
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Au Chat Bleu Paris

Au Chat Bleu Paris This is one of those occasions when you're running from one Metro stop to another.
Au Chat Bleu Paris And you just happen to spot an adorable chocolate shop...
Au Chat Bleu Paris You have no time to run inside, so you snap a bunch of pictures.

Au Chat Bleu Paris Hoping to come back and sample the goodies at a later date.
Au Chat Bleu Paris
Of course you promptly forget about it until you get home
and peruse your Paris photos at leisure and wish you had.
Au Chat Bleu Paris
Au Bleu Chat Chocolatier is quite a traditional French bonbon shop, around since 1912, with no aspirations to high-end percentage % chocolate, just plain good fun.
Au Chat Bleu Paris This is where you can be a kid again and drool over the windows. Faire du lèche-vitrine
Au Chat Bleu Paris And study the lengthy detailed descriptions of each bonbon.YUM!
Au Chat Bleu Paris Of course being a French chocolate shop, they must have jam(confiture). Probably tea too is sold.
Au Chat Bleu Paris
Just as a reminder.
Au Chat Bleu Paris Shall we all meet here next time?
Au Chat Bleu 85, bd Haussmann 75008 Paris
A la prochaine
And is there such a thing as a blue cat?
Of course there is. A Russian blue
He is residing in a New York shop window at the moment.
Au Chat Bleu Paris


  1. Thank you Carol, I didn't know this place. Shame on me!Now I wish I had one of these caramel salé chocolate...Miam miam

  2. Would love to meet you there Carol!

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Oh! I got chocolate there when I was in Paris in October and brought it to my friends' home as a hostess gift for their kind invitation to dinner for me and my children. The chocolate was lovely. The proprieters were lovely (an older man and woman). And yes, not a high end place. Just a pretty, little place.

    Next time, stop in and get the chocolates. It's worth the moment.

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Oh dear, it's a bit too soon after the holidays to crave chocolate. This shop is lovely and I will keep the address for further reference for the next time I head up to Paris.
    Thanks for your delicious post!

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    How wonderful to be reminded of a Russian Blue cat that I had many many years ago. It did indeed have a blue or lavenderish sheen to its gray fur. Russian Blues tend to become attached to one particular person in a household, and "Mouse" was very upset when I went to the hospital in labor. She paced around the house until my husband brought back my pillow; then she went to sleep on the pillow. But she was even more upset when I came through the door carrying an infant! Poor old Mouse! We have all loved many pets since her demise. But we cannot get another cat while we have a collection of medieval porcelain. My daughter loved the story I told her about how Mouse knocked down a potted plant, dashed across the apartment in a flash, so that by the time the pot hit the floor, she had already composed herself, sitting with her back to the mess, and turned around as if to say, what was that? Don't you just love how amoral cats are?


  6. Love this story!!!
    And your cat's name, "Mouse"

  7. I'll take 2 jars of that lovely jam, and then I will pop over to New York to pick up that lovely kitty cat!

  8. The photo of the sleeping cat is really nice! I've just taken the freedom to post it in my tumblr (


  9. I have a blue cat!!! He's a Russian Blue, and his name? Blueberry of course!!!

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I love the logo! The mustache cat looks so cute :3

  11. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Have you ever been to La Mere de Famille? I have always wanted to get there but have gotten waylaid. In May/June for sure because it is close to a miniatures shop I need to get to.


  12. I think Paris will run out of chocolate shops about the time we run out of interest... never! ;-) Love the logo, too. m...just as I was about to let go all the holiday one more piece....maybe two.

  13. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Bien sûr!
    See you Au Chat Bleu.
    A demain?
    This will be a nice sweet destination for me tomorrow.
    About a 25 min walk from our apartment, or if the weather is like it was a few days ago, it Bus ligne 84 for me!


  14. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Had to head to work today in the dreary rain, so just now seeing these delightful chocolates and goodies. Lovely, CArol!

  15. What a YUMMY post! I would love to meet at the shop for chocolat! Lovely kitty in the window!

  16. You manage to make blue seem happy. How do you do that?

  17. Anonymous9:44 PM

    That cat on their sign looks an awful lot like Felix....of the same vintage, I believe.

  18. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Is this shop close to where the little insurrection took place several days ago?

  19. Oh YUK a cat in a shop window. I have a friend with 6 cats and I spend all my time standing up in her house because I don't like them jumping on me. Sorry just not a cat lover but love that chocolat shop :)

  20. Anonymous10:26 PM

    I enjoyed your blog and photos! Au chat bleu is my preferred chocolate shop in Paris. They offer glace (homemade ice-cream) in the summer time. Wish I had some of their chocolate right now!

  21. This is probably the best chocolate place, not just in Paris but in whole France, believe me. I've been hooked on it as a kid at the original store in Le Touquet, a french seaside town in Pas de Calais region.
    Every time I go back home (Paris) i have to go get my fix of Chat bleu treats and bring some back with me to the states. Got quite a few Americans hooked too.
    I'm so sorry you missed out trying these yummy bites of happiness. I've got to go back. The Chat Bleu is the only excuse you need.

  22. very dear friend shops Au Chat Bleu for my (very welcomed) Christmas presents, each year. He gets me two standards (chocolate sauce and confiture de framboises) and a surprise...This year was tomates vertes (awesome on a burger)...last year, pear and walnut (mmmm) and the year before, Rose (to me even MORE romantic than the flowers)...


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