
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pierre Herme's Noel

Pierre Herme Noel,watercolor on Etsy,sold 5.5" x 7.5
Yesterday I got Pierre Herme's latest newsletter announcing his newest holiday creations. And the Pierre Herme Dessert Collection has just come in!
Photo courtesy of Photo courtesy of Pierre
If you can't hop on the Metro to pick up your very own Buche Ispahan
You can easily substitute this 3/4" mini version - ingredients:
biscuit macaron à la rose, crème aux pétales de rose, letchis et framboises fraîches

This fab green number (Buche Montebello) is also available in a mini version.
Photo courtesy of upside down and backwards.
There are 5 sets included for the mini-mad collectors....
Photo courtesy of PierreHerme.comPhoto courtesy of Pierre
As well as very mini versiona of Herme's new perfumed candles- Sucre de Bois and Herbe d'amandes.
If you live in New York or Brooklyn you can taste some of Mitzy's lovely not so mini macarons...
She will be at a flea market in Brooklyn this weekend...YUM
If you would like to receive Pierre Herme's newsletter,


  1. How many delights in today's post!
    The watercolour, as delicate and beatiful as always. Congratulations.

  2. Love your flowery teacup, Carol--very sweet. I think I gained ten pounds just reading this post.

  3. Hey Carol! I know I've been completely MIA (and did you know I only noticed this week that you left all those comments on my flickr account, thank you! I've only just started to check it recently). Anyway, those are beautiful and how I miss being able to wander over to his shop. Pssst...and just so you know, it's Joyeux Noel. =)

  4. Anonymous11:00 AM

    This is why I love receiving your post! Beautiful Buche Ispahan! Thank you ;)

  5. That buche Ispahan is a thing of beauty. You should paint it since you won't get to eat it.

  6. MARSI, what a good idea!
    I'm not sure I want to eat it...
    It's a little too pink for me.
    Now if it was caramel color that would be different.

  7. Um, as to your last comment, Ms. CarolG, you are the artist. You can make it more caramel colour if you want.

  8. Anonymous10:04 PM

    But even if you do make it more caramel color, you still won't want to eat it - still too pink. I'm with you on this one.
    Does Pierre leak his new creations to the mini makers or are the mini makers just using corporate espionage to get them while they're new?

  9. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Carol, your drawing is incredible as always!
    BTW, I just received the bandai's PH miniature collection, they are so cute.
    Thanks for the shout out, it's very nice of you :-)
    Hope to see you again soon...

  10. Yum. I love that red macaron in the cascade photo. Well all of them look delicious.

  11. I do hope you are not going to have a Mini Christmas as well. This mini thing is getting our of hand :)


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