
Friday, January 30, 2009

Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Bonnardish still life...,watercolor, 9" x 11"
Yesterday PB reader Jeanne Long sent me this
 interior watercolor she'd painted to show her obsession with blue and white. Wow

Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors Pierre Bonnard:Late Interiors show has just opened at the Met

Pierre Bonnard: The Late InteriorsI raced out the door to catch the gorgeous piles of persimmons

Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors Pomegranets lining the gallery walls. At least 80 pieces on view - one of the richest exhibits I've seen in a long time

Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors Bonnard pinned his canvase to the wall and painted on them directly. They were mounted on stretchers later. Initially the walls were lined up with works in progress.

Pierre Bonnard: The Late InteriorsThere are many preliminary sketches in the show
 Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors Detail of “Dining Room Overlooking the Garden",1930-31 I love his vertical tabletops
Pierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors Plenty of his small daybook sketchbooks are on view.Pierre Bonnard: The Late InteriorsPierre Bonnard: The Late InteriorsPierre Bonnard: The Late InteriorsPierre Bonnard: The Late Interiors I'll be back for more Bonnard. I was too late to buy the lush catalog yesterday
There's an excellent slide show at the Times today on the show.
Don't miss it if you love Bonnard.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    OMG, I'm so jealous, Carol!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bonnard! His paintings are so beautiful. This is great--MORE! I wish I could see this. You're so lucky. I love your painting, too. That blue and white room is to die for--so lovely. Thanks for sharing this--you just made my day.

  2. I think I have to have this catalog. Just scrumptious. Bonnard influenced one of my favorites of all time, Fairfield Porter. Look at all the richness.. just remarkably tactile. Looks like a fantastic show.

  3. Fabulous post & show. Love your painting today!

  4. Amazon has the catalog!!!
    Yep it's a winner of a show.
    And managable and intimate. Not one of those mammoth retrospectives that make me run for cover...

  5. loved your water colour today...and purchased it.
    it will go with the others in my breakfast noon. i am framing them in white and they will go above my shuttered bay window :)

    happiness is a water colour from YOU!

  6. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Oh Carol! ?Thank you so much for including me in this incredibly lovely post!!!!!!!!!

    I have literally been in bed with the flu for twelve days! ?This post is going to get me up and painting again!

    Thank you so much for giving me the nudge! ?

    When I saw the article about Bonnard in the NY Times this morning, I thought of you, and wondered if you had gone. ?What a delight to see you had!

    I love your still life. ?Who could want more?????

  7. I wouldn't miss the opportunity to visit the exhibition. Bonnard has a unique way with colour and composition.

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Mais oui, Bonnard- I must come down and see it - snowed
    in the lovely Berkshires at the moment, dreaming of spring in
    la belle France.

  9. Thank you SO much for showing this - will add it to my Amazon wish list. I recently studied Bonnard's method of working - totally fascinating!

  10. c'est toujours un plaisir de se balader sur ton blog.
    j'ai fait un petit post gourmand sur Paris.
    a bientôt


  11. Anonymous11:53 AM

    This is wonderful stuff!!!!

  12. Anonymous12:31 PM

    OMG! A dear friend, who passed away 2 years ago at age 85, met Bonnard casually when he was a boy in France. Bonnard observed him making a sketch. He always marveled at how the man made a comment about his art, but he didn't realize who the man was [or how significant he was] until much later in life. [You know how old people get - they tell the same story over and over, so I heard this more than once.]
    I wish my friend was still alive for me to show this to.

  13. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Thanks you sooo much for drawing my attention to this show.
    Les Nabis are my absolute favorite painters ever.
    and I was planning a trip to NewYork anyway...

  14. Anonymous1:51 PM

    You brightened my day with Bonnard!

  15. Thank you for pointing out this show...def want to see it ASAP.....

  16. I am jealous.:) I live in the midwest where art shows are not as plentiful as they are in other areas. After living in Europe for ten years, I learned to appreciate art in a way I did not before.

    This is a lovely posting... and refreshing to the eyes.

  17. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Why, why why am I not in NYC????Thank you for the tour!

  18. Thanks for the info on Bonnard. He is definitely one of my favorite artists.

  19. He's one of my favorites too. I think I need to find a way to get to this show, if it will stay there long enough. Definitely want the catalogue too. Thanks for the heads up and the intro to Jeanne!

  20. Anonymous9:12 PM

    How I adore your gorgeous blog!

  21. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Thank you, thank you for this lovely selection of Bonnard, one of my favorite artists. Do you know if this exhibit will be traveling anywhere--perhaps L.A.?
    I have never seen a whole exhibit of Bonnard.


  22. Anonymous4:04 PM


    I just discovered your blog, which I LOVE. Your eye and sense are wonderful
    and I love the watercolors.
    I am also a BIG macaron fan (my whole family
    are fans).

  23. Great post, Carol! Thanks for all the links - and your beautiful work too!

  24. thanks for the heads up on this. was there yesterday - quite wonderful.

  25. How did you manage to photograph the paintings? I saw this amazing exhibition but the guards didn't let me photograph. I'm in awe with Bonnard.

  26. Anonymous12:49 PM

    have u painted these?

  27. I really enjoyed coming across and reading this post on Bonnard. I visited a Bonnard exhibition in Wuppertal last year and found his work very inspiring. I even tried a few takes on Bonnard's fantastic interior scenes myself (if you like, check out

    More in general I like this artistic blog with special attention for Paris! Always nice to meet a Paris fan. Looking forward to following your work of Paris painted dreams!

    Kind regards,



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