner"
    Lunch = "déjeuner"
    Dinner = "dîner"
    In some regions, breakfast can be "déjeuner", lunch can be "dîner" and dinner can be "souper"
    (Especially on Sundays, you can of course combine with a brunch.)

  13. WOnderful posting, the drawing is wonderful!

  14. THose place mats are genious! But please don't give up on the chocolate pots! They are perfect for the corner of your mats!

  15. Peter -- Thank you very much for the lesson!

  16. Carol, this watercolor is really pretty. I love how colorful it is and it has sentimental value to me because this was where I took my very first metro ride from. Virgin voyage so to speak. :-)

  17. eating lunch on the métro
    mais pas dans n'importe quelle station!!!!
    sainte suplice avec un chausson aux pommes
    c'est un dream.....


  18. People rave about the London Undergroud Map but as we all know it bears no resembalence to what is above you. Now the Paris Metro Map does and I am a big fan of it because it also shows the rail connections. Three cheers for The Metro Map

  19. Such gorgeous photos and comments and balerines! What a treasure chest your blog has proved to be. A fabulous post.

  20. FoodWalker7:06 AM

    I adore polka dots but I once fixed a guy up with a woman I knew. She arrived wearing a fab polka dot dress and he was immediately put off by the polka dots.

  21. I linked your post to my Tumblr, Pets on the Bus!


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