
Monday, April 13, 2009

111 Bd Beaumarchais, 75003

Yesterday Anne in Paris mentioned the word "macaron" in an email and I had an Easter raid in my refrigerator - so no painting to today. But I did want to tell you about a new "concept" store, Merci anyways..
Di first posted about Merci...Naturally I waited until the last day to drop in. Isn't that always the way? You enter the boutique into a rather smallish cafe-library...
Which leads into...
A huge beautiful airy space! Two floors at that.
Just opened in March and a must-see, Merci was founded by Bernand and Marie-France Cohen (former owners of the luxury children’s clothing brand Bonpoint)
Everything is for sale, including this papier-mache elephant guarding the entrance to the courtyard...
Where the famous bundled up car resides...
Everything is designed and thought out visually. I don't think these are for sale. but they are beautifully displayed. No?
There is a gallery of art and a floral shop and used books and vintage and designer clothing with all profits going to a children's orphange in Madacascar.
Annick Goutal has a purfum laboratoire here...
Clothing specially designed from YSL, Stella McCartney, Vanessa Bruno, Burberry, Isabelle Marant, Azzaro etc 30-40% less than in the brand name boutiques. Even Chanel quilted bags.
Everything for the home...
Isn't this gorgeous?
Every inch is filled with treasures. Even the outer walls...
I loved this stack of bistro chairs - what I was going to paint today...
Wonderful tables...
The Merci bags are recyled...
AND dogs are allowed!
Merci MERCI!
And a French lecon thrown in...


  1. Merci Carol for this wonderful tour. I could stay hours and hours at Merci. It's so cool, so trendy and so Parisian! For M et Mme Cohen, it's also the perfect way to live their retirement after Bonpoint.

  2. As always, you beat me to it!! I read about "Merci" in the NY Times, but just haven't gotten around to going! Now I surely will. Thank you, as they say in English.

  3. Oh I won't forget to say Merci! Thanks for this wonderful recommendation. The used books cafe would already have me stuck there for half a day. And the art & design is so imaginative. Did you leave with anything Carol?

  4. Only photos..all I left with.
    It was my last morning in Paris and I had to run and pack :))
    C'est la vie

  5. Very interesting place! I wonder if that would catch on in the US?

  6. Love the looks of this place--adding it now to my places to go....
    only 41 days to go!

  7. I LOVE the fire extinguisher and hose too...
    Such elegant design overall.

  8. Merci for that tour - wonderful!
    Having Annick Goutal there speaks for itself.
    I say merci for her parfumes.

  9. Looks like a fun store. I could browse there all day. So you're heading back soon, eh?! Good for you!

  10. I want to see this place, and maybe you do to! Let's go!!

  11. Wonderful find - at last a place with none of those long-eared ones!

  12. Oooh can't wait to see it in the flesh. Methinks it would be a good place to meet up in May - do you?

  13. Is Lisa Jordan now making papier mache elephants in France?

  14. Carol,
    Just a quick note to let you know that I posted a link to this blog on "Merci" telling Diva Readers to check out your photos of this shop... you'll find the link to your fab site at the end of the Babycinno Guest Blog.

    Best Regards,
    Toma, aka The Antiques Diva

  15. I have an art exhibition at Merci starting on Monday...I can't wait...I'm going on Sunday to see it all and your photos have made me doubly excited :)

  16. I sent this post to my daughter, and she and a friend visited Merci today, and LOVED it, as I thought they would. Thank you for this blog and this post, it enables me to connect with my darling in Paris and relate experiences :-)

  17. I visited Merci last February (it had opened before). It's a little disorganized but an interesting concept in retail. Of course I ended up giving directions to Japanese tourists looking for the Picasso museum. They thought I was French, ha ha.


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